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Show Items
Richard’s Items:
1- ‘Paradise’ lost: 9 dead after Northern California wildfire engulfs entire town, officials say
2- Stunning NASA Photos Show California’s Devastating Wildfires From Space
3- President Trump Threatens to Pull Federal Funding Over Deadly California Wildfires
Kynthea’s Item:
David Nicol‘s Items:
1- Subtle Activism: A Rising Planetary Force
2- Subtle Activism: The Power of the Group Field
3- Subtle Activism: A Vital Book and Path for our Times
5- Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY series in Transpersonal and Humanistic Psychology) Click on Cover for more Info.
6-Earth Rising: Our Sacred Destiny to Heal Ourselves and Uplift Our World, Together
7- The Passion of the Western Mind: Understanding the Ideas that Have Shaped Our World View
Click on Cover to Buy
Dr. David T. Nicol
David T. Nicol, Ph.D., is the executive director and co-founder of the Gaiafield Project, and co-founder of BeThePeace and WiseUSA, two initiatives that have united tens of thousands of people worldwide for large-scale meditations dedicated to social change. He is the author of Subtle Activism: The Inner Dimension of Social and Planetary Transformation (SUNY Press), the first comprehensive study of the idea that focused collective meditation and intention can contribute powerfully and measurably to social change.
David has taught on Subtle Activism at the California Institute of Integral Studies, The Shift Network, and the Institute for Subtle Activism. He is the founder and director of the online Earth Rising Community, a growing global community of people who meet weekly to harness the power of coherent group consciousness for personal healing and collective transformation. A former environmental lawyer from Australia, David now lives in North California with his wife Kate.
John R. Francis
John R. Francis is a retired college mathematics professor who specialized in statistics and experimental design. He also has degrees in physics and psychology. In the early 1970’s he served in the Pacific Seventh Fleet as a U.S. Naval Officer aboard a guided missile destroyer.
In 1975 he had a profound near-death experience that permanently expanded his mind out of its previous limited, rational boundaries. He now views life as a highly purposeful and multidimensional, evolutionary expression of one universal consciousness.
His areas of metaphysical expertise include sacred geometry, spiritual self-defense and heart-centered meditation. Furthermore, he has deciphered numerical codes that unlock the deepest secrets of key religious scriptures. John is the author of “The Mystic Way of Radiant Love.”
Yes- get every one to meditate, then insert yours and your group’s ideals.
Oh yeah great- get every one to meditate, then insert yours and your group’s ideals.
I’d like to know David’s motivation. Why a move to California? His early background. What’s his definition of improving the quality of life and whose lives are we talking about? Are we going to be meditating to facilitate his and his cronies ideals? I like a grass roots approach to improving our lives in this country one that reflects the common man’s ideals- family, work etc.
Possible duplicate post: Look at Wikipedia article “Uranus”. Fact box at right says Uranus tilt is 97.77 degrees. 97.77 / 360 =.2715833 – very close to harmonic of “e”. Significant or not.?
Possible Duplicate Post:
Go to Wikipedia article “Uranus. Look at fact box on right. It states Uranus’ orbital axial tilt is 97.77 degrees. 97.77 /360 = .2715833 – very close to harmonic of “e”. ???????? Significant or not?
Save Earth from what?