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Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas


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“Open Hailing Frequencies”

Maria’s Continuing Adventures in ‘ET Communications’ ….

Many decades ago, there used to be a recurring “Saturday afternoon” movie serial — called “the Perils of Pauline.”

Well, the Enterprise Mission has its very own version–

“The Continuing Adventures of Maria ….”

When we last left our heroine … resolutely making her unique “Open Hailing Frequencies” radio measurements at Stonehenge, in the middle of a British gale! — archaeologist Maria Wheately was even then planning a subsequent, even more ambitious “ET Communications” experiment–

From the famed Great Pyramid itself … and the surrounding Giza Plateau — in Egypt.

Apparently, more “clear voice messages” — not just redundant coded numbers and geographical data — came through this time ….

Join us … for another chapter in  “Maria’s Continuing ET Adventures ….”

Richard C. Hoagland


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Maria Wheatley

The Avebury Experience,
Esoteric College

Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. She is a leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines and stone circles. Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.

In 2015 Maria made a major discovery. In the Neolithic period there was a royal priesthood of long skulled (elongated) people that made Stonehenge their spiritual capital. Across Europe and the British Isles, this Enigmatic long lost civilization designed elongated shaped monuments to reflect their skull shape. During the Early Bronze Age, the long skulled people were murdered by round skulled people who designed round stone circles and created round barrows for the departed – reflecting the shape of their skulls. Maria tracked down the long elongated skull of the High Queen of Stonehenge and many others to reveal the Secret History of Stonehenge.

Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University. Alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to detect and interpret the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. She is an expert on locating and analyzing earth energies at sacred sites across Europe.

Maria has also written holistic diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid Soul Star astrology, tarot and dowsing.

Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas


Jonathan Womack



Jonathan Womack is an astral Samaritan, psi-archeologist, musician, award-winning author, and film producer. Jonathan began leaving his body in the fall of 1965 after watching an episode of the sci-fi series, “Lost in Space”. A year later, Jonathan found his calling after watching the premiere of the Saturday morning cartoon, “The New Adventures of Superman”. Jonathan donned the astral cape and leotards when he began receiving psychic distress alarms from people and spirits.

In 1968, during a family vacation to Colorado, Jonathan was struck by the appearance of ancient ruins and monuments. Five decades passed as Jonathan evolved and expanded his metaphysical scope, answering alarms and clearing traumatized sites such as ground zero in New York City.

In the summer of 2021, while viewing images presented on an episode of Richard Hoagland’s radio podcast, “The Other Side of Midnight”, Jonathan was again struck by clear evidence of ruins, monuments, portals, sphinxes, spires and murals in Arches National Park, Utah.

Jonathan committed himself to dispelling the myth and conditioning of “interesting erosion” in the American southwest, Alula, Saudi Arabia, and other sculpted regions around the world, as well as the planetary art covering the Martian surface.



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



David Sereda


David Sereda was born in Edmonton, Alberta, August 21, 1961. He was born into a family of 5 boys being the 2nd eldest. His father, Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. in educational psychology from UC Berkeley, CA, was dedicated to his children’s spiritual growth. His influence on David is one of the greatest driving forces behind what he does. His mother Linda Trafford, was a carpenter, artist and family lawyer in California.
Crystal Sereda first met David Sereda in Los Angeles at the House of Blues. Dan Aykroyd introduced us at a world meeting of sorts, wherein, my husband was introduced to me as a UFO researcher and historian. David, among other experts and friends were brought in to analyze some UFO footage in the screening room. At that time I especially enjoyed singing Jazz and blues in Los Angeles. I was professionally trained in opera technique, which I use with my husband’s music to create a new way of recording with the 5151, being the first to ever be recorded in modern history out of our “Scale of Life” new harmonic musical scale.
We have also enjoyed film making together which includes our narrating, acting, filming, and my singing vocals for our documentary films along side my husband’s love for music with scoring. We have produced such documentaries as Quantum Communication, The Voice, From Here to Andromeda, Hope For Humanity and Mona Lisa’s Little Secret.
David decided at a certain stage of his education to self design his learning and consequently has studied world religion, meditation, philosophy, science (Fringe science), physics, photography, screenwriting, art, film, music, consciousness, UFOs, Crop Circles, history, sacred sites, transpersonal psychology, yoga and more.
Since the year 1999, David has appeared on hundreds of radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, Jimmy Church, John B. Wells, Shirley MacLaine, Alan Handelman, Alan Eisenberg, and so many more. He has also appeared on nearly every news station on TV including CNN, Anderson Cooper, Fox News (various affiliates), History Channel "Ancient Aliens", Peter Jennings UFO special, "Seeing is Believing 2005" and more.
He has written self published books such as Evidence, the case for NASA UFOs, Singularity, Differentials, Face to Face with Jesus Christ, and jointly with his wife Mona Lisa’s Little Secret, and God’s Great Pyramid.
He has Co Produced, Directed, Edited and scored documentary films, "Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs" (2001 on VHS 2003 on DVD), Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs (2005), THE VOICE (2006), Quantum Communication (2007), Mona Lisa’s Little Secret (2008), Hope for Humanity (2009), etc. His films have had millions of views from DVDs, TV, and Youtube, etc.
He has produced and scored music for meditation, frequencies for tuning consciousness. He and his wife have a meditation practice and consciousness course series on audio and video called Quantum ReGenesis. David and Crystal Sereda have developed a company with natural technology developed both to imprint frequencies and vibrations into jewelry & crystals. He also designs and makes harmonic field transmitters and wands!




Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Ron Gerbron

Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team

Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child.  He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Thomas Mathers,

Twitter: @jamesteej

Thomas Mathers, AKA James Teej is a Grammy-nominated musician and a fervent futurist with keen interests in space and technology, global politics, meditation, metaphysics, sacred frequencies and geometry, ancient cultures and exopolitics. Over the last 20 years, James has traveled to over 50 countries, sharing his music and ideas around the World with an honest, logical and adventurous passion for the truth. He has visited sacred ancient sites on multiple continents, and has become a well informed and proud generalist, bridging concepts, ideas and theories across many disciplines and areas of research extending from the physics of reality into the unknown. James’ deep interest into the fringe sciences stems from numerous personal experiences of high strangeness throughout his travels.


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Trump Administration Suddenly Announces

Why the Fury to Return to Mars?

Find Out “Why” Here:

Click on Image for
The Presidential Briefing


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas


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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas

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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Show Items


Richard’s Items:



NASA’s Webb Reaches Alignment Milestone, Optics Working Successfully






Where is Webb?       Telescope Alignment Over All Instrument Fields Of View







Nasa finally rolls its new Moon rocket out under the moonlight









Arnold Schwarzenegger’s direct appeal to Russian soldiers goes viral






3 cosmonauts arrive at space station in yellow and blue







Tonga Satellite Video








Tonga five dye comparison





Tonga sat post explosion surface comp






Tonga Post Cubic Geometry Evolution Enhanced







Tonga IR Height






Tonga Lunar Craters Comp



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



 David’s Items:



Ukraine Radio Maria







Great Pyramid EYE






Pentagon of Venus

The Stonehenge 56 (28 days + 28 Nights of Lunar) 

56 x 5 = 280, which is the number of Cubits in the height of the Great Pyramid and Temple Scroll Inner Holy of Holies Courtyard 


ESO is the European Organization for Astronomical Research in the Southern Hemisphere. It operates the La Silla Paranal Observatory in Chile and has its headquarters in Garching, near Munich, Germany.




Maria got This number: 1108.95 / Pi = 352.989748283514665 which is extremely near the number of lunar days per year at 154 

The Jewish calendar is lunisolar—i.e., regulated by the positions of both the moon and the sun. It consists usually of 12 alternating lunar months of 29 and 30 days each (except for Ḥeshvan and Kislev, which sometimes have either 29 or 30 days), and totals 353, 354, or 355 days per year.

Note the number I got on my meter is 1108.95 / Pi = 352.9897

What Does the Chinese Year Look Like?

The Chinese calendar – like the Hebrew – is a combined solar/lunar calendar in that it strives to have its years coincide with the tropical year and its months coincide with the synodic months. It is not surprising that a few similarities exist between the Chinese and the Hebrew calendar:

  • An ordinary year has 12 months, a leap year has 13 months.
  • An ordinary year has 353, 354, or 355 days, a leap year has 383, 384, or 385 days.



2367.62 km distance between Great Pyramid and Chernobyl
Putin’s Troops captured Chernobyl February 24th
Mariah’s radio data






Chernobyl Reference 







Kiev Reference




Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



 Thomas’ Items:

Frequency Spike Example 1p32khz








Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas



Maria’s Items:













Pentre iFan 1








Red Flag 1










Red Flag 2










Red Flag 3







Red Flag 4









Red Flag 6












































































Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – DavidThomas – Maria
Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – RonThomas


One Comment so far:

  1. Jay says:

    Listener feedback——– I’ve gotten so used to there not being shows that it took to about 10:30 for me to remember the show was on——- my suggestion is no more replays—-if Richard can’t make it have a guest host, as I see Keith is hosting tonight—–I have enjoyed Keith’s guest hosting in the past and I’m waiting for him to do the Billy Meier show, would be very happy to hear him guest host on a regular basis——but whoever you get, do some kind of show—-I’d actually be interested to hear Ron Gerbron do a show but I know his telephone connection isn’t so good—-would be interested to hear Mathers host a show, especially one without the usual suspects you’ve had in the last couple of months.—–you know the old phrase—- The show must go on

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