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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Support The Other Side of Midnight!
We’ve been talking to extraterrestrials … and getting some extraordinary answers!
A little over a month ago, the Enterprise Mission’s flagship radio broadcast — “The Other Side of Midnight” — launched a month-long series of high powered amateur radio transmissions into outer space, with two specific targets the intended receipients:
The near-by Moon ….
And the first acknowleged “Interstellar Visitor” to aweep through the inner solar system in late 2017, dubbed by its NASA Hawaiian discoverers, ‘Oumuamua — “a messenger from afar, arriving first ….”
Tonight, we officially launch Phase II:
A planned radio transmission and reception, conducted from the ceremonial center of the oldest known “ancient astronomical observatory” on Earth–
Maria Wheatley, British archaeologist, professional dowser and Stonehenge expert, will conduct the historic experiment personally, shortly after dawn — Friday morning, February 4, 2022.
Welcome to “Open Hailing Frequencies …” — our on-going Enterprise Experiment in genuine “ET Communications.”
Richard C. Hoagland
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Maria Wheatley
The Avebury Experience,
Esoteric College
Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. She is a leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines and stone circles. Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.
In 2015 Maria made a major discovery. In the Neolithic period there was a royal priesthood of long skulled (elongated) people that made Stonehenge their spiritual capital. Across Europe and the British Isles, this Enigmatic long lost civilization designed elongated shaped monuments to reflect their skull shape. During the Early Bronze Age, the long skulled people were murdered by round skulled people who designed round stone circles and created round barrows for the departed – reflecting the shape of their skulls. Maria tracked down the long elongated skull of the High Queen of Stonehenge and many others to reveal the Secret History of Stonehenge.
Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University. Alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to detect and interpret the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. She is an expert on locating and analyzing earth energies at sacred sites across Europe.
Maria has also written holistic diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid Soul Star astrology, tarot and dowsing.
Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Thomas Mathers,
Thomas Mathers, AKA James Teej is a Grammy-nominated musician and a fervent futurist with keen interests in space and technology, global politics, meditation, metaphysics, sacred frequencies and geometry, ancient cultures and exopolitics. Over the last 20 years, James has traveled to over 50 countries, sharing his music and ideas around the World with an honest, logical and adventurous passion for the truth. He has visited sacred ancient sites on multiple continents, and has become a well informed and proud generalist, bridging concepts, ideas and theories across many disciplines and areas of research extending from the physics of reality into the unknown. James’ deep interest into the fringe sciences stems from numerous personal experiences of high strangeness throughout his travels.
Twitter: @jamesteej
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Jonathan Womack
Jonathan Womack is an astral Samaritan, psi-archeologist, musician, award-winning author, and film producer. Jonathan began leaving his body in the fall of 1965 after watching an episode of the sci-fi series, “Lost in Space”. A year later, Jonathan found his calling after watching the premiere of the Saturday morning cartoon, “The New Adventures of Superman”. Jonathan donned the astral cape and leotards when he began receiving psychic distress alarms from people and spirits.
In 1968, during a family vacation to Colorado, Jonathan was struck by the appearance of ancient ruins and monuments. Five decades passed as Jonathan evolved and expanded his metaphysical scope, answering alarms and clearing traumatized sites such as ground zero in New York City.
In the summer of 2021, while viewing images presented on an episode of Richard Hoagland’s radio podcast, “The Other Side of Midnight”, Jonathan was again struck by clear evidence of ruins, monuments, portals, sphinxes, spires and murals in Arches National Park, Utah.
Jonathan committed himself to dispelling the myth and conditioning of “interesting erosion” in the American southwest, Alula, Saudi Arabia, and other sculpted regions around the world, as well as the planetary art covering the Martian surface.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
David Sereda
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Ron Gerbron
Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team
Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child. He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Trump Administration Suddenly Announces
Why the Fury to Return to Mars?
Find Out “Why” Here:
Click on Image for
The Presidential Briefing
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
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CALL (917) 889-8802
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At times it is possible that the Internet stream may be delayed by almost a minute. If you are only listening on your device, you will not hear Richard answer the phone until it is too late…and he has moved on to the next caller.
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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Show Items
Richard’s Items:
1. Tsunami created by under water volcano endangers coastlines.
2. Primary Mirror Wings Deployed, All Major Deployments Complete
5. Scientists Reveal Findings of Meteorite Thought to Carry Mars Life
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Jon’s Items:
1. Human Whistling
2.Violin frequency wave
3. Orca Song
4. Dec 24 2021 clicks
4a. Dec24 clicks Hz zoom 1
5. Dolphin clicks, chirps, & whistle
5b. Dolphin chirp frequency amplitude
5e. Dec 4 chirp Hz x90 zoom
6. dolphin click waveform zoom
6a. Dec24 clicks dB zoom2
7. Dec24 clicks 20sec sample
7b. Dec 24 2021 clicks time pitch filter
8. Audio visualizer Aftereffects
8c. 700Hz 3DAV still a
9. Sound file of Dec 24, 2022 with clicks, slow, and in reverse.
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Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Maria’s Items:
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
David’s Items:
144.1 yards = 432.3 feet
The Washington Monument is an octave of 432.3 Hertz
Our transmissions went out at 144.1 Megahertz and 432 Megahertz
2. Washington Monument from Oumuamua
On the night of December 26th, the speed of light return time from Oumuamua, You can see below the timecode top left in each image that I captured the same frequency, which is the Washington Monument in Inches! Washington Monument recorded height is 555 feet and 5.125 inches = 6665.125 Inches So Our accuracy in this number that came in is 99.929% – Note the decimal is moved over 1 place, which is standard in these radio communications. Now watch, I will calculate a monopole this height and its frequencies and octaves and I will still get 432:
666.98 inches x 4 = a wavelength of 2667.92 Inches, so I take the speed of light in inches 11802852677.16 Divided by my wavelength = frequency
666.98 inches x 4 = a wavelength of 2667.92 Inches, so I take the speed of light in inches 11802852677.16 Divided by my wavelength = frequency
4423990.478410147230802 Hertz. Now I will divide this by an octave 10 times, which is 11 from the top = 4320.303201572409405 Hertz
Now for the Monument itself, we get 442709.35193081 Hertz Divided by an Octave 10 times, which is 11 from the top = 432.333 Hertz
So we are the exact same by factors of 10! SO this means – guess what? We got instructions to take humanity to a Higher Octave of the Monument.
The smaller the antenna, or monopole, the higher the frequency! Or are these the instructions for the correction of the Washington Monument?
But also the square base of the Washington Monument is the same as the number that came in without moving the decimal over at all. That is because the number we received was 666.98 inches = 55.581 feet accurate to % 99.179, but note that was before casing stones were applied. I need to get the final measurement.
From the NPS site: With the substructure completed, the builders then proceeded to the above-ground marble structure, 55 feet, 1.5 inches square at the base
3. Here is the video of how I capture responses. My radio got really active this morning and I got it as a sample.
Capturing Radio Frequencies with Meter
4. Shockwave By Near-Tonga Eruption Captured From Himawari Satellite (
S Latitude on Google Google earth (change settings for digital lat and long)
The South Latitude is right at 20.601 (The Royal Cubit in Inches I got on my radio)
The same Royal Cubit that Resolves the Great Pyramid’s height exactly to 280 RC = 480.69 feet = Lemesurier’s final measurement
and the remains of Noah’s Ark at Mount Ararat 20.601 inches x 300 Cubits = 6180.3 inches = 515.025 feet
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron – Paul
Thomas’ Items:
1. Repeating-Peaks
2.03 khz 3.28 khz 4.95 khz 8.25 khz 9.88 khz 13.1 khz 14.8 khz 17.3 khz 21.2 khz
3. Analyzers
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – Maria – David – Thomas
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Thomas – Jonathan – David – Ron
Dear Crew, Re: China’s Mars Orbiter.
China’s Tianwen-1 Mars orbiter will conduct global scientific exploration of Mars for about one year at the remote-sensing orbit it entered November 2021, Zhu Xinbo, deputy chief designer of the Mars orbiter, told China Media Group in an interview. The orbiter, designed to orbit Mars for about two years, has been working since it entered the Mars orbit in February 2021, said Zhu.
Armed with seven scientific payloads, the orbiter will probe Mars’ topography, mineral composition and magnetic field to obtain more first-hand data.
“Thanks to these payloads, we can get data of Mars’ magnetic field, topography and even its SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES,” said Zhu.
Most of the scientific payloads started their exploration work earlier. Before the Mars rover touched down, for example, the high- and medium-resolution cameras took images of the landing area in preparation for the landing.
After the orbit changing this time, the SUBSURFACE RADAR will start operation.
“When deployed, the subsurface radar will have four antennas – measuring five meters in length – that will transmit and receive electromagnetic waves, and detect the SUBSURFACE STRUCTURES of Mars, such as the distribution of water ice,” Zhu said.
To get global data about Mars, the orbiter needs to take comprehensive images and observations of the red planet, which requires adjustments to the orbiter’s orbit.
After entering the remote-sensing orbit, the orbiter will move between the north and south poles of Mars, and conduct detection at the perigee of the planet, which provides better observation conditions, said Zhu.
The orbiter will continue to relay communications between the Mars rover and Earth in the new orbit.
It is estimated that preliminary global data of Mars will be available by June 2022, laying a foundation for subsequent Mars sampling missions, said Zhu.
He added that after completing the remote-sensing exploration, new tasks will be designed for the orbiter.
fascinating show, the tonga eruption video is reported on bbc news, and it was described as a time lapse compilation over several hours which may explain the moderate level of tsunami reported.
may I report that the audio for the 8 january is missing and the audio for the8 jan has been posted for both dates.
is the audio for the 8 jan available
thank you for your great work.
correction for previous cmment the audio for 9 jan, has been posted for borth 8 and 9 jan,