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Show Items
Richard’s Items:
Farewell to Joseph Patrick Skipper of
November 30, 1942 – January 09, 2018
Joseph was a loving husband and a very private man whose passion for Mars Anomalies drove him to share his finds with his colleagues and the world. His enthusiasm for the work inspired many and has contributed to the groundswell of attention given to this important part of our history. We take a moment to reflect on his contributions…his labor of love.
Thank you Joseph Patrick Skipper!
Dr. Tom Valone’s Items:
Click here to view the Modern Meditation slideshow
1- Modern meditation chapter recent activity on Research Gate
3- Dr. Thoma Valone on the History Channel
4- Dr. Valone explaining at Meditation at the Global BEM
9- Dr. Lazar’s Ted Talk Video: Meditation Thickens Cortex
The slide below is maybe the best and most recent addition. It is a summary of Dr. Lazar’s brain scans of meditators proving that their frontal lobes got thicker! She states unequivocally in her TED talk that the 50 year old brains were converted to the cognitive frontal cortex of a 20 year old.
11- Dr. Khalsa, author of Brain Longevity, audio track:
12- Brain Supplement: I highly recommend a nootropic supplement called NEU. Its available on Amazon. It has the best brain ingredients ever and actually helps mental cognition. I buy a box at a time.
14- A paperback book by Dr. Valone entitled, Modern Meditation: Science and Shortcuts is based on meditation training workshops that have been led by Dr. Valone for various audiences for years, including the American Cancer Society, the Food and Agriculture Office of the UN, the Natural Living Expo, the Science and Consciousness Conference, and the US Patent Office. The full slideshow presentation which is the basis for the book is called “Modern Meditation in the Workplace” and is available for free, online. Click here to view the Modern Meditation slideshow (45 MB PDF). However, if you want to hear all of the four audio excerpts, you need to “SAVE link as” or “Save target as” and then open in Adobe PDF Reader which enables the audio tracks if you click on the speaker icon (which has a box around it) in the appropriate slides (the first one says “CLICK” to make it easy but you may have to click more than once and possibly even “Trust this Host” on the bar across the top of your screen first). This slideshow has been used to train groups in the Modern Meditation method, including the US Patent and Trademark Office, which will reduce cortical thinning and even beta amyloid plaques that normally accumulate in the brain with age and have been linked to Alzheimer’s Disease. The three step technique developed by Dr. Valone has been proven to work for anyone and improve brain function and immune system response. The Modern Meditation book contains an easy-to-read, 3-step process to achieve a deep, powerful meditative state on a regular basis for only 15 minutes a day. Simply visit the IRI Order Page or to order this or any other book by Dr. Valone
· Check out a great meditation reference article at Scientific American on the “Mind of a Meditator” and another short one at Time magazine. Many more articles like this are included in the Appendix to the book.
There are many books on meditation but Modern Meditation: Science and Shortcuts offers the easiest and most direct method for learning the modern technique for obtaining these benefits:
· Orderliness of Brain Functioning
· Improved Ability to Focus
· Increased Creativity
· Deeper Level of Relaxation
· Improved Perception and Memory
· Development of Intelligence
· Natural Change in Breathing
· Decrease in Stress Hormone
· Lower Blood Pressure
· Reversal of Aging Process
· Reduced Need for Medical Care
· Reduction in Cholesterol
· Increased Self-Actualization
· Increased Strength of Self-Concept
· Decreased Cigarette, Alcohol, and Drug Abuse
· Increased Productivity and Hearing Ability
· Improved Relations at Work
· Increased Relaxation and Decreased Stress
· Improved Health and More Positive Health Habits
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE
Thomas Valone, PhD, PE
Integrity Research Institute
5020 Sunnyside Avenue, Suite 209
Beltsville MD 20705
301-220-0440, 800-295-7674
FAX: 301-513-5728
THOMAS F. VALONE, PHD, PE is a physicist and licensed professional engineer with over 30 years professional experience, is a former patent examiner, research engineer, instrumentation designer, CEO, and currently an author, lecturer, and consultant on future energy developments. He was Research Director for Scott Aviation-ATO, Inc., founder of Integrity Research Institute and the inventor of such electrotherapy devices as the EM Pulser, EM PulsePad, OsteoPad, and the high voltage Premier Junior. Dr. Valone also supervised the design and construction of the world’s first narrowband 60 Hz gaussmeter without harmonic distortion and the first dental mercury vapor ionizer-precipitator. He is the author of Zero Point Energy: The Fuel of the Future, Practical Conversion of Zero Point Energy, The Homopolar Handbook, Electrogravitics Systems, Electrogravitics II, Bioelectromagnetic Healing, PROCEEDINGS OF THE FIRST TO NINTH CONFERENCES ON FUTURE ENERGY, and over 100 reports and articles. He is a member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, National Space Society, and the Union of Concerned Scientists. His works have been published in German, Korean, French, Russian, and English.