Stephen Bassett
Congress: “Send in the Clowns … er, Drones!”

SAT / SUN, DEC. 21th, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET /5 am GMT



SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
SUN. 5 am GMT

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Congress: “Send in the Clowns … er, Drones!”

Happy Solstice!

Tonight’s show was not specifically planned for this “shortest day/night of the year …”; the fact is, however, that a major part of our discussion tonight will involve “the serious question of timing” — both “planetary” … and “galactic.”

While we (and the media …) are being overwhelmed by the sudden influx of “mass drone sightings,” stretching across the entire Northeast … even as more spectacular appearances of “unidentified anomalous phenomena” are appearing over many other regions and cities of the country, if not, in fact, the world (!) … US officials have begun insisting that “the NUMBER of drone flights being tracked by the FAA (and other government agencies, like the Pentagon …) have remained pretty much the same this Fall … despite the vast increase in reports.”

Problem solved … it’s “only” mass public hysteria ….

So, if this sudden “aerial identification problem” is, in fact, a physical NON-problem … why did the FAA suddenly close MOST of the air space above New Jersey (just two days ago!) “to ALL legally licensed drone flights … day and/or night?!”

Why, indeed ….

Which is where our friend and colleague, UFO Washington activist, Stephen Basset, comes in.

For while these mutual contradictory government statements re “drones in our skies” should now have almost everyone “totally confused” (by design?) … what you are NOT seeing is the urgent, “behind the scenes” political maneuvering re “UAP [UFOS] currently occurring within Congress … the same Congress that almost shut down the entire US government earlier tonight, in a bizarre “soap opera” of political theater!

Was this last-minute “government food fight,” in fact, really just a carefully-planned distraction (by Elon Musk!?)–

To conceal from the Washington press corps what’s REALLY happening (a la the FAA) with “drones?” 

Join us ….
Richard C. Hoagland

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Stephen Bassett


DisclosureWire Podcast

PRG Press Release

Stephen Bassett is a political activist, Disclosure advocate and the executive director of Paradigm Research Group (PRG) founded in 1996 to end a government imposed embargo on the truth behind extraterrestrial related phenomena. He has spoken to audiences around the world about the implications of "Disclosure" - the formal confirmation by heads of state of an extraterrestrial presence engaging the human race. He has lectured around the world on the political implications of UAP/ET phenomena and given over 1200 radio and television interviews. PRG's advocacy work has been extensively covered by national and international media including being featured on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, the Washington Post and the New York Times.

In 2013 PRG organized and conducted a "Citizen Hearing on Disclosure"at the National Press Club in Washington. In November of 2014 PRG launched a two year political initiative out of Washington, DC that injected the ET issue into the 2016 presidential campaign. PRG recently launched a new exopolitical podcast out of Washington, DC - the DisclosureWire - based in the National Press Building two blocks from the White House.

Bassett has appeared in many documentary films and his lectures and interviews are well represented on YouTube.

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Facebook: paradigmresearchgroup




Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –
Fast links to Bios:  Stephen  –  


Why the Fury to Return to Mars?



Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –
Fast links to Bios:  Stephen  –  


You’re Welcome to Add Your Comments Below
in the blog below before the show:)



Show Items


Richard’s Items:

1. What to know about the winter solstice, 2024’s shortest day–DEuJAMTx_ccMaWaerrp



2.  Congress avoids a holiday shutdown: Winners and losers




3.  FAA bans drones over New Jersey due to ‘special security reasons’



4.  Drones continue to buzz over US bases. The military isn’t sure why or how to stop them








Joe Rogan and Elon Musk talk about Richard Hoagland


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard  –
Fast links to Bios:  Stephen  –  

4 Comments so far:

  1. Rifts Mean says:

    Hello, Keith.  Great to know you are accepting comments this morning.  Honestly, I do not know what to make of the loop of video clips in Richard’s item 5.  I think I may have seen some of them earlier.  Some of them are obviously airplanes.  The folks at History’s The Proof Is Out There should examine each clip.  There are enough clips in that fifteen minute video to make a full hour long episode for the next season of that show.
    Stephen talked about the video recorded on the U.S.S. Russell that filmmaker Jeremy Corbel brought to the public’s attention along with another video from the U.S.S. Omaha.  Jeremy Corbel was in the audience at the hearing on November 13 sitting next to and chatting with fellow filmmaker James Fox.  Wonder if Stephen caught up with those filmmakers that day.  The video from the U.S.S. Russell obviously shows stars, planets, and airplanes that appear as big triangles because camera artifacts from the night vision and camera lens.  Lets not pretend it shows something it is not.
    How can Richard and Stephen possibly know if any of the things the media calls drones are extraterrestrial or terrestrial aircraft?  This current flap is not the first time that unknown things were called drones.  Remember the so called “Dragonfly Drones” from 2008?
    One of the earliest pictures of one of those things taken by someone called Chad in California appeared in a document called the secret Russian book of alien races or something like that above the name “RAMAY” indicating that those things belong to a race named Ramay.  The book said that race came from Capella in Auriga.   Does Capella in Auriga hold any significance in any of Richard’s models?  Capella in Auriga is especially important to the Brazilian religion Valley of the Dawn.  Please do not confuse these “Dragonfly Drones” with the CIA’s own gas powered spy drones that actually resemble dragonflies.
    Was especially interested when Richard and Stephen talked about the contacts who were warned about how nuclear weapons threaten worlds far beyond this solar system and was surprised when Stephen said he does not agree with those particular contacts’ stories.  The Sun outshines any gamma rays from nuclear weapons, so any extraterrestrial observers would have to have had some special technology to detect those explosions from great distances better than what modern astronomers use to detect distant gamma ray bursts in outer space.  If nuclear explosions really do reverberate in hyperspace like we were told, then that could explain it.  Surprised that Stephen said he disagrees with that idea.
    The idea that lightning or radar interfered with whatever crashed in New Mexico in 1947 still makes sense despite the fact that airplanes can fly through storms and radar just fine without crashing.  Earlier this year in August, Dr. John Brandenburg dismissed those potential culprits and claimed the things were brought down with kinetic projectiles from cannons and guns.
    That does not make sense if the things were spacecraft.  Spacecraft need to be bulletproof because meteors streak through space as fast as speeding bullets.
    New York is fortunate to have two senators taking a proactive approach to advance the cause of disclosure.  I cannot think of much of anything nice to say about most of the representatives involved in this issue because of what they have said and done on every other issue.  Sounds like everybody on this show became Republican Party supporters after the elections ended.  Ironic since the opponents of disclosure are defense contractors and evangelical Christians.  Defense contractors and evangelical Christians support the Republican Party.
    Robert mentioned the fictional Tau 5 Treaty of Grenada again.  No such treaty was ever ratified by the U.S. Senate , so if it was real it would technically be an executive agreement, not a treaty, but it does not matter because the story is not true, and the Americans would not be able to enforce the other party’s side of the deal because those beings would be technologically superior, meaning the Americans would have no way to stop the beings from abducting or mutilating.
    Robert mentioned witnessing flying spheres.  Speaking of luminous flying spheres, I finally watched the episode of Ross Coulthart’s Reality Check on News Nation’s YouTube channel yesterday which Barbara kindly shared as an item on the page for the show from one week ago.  Disturbingly, Ross spoke about the false story of a crash in Magenta, Lombardy, Italy which David Grusch told him about in the interview they did on News Nation in 2023 as if it was real.  The story is originally from the Fascist UFO Files hoax from 1996.  The religious stories of a lady riding in a flying sphere bring to mind scenes in The Wizard of Oz as well as some stories Chris Bledsoe told in radio interviews.
    Tales of luminous flying spheres are too numerous to describe in totality here.  Sometimes the spheres are said to carry grey beings and Bigfoot as passengers.  Remember when Corey Goode talked about the blue sphere beings.  Corey Goode claimed to have been carried inside a blue sphere being, and an artist drew him in a flying transparent sphere for a comic book that was never made.  Corey Goode described the blue sphere beings as benevolent.  In his memoirs, Luis Elizondo alleged that glowing blue bubbles have malevolent intentions.  Interesting how they say the opposite about the same color of glowing spheres.  Nobody trusts either of them anymore anyway.
    The urban legend of the Philadelphia Experiment did not really make much sense from the beginning and has grown since then with the addition of time travel stories extending to Long Island, New York and beyond.  Brookhaven National Laboratory was established on Long Island, New York in 1947.  Wonder if that is what is so special about Long Island, New York.
    Wow!  After finally proofreading this comment, it seems like I had much to say this morning.  Sorry if this comment is too long.  Thanks for making this show!  Goodbye.

    • Keith Morgan says:

      First off thank you for your comments. I’m starting with the first one about the U.S.S. Russell Night-Vision video. This was brought up at the May 17th hearing, and the point of this being shot with an SLR camera. Working in Broadcast TV for 50 years, I know that you don’t shoot a screen with the iris stopped down, unless you are an idiot working with that tech. Night-Vision doesn’t have any iris with in it, because you need to collect as much light as possible from the dark, and two the camera shooting the Video Screen, DSLR or not, you don’t stop down the iris when you can adjust the Brightness and Contrast controls on the video display to compensate for over exposure. Again, you don’t want artifacts induced into the image by the iris of lens. If this was the case, then all the starts, and other points of light would exhibit a triangular halo around them and they don’t, but a navigation light reflecting off the bottom of a triangular shape would be seen by Night-Vision. Don’t you think the captain of the ship would have said, “Get eyes on this!” or at least looked for himself to verify what they were seeing. They have seen lights before at night using Night-Vision, why just this time there are triangles? What about the sailors on deck with their own Night-Vision and binoculars? The human iris is not triangular shape, and if the DSLR had a lens with only 3 veins, and not 6 veins, then we are back to the $600 toilet seat issue. Lens with only 3 veins are cheap, non-professional, inexpensive knockoffs, and not worthy of being used by the Military. Ask for your tax dollars back.
      During that same hearing the military representative, showed the video of the fighter jet, handheld camera footage, and the computer operator could not even put VLC, one of the best open-source media players out there, into fame-by-frame mode. If he had they would have seen that the object recorded was not being passed by the jet, but the object was passing in FRONT of the jet. In frame by frame, you see this object 3 time. The first time, it is seen, it is just a small black dot at the left edge of the frame just above the horizon. The next frame it is 1/3rd of the way across the frame, and you see a white orb with a dark shadow to the right side, as the Sun is behind it. The horizon is slopped from upper right to lower left, because the jet is now banking right to intercept the object or trying to avoid it. If you look closely, you will see that the wispy clouds are moving toward the jet, not away from it. Clouds can’t pass planes, even if they are prop planes, let alone jets, so the pilot is not passing this object, but headed toward it. In the third frame the object is now 2/3rds of the way across the frame and has increased in size. If you are passing something, shouldn’t it be getting smaller? In the fourth frame the object has left the frame altogether. Even for jets passing a floating balloon, it should not have gone out of view in that short 3 frames. However, the rep for the military said, “As far as we know, this was debris floating out there and the jet shot past it.” Who is “We”? There was no technical adviser there to bring these points to Congress’ attention. They had no clue of what they were looking at. Go look at that hearing and do a frame-by-frame look. You are not going to see this in the very first showing, as the third frame is missing, but if you go to the repeat showing into the briefing, you will see everything I’m telling you.
      My opinion on the we were told that nuclear explosions reach into other dimensions and cause problems, but no one is listening to that, because we are unaware of alternate dimensions. We were also told that the Sun is not a Fusion Reactor, but that old school thinking is still in place. We were also told that the hole in our ozone layer is being created by the nuclear reactors putting out a partial, unknown to us, that is so small it passes through the containment walls and into the atmosphere and are attracted to the poles where they deplete the ozone. Again, no one is paying attention because they don’t want to believe it. I’ll be the first one to admit that we don’t know how nature works, and what affects we have on the fabric of space, and how far those consequences truly really reach. If the ETs are 24,000 and 52,000 years in the future, and each are working to try to get their outcome for our future, one good and one bad, then we have to hope the one for the good wins. Time travel is real, as again we were told, by those who know, but it gets ignored.
      In 1985 I told my colleagues, at ABC, that in 1989 the Berlin Wall was coming down, and Communism would start to fall all across Europe. They laughed at me and said, “No way, where Communism moves in it never moves out.” “Never going to happen.” All I said was, “Okay, we’ll find out in 1989.” People always dismiss something because it doesn’t fit their beliefs. The next thing I’m looking at will be that by the time we reach 2032, we will be fully aware, and interactive with ETs. Don’t believe it? Let’s see how this unfolds.
      NASA was taken over by the military in 1965. Go find the 1965 Washington Post, and you will find an article about the Unions at NASA were upset because key positions were being given to Retired Military personnel. NASA’s charter says, no military personnel can run NASA. However, if you get your retired personnel, they are technically civilians, but they still have their oath of allegiance, and oath of secrecy to the military. If they are told to put their thumb on something, they will do it with a “Yes Sir!” and a salute. No one caught this, so they got away with it, and they have been hiding the truth ever since. Still don’t believe me, look up the small article in the 1965 Washington Post.
      Thanks for listening to the shows.

  2. judy says:

    re: DRONES
    as of thurs or fri, Long Island has been given permission to shoot them out of the sky!
    wonder what’s so special about Long Island!?!

    • Keith Morgan says:

      Hi Judy,
      I hope they are not going to be using a million-dollar missile like they used on that allege China spy Balloon. Why use something so expense, when a couple of $50 bullets could have brough this balloon down. I hope the bullets don’t cost that much, but you get the point. They had to make that look sensational to draw people’s attention away from the UFO/UAP subject so they could pull off their next plan which is now the drones. Weather Balloons, Now Spy Balloons, are not working so now we have more sophisticated drones. The game is afoot and the battle to give you a new explanation to UFOs/UAPs that is more up to date. This is psychological warfare being waged against the American people to try and put the Genie back in the bottle.
      We are not alone. We have never been alone. And we never will be alone in this universe.

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