SAT /SUN JAN. 04, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET / 5 am GMT



SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
SUN. 5 am GMT

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Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  


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Years ago, I read one of Arthur C. Clarke’s short stories that’s really stuck with me for decades, titled “The Nine Billion Names of God.”

I don’t want to give away the (very satisfying) ending, for Generation X or Z, but suffice to say, the story involved literally “disappearing stars” ….

The reason Arthur’s story was SO memorable is that such things aren’t supposed to happen; stars are other “suns,” and as such, are long-lived galactic creatures; even the most massive, most profligate stars — “burning” nuclear fuels millions of times faster than the Sun — “live” millions of years longer than is comprehensible to mortal humans ….

Which is why, when I learned of David Sereda’s latest discovery, in his continuing quest to understand the nature and details of his developing model of our “Designer Solar System,” I was immediately hooked; because–

David has turned up bona fide, scientific evidence — extending back over 70 years, from some of the largest and most famous professional observatories on Earth! — that over “a hundred stars” in the Milky Way alone, have been recorded photographically as LITERALLY disappearing — between repeated photographs of the same region of the sky — some, in as little as “HOURS!!”

And, that’s impossible ….

So, what’s REALLY going on?

Join us, tonight ….

Richard C. Hoagland

Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  



David Sereda


David Sereda was born in Edmonton, Alberta, August 21, 1961. He was born into a family of 5 boys being the 2nd eldest. His father, Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. in educational psychology from UC Berkeley, CA, was dedicated to his children’s spiritual growth. His influence on David is one of the greatest driving forces behind what he does. His mother Linda Trafford, was a carpenter, artist and family lawyer in California.
Crystal Sereda first met David Sereda in Los Angeles at the House of Blues. Dan Aykroyd introduced us at a world meeting of sorts, wherein, my husband was introduced to me as a UFO researcher and historian. David, among other experts and friends were brought in to analyze some UFO footage in the screening room. At that time I especially enjoyed singing Jazz and blues in Los Angeles. I was professionally trained in opera technique, which I use with my husband’s music to create a new way of recording with the 5151, being the first to ever be recorded in modern history out of our “Scale of Life” new harmonic musical scale.
We have also enjoyed film making together which includes our narrating, acting, filming, and my singing vocals for our documentary films along side my husband’s love for music with scoring. We have produced such documentaries as Quantum Communication, The Voice, From Here to Andromeda, Hope For Humanity and Mona Lisa’s Little Secret.
David decided at a certain stage of his education to self design his learning and consequently has studied world religion, meditation, philosophy, science (Fringe science), physics, photography, screenwriting, art, film, music, consciousness, UFOs, Crop Circles, history, sacred sites, transpersonal psychology, yoga and more.
Since the year 1999, David has appeared on hundreds of radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, Jimmy Church, John B. Wells, Shirley MacLaine, Alan Handelman, Alan Eisenberg, and so many more. He has also appeared on nearly every news station on TV including CNN, Anderson Cooper, Fox News (various affiliates), History Channel "Ancient Aliens", Peter Jennings UFO special, "Seeing is Believing 2005" and more.
He has written self published books such as Evidence, the case for NASA UFOs, Singularity, Differentials, Face to Face with Jesus Christ, and jointly with his wife Mona Lisa’s Little Secret, and God’s Great Pyramid.
He has Co Produced, Directed, Edited and scored documentary films, "Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs" (2001 on VHS 2003 on DVD), Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs (2005), THE VOICE (2006), Quantum Communication (2007), Mona Lisa’s Little Secret (2008), Hope for Humanity (2009), etc. His films have had millions of views from DVDs, TV, and Youtube, etc.
He has produced and scored music for meditation, frequencies for tuning consciousness. He and his wife have a meditation practice and consciousness course series on audio and video called Quantum ReGenesis. David and Crystal Sereda have developed a company with natural technology developed both to imprint frequencies and vibrations into jewelry & crystals. He also designs and makes harmonic field transmitters and wands!



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  


Why the Fury to Return to Mars?



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  


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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  

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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  



Show Items


Richard’s Items:


‘Heaviest snowfall in over a decade’: Mega winter storm bears down on millions




US Capitol struck by lightning on NYE seen as God’s “message” by MAGA


3. Morris County Mayor Shares Video of Alleged Drone Sightings, Wants More Info From Feds.
Drones banned in more New Jersey towns by FAA: See the updated list













48-Inch Dome & 200 Inch Dome Aerial 1950s







200-Inch Dome 46-Inch Dome Background 1939 Enhanced





48-inch Dome Color 1939 Enhanced





48-inch Schmidt Porter Design Art





48-inch Schmidt with Hubble








48-inch B&W Pleiades







48-inch B&W Veil Nebula







48-inch M-31 B&W 1950s







48-inch M-31 Color Miller 1950s Enhanced






48-inch Orion Enhanced






Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  


David’s Items:

1. Exploring nine simultaneously occurring transients on April 12th, 1950 | Scientific Reports – Nature




Vanishing April 12, 19509 Stars





A Stellar Mystery: How Could 100 Stars Just Vanish?



People – The Sol Foundation
Dr. Skafish is a sociocultural anthropologist, editor, and translator who has held faculty and research positions at UC Berkeley, the Collège de France, McGill University, and the Bauhaus University, Weimar.


4. Home – Vasco project 
VASCO Vanishing & Appearing Sources during a Century of Observations Searches for Transients and Probes Local Probes and Asteroids Exo-Lasers Pre-Sputnik Satellites Vanishing Stars



5. Farmington, New Mexico UFO Case 1950 matches Vanishing Star Event to the date! 







A bright triple transient that vanished within 50 min







591 Ascension Solar System

The Great Pyramid’s Last Secret proves the Hyperdimensional Solar System Model of David and Crystal Sereda 

591 Divided by 1.6180339887 repeating

365.258087362451214 (Earth)
225.741912662734421 (Venus)
86.225737957072107 (Mercury)
20.355135569835917 (Vulcan)
7.77496994254487 (7 Tablets of Creation Enuma Elish) 
4.805195686149723 (Great Pyramid Height in feet x 100 = 480.519 feet)
Peter Lemesurier has a finished height of 480.69 feet

480.519568614972347 feet x 12 = 5766.234823379668164 inches
Divided by 280 Royal  Cubits = 20.593695797784529 inches per RC
Which is well within the Egyptian Royal Cubit Rods of 20.6 to 20.8 inches or the
Earlier Nippur Cubit Rod of 20.4 inches

If we start with the Great Pyramid at 480.519 feet x Phi repeating we get the orbits of the planets x 100 each respecitvely 
To an accuracy of 98% or better for the inner solar system 



8. Where 2 Next Part 1 – Please send production donations to

Dr. Jeffry Long, M.D. said this is one of the most profound cases for proof of the afterlife he has seen! NY Times Bester Selling Author on NDEs and Afterlife!


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –  David
Fast links to Bios:  David –  

2 Comments so far:

  1. Jennifer Deen says:

    happy holidays Richard, Keith, kynthea and everyone else. when can we get some new downloadable shows? 😉🛸🙏

    • Keith Morgan says:

      Jennifer, our audio editor had issues with his machine and had to have his data recovered from it, so we have not been able to post any new shows into now playing. Also BlogTalk will be ending their service on January 25th, and we have to acquire a new provider to replace them, and they must have the ability to take callers in for open lines. This is another event wwe have to deal with. BlogTalk finally fixed their problem, but now they are no longer going to be providing their streaming service starting on January 25th. If anyone has any recommendations for replacement, I’m all ears..

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