2020/04/25 – Chris – Page 3

Home »  2020/04/25 – Chris – Page 3

Guest’s Page
Fast links to Items:  RichardAndrewBobWilRonTimothyChris
Fast links to Bios: – AndrewBobWilRonKeithTimothyKyntheaChrisGrossinger


Chris’ Items:

1.  Face on Mars low sun angle


2. 2004 Spirit Landing sight Enterprise Mission


3. Lapetus _ Death Star


4. Transport Shuttle


4b. Transport Shuttle – Close up


5. Curiosity pump close up


6a. Runway #5 Mt. Sharp 


6b.  Runway #5 Mt. Sharp – Close up


7. Wheels & axle


8a. Speak No Evil


8b. Mark Twain qoute


9. Clip
Chandra mentions the likely biology or “brewery” effect as you segued from Mars oxygen to comet issues….

Guest’s Page
Fast links to Items:  RichardAndrewBobWilRonTimothyChris
Fast links to Bios: – AndrewBobWilRonKeithTimothyKyntheaChrisGrossinger