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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Support The Other Side of Midnight!

“Of Things to Come ….”

Happy New Year!

A very famous TV Psychic used to solemnly intone at the beginning of his often repeated late night act on “The Tonight Show”–

“We are all interested in the Future — for that is where you and I … are going to spend The Rest of Our Lives.”

So, what’s our Future going to be in 2023?

Tonight, we will be exploring several potentially “world-changing predictions” re what might happen in the year that’s now begun — from the cosmic Hyperdimensional Astrology of Rick Levine, to the politically savvy analyses of Steven Bassett and Barbara Honegger re what could lie ahead for “UFO/ET Disclosures …” in 2023.

Other members of our world-wide “Enterprise family” will also be chiming in, with their own predictions — across a wide array of interests — “of Things to Come …”

Join us … with your own unique predictions.

Richard C. Hoagland


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Rick Merlin Levine


A professional astrologer since 1976, Rick Levine has become a respected leader in the global Astrology community. He is the past president of the Washington State Astrology Association, co-founder of, a founding Trustee of Kepler College, and co-author of 8 years of Barnes and Noble's annual "Your Astrology Guide". Rick wrote a daily horoscope column for nearly 17 years, delivered via the Internet to millions of readers per day through His expanded daily “Planet Pulse” is still available on Instagram at @ricklevineastrologer and on Facebook at He is the subject of a DVD, "Quantum Astrology: Science, Spirit, and Our Place in the Cycles of History". His Internet videos reach tens of thousands of people every month. In 2018, Rick was awarded the prestigious “International Astrologer of the Year Award” by the Krishnamurti Institute of Astrology in Kolkata, India. On a recent lecture tour to Istanbul, Rick was awarded the coveted “Fomalhaut Award for Astrological Excellence” by the Turkish School of Astrology. Rick’s current video teachings are available at


~ Rick Levine, Astrologer

YouTube Monthly Astrology Forecasts

~ My Daily Horoscope Column

~ Daily Planet Pulse Audio

~ My Facebook page

~ More Videos Avaliable Through Patreon

~ And, Yes, I’m on Instagram!


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Robert Morningstar


The Morningstar Report Newsletter
Latest article:
UFOs Over The Great State of Maine: Memories and Recollections of a UFO Hunter

Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst, investigative journalist and psychotherapist, living in New York City.

Robert is a specialist in photo interpretation, geometric analysis and computer imaging. Robert Morningstar is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) at Fordham University where he received a degree in psychology.  While at Fordham University, in 1969, Robert participated as a research fellow in a US Navy-sponsored program to develop Artificial Intelligence.

An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts, he is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch’uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College, and  Hunter College, the City University of New York. In 1992-93, he worked in the Behavioral Science Department of The International Center for the Disabled.

Robert Morningstar is a FAA-licensed private pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor and has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception applied in the JFK Assassination. His work is cited in major books on the JFK assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Conspiracy Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
In 2004, Robert Morningstar presented "TMA 1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars" before a peer review panel at the Min-Tech conference at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) and was a featured speaker at the historic Secret Space Program Conference-Breakaway Civilization Conference held in San Francisco, June 2015 where he exhibited Apollo mission lunar anomalies and related UFO activity that occurred throughout the Apollo Missions. Robert has written extensively to expose NASA’s use of “Disinformation Technology” to suppress evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon and of life on Mars.
 Robert is currently the Publisher & Editor of The UFO Spotlight & UFODigest, which expose the real nature and menace of the UFO phenomenon its cover-up and threat to our constitutional liberties. Robert ihas been heard regularly on many national and international radio programs, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Far Out Radio, The Other Side of News, The Martian Revelation, Dr. J Radio Live in L.A. and Skywatchers Radio. Robert is currently the host of hs own radio programs on Revolution Radio..
Robert Morningstar has been listed in Who's Who In America, Who's Who In Who in Business & Industry (1992) and In Science & Technology (1993). Robert was the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who 2020 Albert Neill Lifetime Achievement Award for his work and career as a Civilian Intelligence Analyst.

Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Ron Gerbron

Member of the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team

Ron is a proudly uncredentialed polymath with a deep interest in the study of archeology, especially Martian archeology. Ron was raised on a farm in Pennsylvania collecting arrowheads as a child.  He found the programmatic aspect of education too limiting after attending a famous Quaker school in PA. Ahead of his studies and his time, he attempted to contort himself into attending college; before he gave up on academia and left to travel overseas. Throughout all this time, he has focused his core attention on the metrology of our paleo history, particularly on other planets, and especially Mars.

Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Barbara Honegger, M.S.

has served in high-level Government positions including
White House Policy Analyst, Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy,
Director of the Attorney General’s Law Review at the Department of Justice, and for more
than a decade was the Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Department of Defense.

Barbara is Chairman of the Board and Investigative Researcher with the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Since Sept. 11th she has been a leading author, documentarian, public speaker and major activist on the events of 9/11 with emphasis on the Pentagon Attack and Anthrax Attacks, including presentations and speaking tours in the U.S. Europe and Canada.
Barbara researched, scripted and produced the video documentaries ‘Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at The Pentagon, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters’ and ‘The 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour’, both with over 250,000 views on YouTube. The Walking Tour uses the actual exhibit items in the 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero itself to prove that the Official Story of Sept. 11th is false. She is also the visionary for and physically executed the iconic ‘Third Beam’ Spotlight shown into the NYC skyline on the 9th Anniversary of the attacks that has become the icon for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the 9/11 Truth Movement worldwide.

Barbara is also a national whistleblower. Her pioneering book October Surprise, the first on the topic subsequently confirmed by formerly classified documents and deathbed confessions of key conspirators, led to an official Congressional re-investigation of the Iran side of the Iran-Contra scandal funded at the level of the 9/11 Commission.

Ms. Honegger earned Bachelor of Arts from Stanford University; a Master of Science in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University; and Masters level certification in National Security Decision making from the Naval War College. She has twice run as a Candidate for Congress for the central coast district of California, most recently on a 9/11 Truth Platform.

Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Andrew Currie

Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.

Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Stephen Bassett


DisclosureWire Podcast

PRG Press Release

Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" - the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has lectured around the world on the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena and given over 1200 radio and television interviews. PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times.

In 2013 PRG organized and conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure"at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiative out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched a new exopolitical podcast out of Washington, DC - the DisclosureWire - based in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House.

Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube.

Main website:

Media coverage:

Speaking archive:


Facebook: paradigmresearchgroup




Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Ruggero A Calo

Ruggero (Pronounced Rujiero), is of Italian- English descent. From his native London, he later moved to the South Coast (Jurassic Coast) of England where he lives and works. Ruggero graduated from ‘The University of Southampton’ School of Health Professions Science in 2004 with a BSc Honors degree in Podiatric medicine. In his working professional life, he undertakes all aspects of general practice with a special interest in Human movement and musculoskeletal medicine including gait re-education and orthotic prescription.

Ruggero is a keen athlete having represented his locality in sprint running for the 100, 200 and 400m, was a youth county swimming champion and went on to race with and coach the university team. Along with this Ruggero is an accomplished swimming instructor having taught all levels and everyone from youth nonswimmers to adults with physical and learning difficulties. He also holds a second-degree blackbelt and teaching qualification in the Natural Way Karate (Shizenryu) specializing in contact reflexes and practicing martial art in the ancient and traditional form as held preserved secretly by the Chinese Buddhist monks. As well as his day work, Ruggero has published his first music album in 2017 and is recording his second piece of work for release this 2021. He has performed at large and small UK music festivals with his career highlight supporting one of his favorite ‘Grammy’ award-winning Reggae Artists on an acoustic tour in the UK. When not in working practice you can find Ruggero undertaking his passion of surfing and skating at many of the reef-breaks or skateparks in his beloved home of the SouthWest Coastal region of the United Kingdom.

Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero

Why the Fury to Return to Mars?

Find Out “Why” Here:

Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero




Show Items


Richard’s Items:


1. Battlefield Space: To The Moon and Beyond




Danuri Moon Third Dome Logo Enhanced





Danuri Homepage Lunar Image






Danuri Moon Enhanced








These Missions heading to the moon in 2023




Five Space Exploration Missions to Look Out For In 2023




Did An Advanced Alien Civilization From Mars Terraform Earth





Danuri Lunar Dome CL Art Enhanced








9. Danuri Moon Full Orbit




Danuri Moon Ikonos Moon Enhanced Composite





Danuri Farside Nearaide Moons Enhanced




Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Robert’s Items:



UFO Crossing 1 – December 17 2022 Morningstar Enhancement



These are 2 video frames showing the UFO that I captured on camera as it crossed the flagstaff at the Soldiers & Sailors Monument (NYC) at 4 p.m. on December 17th, 2022.
These are 2 of 7 frames in which the UFO appears. 
Each frame represents distance travelled in 1/25th of a second, meaning that the UFO crossed the sky behind the flagstaff in .28 seconds (7/25 frames per second).
This is the 9th time since 2007 that I’ve observed UFOs passing the Soldiers & Sailors Monument.




UFO Crosssing 2 – December 17 2022 Morningstar Enhancement





Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Stephen’s Items:












BILLS-117 H.R. 7776 EAS         Sec. 1673 Pages 1425-1434

1st Excerpt from FULL PDF File







BILLS-117 H.R 7776 EAS            Sec. 6802 & 6803 Pages 2881-2903

2nd Excerpt from FULL PDF File







TRINITY The Best Kept Secret Jacques Vallee

This article just out indicates the bill was amended to go back to 1945 so as to include the Trinity Case.




Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero



Barbara’s Items:


1.  Lawyers’ Committee Litigation Director Mick Harrison reaches Millions on George Galloway Show in the UK, Jan. 1st 2023 — 29:40 min. to 52:44 min.







Reaching for the Stars by Alan Bean








The Webb Telescope Is Just Getting Started



New York Times — Dec. 27, 2022
… One hour of observing time on the Webb Telescope costs NASA
(and qualifying scientists) $17,000 … 




The Great Galactic Alignment Ten-Year Anniversary — December 12, 2022


Guest Page
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Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero


Ruggero’s Items:









Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Stephen  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ruggero
Fast links to Bios:    Rick  –  Stephen  –  Andrew  –  Barbara  –  Robert  –  Ron  –  Ruggero

3 Comments so far:

  1. Tim Jones says:

    I’m starting to think I could do better.

  2. Dr. M. Mueller says:

    Same old clichés, you guys should become politicians who speak volumes whilst saying nothing.  Example “speaking hyper-dimensional physics with Rick,” and followed soon after by “….retrograde affects the field”  what field, all the analogies of stirring the stew, coffee, LED bulbs, say nothing, it is just a whole bunch of words mixed with some mystique in order to lay claim for current events.  Once I heard the retrograde was to blame for the biggest Internet outages I switched off.  Do some science and link that science in the guest pages, stop all of the Star Trek and Movie bullcrud, that is just a smokescreen for having zero science to support all your theories.  I know I berate you but I want TOSM in 2023 to stand up and present some science so that maybe, just maybe, the scientific community will listen.

  3. Don K Johnson says:

    I was hearing the sleet hitting the windows!!! LOL
    Last night our power in Long Beach went off for 9 hours, from just before midnight. Rain and high winds.

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