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adam-weissmanWebsites: Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, TradeJustice

Adam Weissman is an organizer with Global Justice for Animals and the Environment (GJAE), an organization addressing the threat posed by free trade agreements to animals; the environment; safe, ethical, and sustainable food; and the human rights of environmental defenders.

Adam also represents Global Justice for Animals and the Environment in TradeJustice New York Metro, a coalition of organizations from diverse social justice and environmental movements working together to resist the NAFTA free trade model.

TradeJustice NY Metro Info

Email: [email protected]Web: http://tradejustice.net

Twitter: @OWSTradeJustice • FB Page: http://tradejustice.net/fbp • FB Group: http://tradejustice.net/fbg

Donate: http://tradejustice.net/donate • Email List Signup: http://tradejustice.net/elists

Photo Gallery: https://tradejustice.shutterfly.com/ • Youtube Channel: http://tradejustice.net/yt

Causes.com Profile: https://www.causes.com/tradejustice-ny-metro

Causes.com Campaign: https://www.causes.com/stoptpp

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