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Show Items
3- Sen. Nelson Not Backing Down From Claims Of Russian Election Penetration
4- Dan Coats, DNI, invokes 9/11 in warning of potentially crippling cyberattacks
5- Aretha Franklin, Indomitable ‘Queen of Soul,’ Dies at 76
6- House of Trump, House of Putin: The Untold Story of Donald Trump and the Russian Mafia
‘9/11 Witness Items’:
Robert Alexander’s Items:
Robert Alexander is a native of California, a father and grandfather.
1- Sworn Jurat Affidavit of Robert Alexander – Aug. 6, 2018
Greg Ford’s Item:
Affidavit of Greg Ford Notarized Aug. 14, 2018
Barbara Honegger’s Items:
1) Clear and Present Danger to The November Election
‘National Security Officials Reaffirm Russia’s Work to Undermine U.S. Elections’,
Audio and Transcript of White House Press Room Briefing, Aug. 2, 2018, NPR
‘Senator Bill Nelson: The Russians have penetrated some Florida voter registration systems’, Tampa Bay Times, Aug. 8. 2018
2) Charlottesville Anniversary:
Trump Isn’t ‘Just’ Stoking White Supremacists, He’s Their Leader
His Bedside Reading Was ‘Hitler’s Compiled Speeches’ and
Associates Saluted ‘Heil Hitler!’ When Entering His Trump Tower Office
3) The Real Goal of the ‘Meese’ Kavanaugh Nomination:
Return to Pre-Civil War, Pre-14th Amendment America
“Citizenship Should Not Be a Birthright”, Michael Anton,
Washington Post, July 18, 2018
“What Brett Kavanaugh Must Be Asked about Torture, Guantanamo
and Mass Surveillance”, The New Yorker, July 24, 2018
4) 9/11 Breakthrough:
Memos by Two Dozen 9/11 Truth Leaders Delivered to Trump
Barbara and 25 Other 9/11 Truth Movement Leaders have just delivered historic Memos to President Trump detailing what really happened on 9/11 and Who Did It, and calling on him to host a live-televised Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit in the days leading up to this Sept. 11th.
4A- 9/11 Memos to Trump with Steele’s Transmittal Letter at the top summarizing what he’s calling on Trump to do — hold a live televised Presidential 9/11 Truth Summit in the days leading up to the Sept. 11th Anniversary where he calls the authors of the Memos to D.C. to give testimony on television, as well as expose 9/11 Truth from the Memos in Trump’s planned Address to the National on Sept. 11th. To get to the individual Memos, includingBarbara Honegger’s, scroll down to below the second appearance of the Flyer with all of the Authors’ photos around the borders. You’ll see that Steele wrote up Judy Woods’ himself as She wasn’t willing to do so:
4B- Steele’s Transmittal Letter (Cover Memo). Note that the very first action he calls on Trump to do is to ask AG Sessions to call the U.S. Attorney in New York and tell him to expedite our Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry Petition to convene a special criminal Grand Jury to reinvestigate the destruction of the Twin Towers and WTC7. Barbara Honegger is a Co-Author of that Petition which was filed with the U.S. Attorney in Manhattan on April 10th:
4C-101 Page Booklet with All the Memos to Trump and Steele’s Transmittal Letter in one document with Table of Contents. This is intended to be printed out in hard copy for Trump so the embedded links may not be live, as they are at the first version above:
5) Made It Easy For You. WATCH THIS. ALL of Your Questions Will Be Answered.
Behind The Smoke Curtain:
Reactions of 9/11 Truth Leaders to
Behind the Smoke Curtain:
What Happened at The Pentagon on 9/11,
and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters
By Barbara Honegger, M.S.
“This will transform the discussion of what happened on 9/11.” — Prof. David Ray Griffin, Dean of the 9/11 Truth Movement
“Your presentation blew…me…away!” — Richard Gage, AIA, Founder, Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth
“This changes everything! Great Work! Blockbuster! — Robin Hordon, Former Boston FAA Air Traffic Controller
“I want to congratulate you. This is very carefully researched and clearly presented. It is, without question, the most coherent account of the Pentagon operation that I have ever heard and seen.” — Prof. Graeme MacQueen, MacMaster University, Canada
“This is brilliant scholarship. You represent the 9/11 Truth Movement with honor and knowledge.” — Jerry Mazza, Associate Editor, Intrepid Report and Former Associate Editor, Online Journal “This is a MAGNIFICENT presentation! You’ve PROVEN that the damage and deaths at the Pentagon were caused by pre-planted explosives!” [Caps in original]– Barry Kissin, Esq., Attorney and Anthrax Attacks Expert
“You are the only Pentagon researcher who is both honest and presents a coherent model.” — Prof. Niels Harrit, Ph.D., Copenhagan, Denmark
“My son just sent me a message asking for the best docs on 9/11 and I recommended your two documentaries, Behind The Smoke Curtain and the 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour – tested in the fire of time and still the two best presentations on 9/11 – EVER! — Cynthia McKinney, Former Member of Congress and Candidate for President of the Green Party “Barbara Honegger is the most underappreciated, greatest 9/11 Truth person on The Planet.” — Prof. Kevin Barrett, Truth Jihad and False Flag Weekly News Radio Show Host.
“Well done! Excellent Presentation!” — Annie Machon, Former British MI-5 Agent and Co-founder, London 9/11 Truth
“This is the very best I’ve seen on the Pentagon attack.”– Gregory Ziegler, Former U.S. Army Intelligence Officer, Counterintelligence / HUMINT / Tactical Intelligence
“Breathtakingly amazing work! Completely stunning in its logic, order of presentation and painstaking detail of the research.”– Lt. Dennis Morrisseau, Vermont 9/11 Truth
“This talk is amazing and revelatory — one of the most compelling I’ve seen in the 9/11 Truth Movement.”– Byron Bellitsos, Executive Director of Senator Mike Gravel’s Campaign for State Initiatives for a New 9/11 Investigation
“This is by far the best information I’ve seen on anything having to do with 9/11. I showed your DVD to my group at the monthly August [2011] meeting, and everyone was blown away by the amount and quality of the information and the completeness of the picture you gave us.” — James Hufferd, Ph.D. Founder, 911 Truth of Central Iowa and Coordinator of 911 Truth Grassroots Organization
“You’ve done a great job and an outstanding service to the 9/11 Truth Community and to our country in tirelessly separating the wheat from the chaff on the Pentagon question. We are all extremely grateful for this.” — Dr. Tim Eastman, Ph.D., Plasma Physicist and Science Adviser to Prof. David Ray Griffin, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
“Very effective, powerful and convincing regarding the Pentagon. Your standard should be the 9/11 Truth movement standard!”– Liz Gould, Afghanistan expert and co-author with Paul Fitzgerald of Invisible History: Afghanistan’s Untold Story and Crossing Zero: The AfPak War at the Turning Point of American Empire, former documentary producers for CBS News, ABC “Nightline” and PBS TV.
“This is a great presentation, indeed! Thank you for condensing so much info on so many aspects of the event.”– George Ripley, Washington, D.C. 9/11 Truth, National Organizer for Senator Mike Gravel’s State Initiative Campaign for a New 9/11 Investigation “Barbara Honegger’s presentation puts her in the forefront of Pentagon researchers. Behind The Smoke Curtain is a masterful job, not only of presenting the truth about the Pentagon attack, but interweaving it with the geopolitical context.” — Ken Freeland, Organizer and Moderator of the 9/11 and Other Deep State Crimes Teleconference
“Your presentation on the evidence that massive damage caused at the Pentagon by explosives on 9/11 is amazing.” — Richard Krushnic, Greater Boston Area 9/11 Truth Alliance
“This presentation is great !” — Jim Marrs, New York Times Bestselling Author on 9/11
“Awesome! That was one hell of a presentation!” — Don Fox, 2012 Vancouver Hearings, June 2012
“This presentation gives us a clear narration of what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11. It answers key questions such as how a plane approaching the Pentagon could go undetected, why the time of the attack was so important, and how the debris on the northern part of the lawn could be accounted for.” — Dean Hartwell, Attorney, Vancouver 9/11 Hearings, June 2012
“This Is GREAT WORK !” [Caps in original] — Chris Emery, Oklahoma City Investigator and Producer of the Documentary ‘A Noble Lie’
“This presentation is a tour de force!” — Bob Cable, Boston 9/11 Truth
“Mission Accomplished! Hats Off !!” — Tom Kiely, New York 9/11 Truth and radio show host
“This is excellent, fascinating and important work.” — Chris Carlisle, Northern California 9/11 Truth
“This is the most important 9/11 presentation I have seen. It destroys the official version of what happened at the Pentagon with an incredible amount of facts and detail.” — Tom Dietrich, Peoria, Illinois 9/11 Truth
“This is the most important 9/11 presentation I have seen. It destroys the official version of what happened at the Pentagon with an incredible amount of facts and detail.” — Tom Dietrich, Peoria, Illinois 9/11 Truth
“This is the most important presentation about 9/11 that I have ever seen.” — Alexandra, Forbidden Knowledge TV
“This presentation was mind blowing, even for those of us ‘in the know.’ Everyone who has seen it are impressed and astounded!” — Dick Kennedy, Michigan 9/11 Truth
“This Seattle presentation is truly a breakthrough event!” — Jonathan Mark, FlyByNews
7) See ‘Witnesses Items’ above
8) Update on Exciting 9/11 Anniversary Events Sept. 10th and 11th
that will be live-streamed from NYC and Washington, D.C.
Monday, Sept. 10th, New York City: 6:30 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.:
Jefferson Market Public Library, West Village (Greenwich Village)
First Floor Auditorium
Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry (LC) Event announcing the filing of a legal action requiring the U.S. Attorney for the Southern District of New York to ‘do his duty’ to convene a special criminal Grand Jury per the Grand Jury Petition on WTC 1, 2 and 7 filed with the Court on April 10th. Six LC Board Members including Barbara will participate as well as Richard Gage, AIA, who, with Attorney and LC Executive Director Mick Harrison will give a summary of the WTC 1, 2 and 7 Evidence in the filed Petition. The Event will be live-streamed by and piped live into Courthouse Vigils in cities and towns around the country organized by the 9/11 Truth Action Project (TAP). For more information about the Vigils, which are independent of the main NYC LC Event, and/or to set one up in your city or town, go to the site and/or contact Bill Jacoby at: [email protected]. The video of the Event will also be archived at the website.
Tuesday, Sept. 11th, New York City:
1) For Eight Hours:
Beginning with the official ‘Reading of the Names’ at the 9/11 Memorial of the c. 3,000 victims of the Sept. 11th attacks, the ‘9/11 Truth Truck’ with giant video screens on both sides will drive around Ground Zero ‘reading’ the names of the Millions of Victims of the 9/11 Wars on the Theme ‘9/11 Killed 3,000. The 9/11 Wars Have Killed Millions’. The ‘Reading of ALL The Names’ will include Afghani, Iraqi, Syrian, Yemeni, US Service Members, etc. victims of the illegal unilateral 9/11 Wars based on the Official 9/11 Lie.
2) All Day: Outdoor Event at the 9/11 Tiles for America Memorial in West Village not far from the Jefferson Market Library, the venue of the main LC Event the night before, sponsored by Dusty Berke of West View News who is the official owner of the 9/11 Tiles, with live music. West View News, a monthly and one two local Manhattan papers, published an Op-ed by the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry in its June issue at
Be sure to scroll to the bottom and post a Comment. The main audience for the Comments is the Publisher whose mind is critical to open and bring around to 9/11 Truth so that he publishes much more in the future.
3) 7:00 to 9:00 p.m. 9/11 Interfaith Memorial gathering, Quaker Meeting Hall, 15 Rutherford Place, NYC. Prayer, Meditation and ‘Speak Out’ Event sponsored by NYC 9/11 Truth Action Project (TAP).
Tuesday, Sept. 11th, Washington, D.C.
1:00 to 3:00 p.m. (check closer to Sept. 11th for final start time). Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (A&E) Event on the Capitol Hill Mall with A&E Founder and President Richard Gage, AIA, and former Georgia Representative and Green Party Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney. Jesse Ventura invited but not yet confirmed. Attendees may continue to the Busboy and Poet pub/cafe and event center following the Event. A&E will also be setting up appointments with the offices of Members of Congress to ask for sponsors for the Bobby McIlvaine WTC Investigation Act. Anyone interested in participating in these office visits should contact Richard Gage at [email protected].
Tuesday, Sept. 11th, Oakland, Calif.
3:00 to 11:00 p.m. 9/11 Film Festival – Grand Lake Theater, also live-streame at For a list of Films and Speakers, go to
9) The Sirius Point: The Three Pyramids at Giza ‘Point to’
this all important Great Temple of ISIS hidden beneath
the sands of Egypt, which may also be the site of the
long sought Hall of Records
Barbara Honegger. M.S., a member of the Grand Jury Petition drafting committee, has served as White House Policy Analyst, Director of the Attorney General’s Law Review at the Dept. of Justice, and from 1995 to 2001 was Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Dept. of Defense. A leading researcher, author, documentarian and public speaker on the events of Sept. 11th, she played a key role in achieving the declassification and release of the ‘28 Pages’ which led to the passage of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act that has enabled the lawsuits of thousands of 9/11 Victims’ Family Members to finally move forward in the Courts.
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With the release of the transcripts this week now showing how egregiously wrong Barbara is on the subject of Trump/Russia/FBI motives, perhaps this program should be removed from the web site. RCH’s association with her will damage credibility. “Birds of a feather flock together”.
This was another terrific show. Well done Richard!
This show is excellent. It is another one that is makes history as it is aired. Thanks again Richard.
she says trump is in putin’s pocket….come on… i turned it off after that conment
I stopped listening to OSSM for months due to RCH being infected with Trump Derangement Syndrome. I turned off last nights show after the monologue.. and I may have to stop listening entirely if this Trump Bashing continues.
Message Body: I believe the left wing loonies will blame the Russians for the upcoming losses because they can’t handle the fact that they will lose vs. Republicans and Trump backers. Now RCH, that is just my opinion, but obviously I’m not alone. Please explore both sides of your guests’ claims.
Barbara….you are so wrong….I feel sorry for you. How can RCH support this idea without giving the other side. We’ll see what happens with this interview, but you guys are pushing me out of the fandom.
Barbara, Trump fired Stroz because he FAILED at his job, you cant have it both ways.
gee…..great comment box….all comments are disregarded….thanks for the honest conversation…..”it pains me to announce, i richard c, am discontinuing tosom. my content was railroaded by infiltrating Trump haters and my audience all voted for Trump. it was worth it. i dont have a show but i stood up for barbara hoeneggers sob story”
My comments got tossed last night. Glad to see a few got through. This Honegger should be on the Alex Jones Show. Not here.
Democrats are the racists not Republicans. Look at history. Lincoln was Republican. The Klan all democrats. As far as white men under seige its all the left screams about. Do you even watch your own news?
stop this sing song high pitch woe is my gender CRAP
Now it is being preached that Trump is anti-immigration, although Trump has clearly stated that he is anti Illegal immigration, and thus Trump is a racist. The “alt-right” is being tied to Trump, but for anyone who researches actual facts will find the ties of racism are connected to the far-left Democratic side. Want proof of that? See the move Death of a Nation where the Charlottesville “leader” is interviewed and tells you thus. This is the same CRAP that MSNBC and CNN force down our throats, and anyone who disagrees with Honegger’s notions is racist. What about following actual data and searching for facts now, Richard? Trump hating opinions are not facts. I’m not a Trump supporter, but I do appreciate truth. I’m hearing such bias, such uninformed, fact-ignorant propaganda that I’m ready to give up on this “science” show. …And now we are moving on to trashing Ronald Reagan… Progressive mentality is PREGRESSIVE mentality and demands deception.
once again…..tosom going political and ignoring essentially your entire audience when we say “we hated hillary and she lost and we are average Americans; accuse us of being racist to our face” You ruined a revolutionary radio show….you made it look easy….we’re very disappointed
‘Trump derangement syndrome’ comes to O.S.O.M. (sigh)
I’m a libertarian, and I don’t worship The Donald — but for god’s sake, please just stick to covering false flags & suppressed science, and leave the radical leftist political whining to a million other neoliberal outlets. I listen to OSOM to get away from this stuff !
After listening to you for :40 minutes, now, I think you’d do great on MSNBC. You’ve got that just right level of misinformed “facts” to promote an unhealthy Trump hatred that so many want to embrace.
So, we get to listen to someone typing during Richard’s opening monologue, typing loud enough to compete with what he’s saying. I post a comment on the TOSOM comment section, or at least tried to, to get someone’s attention. Comment never displayed.
Richard plays music that sounds like he’s holding a microphone to an old, handheld AM radio instead of using a line-in.
The first guest segment sounds just like something from MSNBC and CNN, all about how evil Trump is. Selective facts and context along with misinformation to support hatred…
During the first commercial, we get to hear the typing again, and the commercial sounds like the AM radio thing again.
We’re supposed to pay monthly to support this level of vexellence? Good gods…
Re: Typing…Unfortunately…Barbara just got Skype and did not realize that it could be heard.
Or is Trump Derangement Syndrome going to cause a Republican MidTerm Tsunami?
This woman is a paranoid idiot. Let her go on the Alex Jones Show, and not here.
911 “inside” job?
Bye, bye…see you next week, Richard.
Whoever is typing while Richard speaks is doing so Very Loudly. That is annoying.
See the reply to the posting two above yours for the answer.