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Tonight … we’re “doing” dinosaurs ….
Long before “Jurassic Park,” how many kids — in their early visits to the local library — one day, serendipitously discovered their first, startlingly realistic (to a ten-year-old) picture-book on “dinosaurs” — the long-extinct “fearfully-great lizards” (from the word’s Greek roots)?–
And … were hooked.
My guest tonight, citizen-scientist and author Max Hawthorne, obviously never got over his first “library dinosaur experience” — not only becoming a dedicated amateur paleontologist, but a best-selling author on the “fearfully-great-creatures” as well ….
In our own, totally independent “Enterprise” paleontological inquiries, it’s looking more and more like “the dinosaurs” did NOT succumb “in an afternoon” to the now, scientifically-accepted “random asteroid strike.”
Rather, from our evidence … “the dinosaurs” were carefully … deliberately … KILLED — by an ancient asteroid impact in the Yucatan … precisely targeted … to “19.5 degrees!”
Join us … as we explore, potentially, “the most monstrous, ancient solar system GENOCIDE of all time” … and what led up to it.
Richard C. Hoagland
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Fast links to Bios: Max
Trump Administration Suddenly Announces
Return of American Astronauts to the Moon …
Before End of President Trump’s Second Term!
Find Out “Why” Here:
Click on Image for
The Presidential Briefing
SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
SUN. 4 am GMT
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Max
Fast links to Bios: Max
Show Items
Richard’s Items:
1. Masks Help Stop the Spread of Coronavirus – The Science Is Simple
2.Face Masks Greatly Reduce Risk of COVID-19: Watch This Video to See How
3. GPS coordinates of Chicxulub crater, Mexico. Latitude: 21.4000 Longitude: -89.5167
4. A breathtaking ‘ring of fire’ solar eclipse will adorn our skies this weekend
Kynthea’s item:
1. Should you take the COVID19 Test? 10 min
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Max
Fast links to Bios: Max
Max’s Items:
1. How Plesiosaurs Swam: New Insights into Their Underwater Flight Using “Ava”, a Virtual Pliosaur
3. How Sea Dragons Swam – Plesiosaur Locomotion, by Max Hawthorne
4. The 1918 Port Stephens Shark – Was It A Megalodon?
8. Sasquatch – The Eyes Have It . . . By Max Hawthorne
9. Max’s book links on-site (includes cover photos and links to Amazon and B&N
10. Mace – Max’s Siberian Forest Cat
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Max
Fast links to Bios: Max
Max Hawthorne
Twitter: @max_hawthorne
Max Hawthorne
Known as the “Prince of Paleo-fiction”, Max Hawthorne was born in Brooklyn and attended school in Philadelphia, where he graduated from the University of the Arts. He is the author of the award-winning KRONOS RISING novel series, as well as MEMOIRS OF A GYM RAT, an outrageous exposé of the health club industry. In addition to being a bestselling indie novelist, he is an amateur paleontologist, a Blog Talk Radio host, a voting member of the Author’s Guild, an IGFA world-record-holding angler, and an avid sportsman and conservationist. His hobbies include archery, fishing, boating, boxing, and the collection of fossils and antiquities. He lives in the Greater Northeast with his wife, daughter, and an enormous Siberian Forest Cat who, when he’s not stalking Max’s toes, sleeps on his desk as he writes.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Max
Fast links to Bios: Max
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Re: face masks
Pick (or cherry-pick) your “science”
Thank you, Daniel.
Actually, we at ‘The Other Side of the News’ have a running debate with Richard about Masks.
I’ll add your links to our show. 🙂
The plesiosaur’s non coplanar fin placement is analogous to the oars of an ancientô bireme or even a trireme.
Re flying through water? That’s exactly what penguins do.
The plesiosaur’s non coplanar fin placement is analogous to the oars of an ancientô bireme or even a trireme.
Hi Richard,
I like your frequent emphasis on space and other science. Although I am an evangelical Christian I am also interested in dinosaurs and think some of them could have been devastated by the Chicxulub asteroid impact but that it was during the worldwide flood of Noah and part of the cause of the fountains of the deep being broken up in Genesis 7. I also believe that there was an ice age after the flood of Noah due to the water vapor canopy having fallen down as the rain and the resulting lessened global warming effect after the flood. What do you think Richard that God could after Jesus’ second coming after He comes to rule the world could restore some now extinct animals from extinction as in restoring from the bondage of corruption in Romans 8. This could include some dinosaurs, although they might not have the predatory ones, but could give opportunity to get an experience or watch it of people riding on pteradactyls or on brontasaurus as I have seen in some fantasy paintings for those who have trusted in Jesus according to the New Testament. What do you think of this Richard.
With regard to views expressed, this is my view,
Please leave science to the scientists to offer a reasoned explanation , according to the current information, always subject to revision when the known details become clearer, or newly discovered,.
however as the history of science shows, it can be a difficult and slow process to have new ideas allowed a fair hearing, without the restrictive views of those with a personal, or professional prejudice .
Surely Christians should follow the teachings and example of Jesus, and have no fear of science, and not get distracted by a perceived need to justify any biblical, or teachings which they feel threatened by. I have great respect for Christians, and as it says “you may know them by their actions”. Carry on showing love and light to all. best wishes to all.