“Interstellar Tunnels” … and “Orbs”:
Two Major ET Mysteries … Solved?
SUN / MON, DEC. 29th, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET /5 am GMT
SUN. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
MON. 5 am GMT
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Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
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“Interstellar Tunnels” … and “Orbs”:
Two Major ET Mysteries … Solved?
“On the Fifth Day of Christmas, my true love gave to me …”
My True Love was surprised at the idea of Christmas being more than “weeks of anticipation, leading up to the Big Morning — when everyone would get up early, run down to the Tree and watch the faces of those who received each other’s gifts by the light of Dawn …
I, on the other hand, was raised in a family where we spent Christmas Day going to parties and visiting friends, came home to wrap last minute presents, then ate a leisurely Christmas evening dinner … and only after all that … wandered into the living room to give each other SOME of our gifts–
At a MUCH more “civilized” hour.
A tradition that would then go on for twelve more days ….
I mean, if something’s truly wonderful … like Christmas … why not make the Time as special as the Thought?
So, tonight, I’m giving you — our faithful friends and audience — TWO very Special Gifts … on “the Fifth Day of Christmas ….”
The recent discovery of “interstellar tunnels” … leading from our solar system towards other, distant stars; I think I finally know what they are … and (more important), “who” created them … and “why.”
Our other gift tonight involves “the Orbs” — those “glowing balls of light” which have been appearing in unprecedented numbers all around the world, but have been vastly overshadowed by the recent frenzy over “drones.”
Two potentially world-changing “Christmas presents” — with seven more “tetrahedral days” to go ….
Merry Christmas.
Richard C. Hoagland
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Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
David Sereda
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Georgia Lambert
Website: Lambert’s Lodge
Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.
In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.
In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Greg Ahrens
Greg Ahrens is an Associate of ENTERPRISE MISSION, having collaborated with Richard C. Hoagland on several papers beginning with an investigation of the Norway Spiral in 2009.
“I became interested in Space at an early age, and watched the early Project Mercury launches on TV in grade school. My youngest brother was born on the same day as John Glenn’s first American orbital flight. My father was a mathematician and systems analyst for a major aerospace corporation and I was an avid reader of my dad’s Aviation Week & Space Technology magazines.”
Ahrens served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam Era. He studied Political Science, and Spanish and Spanish-American Language and Literature at the University of Missouri- St. Louis. After working at a number of varied jobs he finally earned a B.A. in “Individual Studies” at Columbia College in Columbia, MO.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Barbara Honegger, M.S.
has served in high-level Government positions including
White House Policy Analyst, Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy,
Director of the Attorney General’s Law Review at the Department of Justice, and for more
than a decade was the Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Department of Defense.
Barbara is Chairman of the Board and Investigative Researcher with the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Since Sept. 11th she has been a leading author, documentarian, public speaker and major activist on the events of 9/11 with emphasis on the Pentagon Attack and Anthrax Attacks, including presentations and speaking tours in the U.S. Europe and Canada.
Barbara researched, scripted and produced the video documentaries ‘Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at The Pentagon, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters’ and ‘The 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour’, both with over 250,000 views on YouTube. The Walking Tour uses the actual exhibit items in the 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero itself to prove that the Official Story of Sept. 11th is false. She is also the visionary for and physically executed the iconic ‘Third Beam’ Spotlight shown into the NYC skyline on the 9th Anniversary of the attacks that has become the icon for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the 9/11 Truth Movement worldwide.
Barbara is also a national whistleblower. Her pioneering book October Surprise, the first on the topic subsequently confirmed by formerly classified documents and deathbed confessions of key conspirators, led to an official Congressional re-investigation of the Iran side of the Iran-Contra scandal funded at the level of the 9/11 Commission.
Ms. Honegger earned Bachelor of Arts from Stanford University; a Master of Science in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University; and Masters level certification in National Security Decision making from the Naval War College. She has twice run as a Candidate for Congress for the central coast district of California, most recently on a 9/11 Truth Platform.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Ruggero A Calo

Ruggero (Pronounced Rujiero), is of Italian- English descent. From his native London, he later moved to the South Coast (Jurassic Coast) of England where he lives and works. Ruggero graduated from ‘The University of Southampton’ School of Health Professions Science in 2004 with a BSc Honors degree in Podiatric medicine. In his working professional life, he undertakes all aspects of general practice with a special interest in Human movement and musculoskeletal medicine including gait re-education and orthotic prescription.
Ruggero is a keen athlete having represented his locality in sprint running for the 100, 200 and 400m, was a youth county swimming champion and went on to race with and coach the university team. Along with this Ruggero is an accomplished swimming instructor having taught all levels and everyone from youth nonswimmers to adults with physical and learning difficulties. He also holds a second-degree blackbelt and teaching qualification in the Natural Way Karate (Shizenryu) specializing in contact reflexes and practicing martial art in the ancient and traditional form as held preserved secretly by the Chinese Buddhist monks. As well as his day work, Ruggero has published his first music album in 2017 and is recording his second piece of work for release this 2021. He has performed at large and small UK music festivals with his career highlight supporting one of his favorite ‘Grammy’ award-winning Reggae Artists on an acoustic tour in the UK. When not in working practice you can find Ruggero undertaking his passion of surfing and skating at many of the reef-breaks or skateparks in his beloved home of the SouthWest Coastal region of the United Kingdom.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Robert Morningstar
Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst, investigative journalist and psychotherapist, living in New York City.
Robert is a specialist in photo interpretation, geometric analysis and computer imaging. Robert Morningstar is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) at Fordham University where he received a degree in psychology. While at Fordham University, in 1969, Robert participated as a research fellow in a US Navy-sponsored program to develop Artificial Intelligence.
An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts, he is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch’uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College, and Hunter College, the City University of New York. In 1992-93, he worked in the Behavioral Science Department of The International Center for the Disabled.
Robert Morningstar is a FAA-licensed private pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor and has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception applied in the JFK Assassination. His work is cited in major books on the JFK assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Conspiracy Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
In 2004, Robert Morningstar presented "TMA 1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars" before a peer review panel at the Min-Tech conference at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) and was a featured speaker at the historic Secret Space Program Conference-Breakaway Civilization Conference held in San Francisco, June 2015 where he exhibited Apollo mission lunar anomalies and related UFO activity that occurred throughout the Apollo Missions. Robert has written extensively to expose NASA’s use of “Disinformation Technology” to suppress evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon and of life on Mars.
Robert is currently the Publisher & Editor of The UFO Spotlight & UFODigest, which expose the real nature and menace of the UFO phenomenon its cover-up and threat to our constitutional liberties. Robert ihas been heard regularly on many national and international radio programs, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Far Out Radio, The Other Side of News, The Martian Revelation, Dr. J Radio Live in L.A. and Skywatchers Radio. Robert is currently the host of hs own radio programs on Revolution Radio..
Robert Morningstar has been listed in Who's Who In America, Who's Who In Who in Business & Industry (1992) and In Science & Technology (1993). Robert was the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who 2020 Albert Neill Lifetime Achievement Award for his work and career as a Civilian Intelligence Analyst.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Why the Fury to Return to Mars?
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
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CALL (917) 889-8802
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At times it is possible that the Internet stream may be delayed by almost a minute. If you are only listening on your device, you will not hear Richard answer the phone until it is too late…and he has moved on to the next caller.
2- If you are calling from Skype, Richard will not be able to call out an accurate area code for you…and you will look anonymous to him….you can hear the show on Skype while you are waiting..You will hear a Beep Tone signaling that you are Unmuted”...that will be your cue that Richard has opened the line to you.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Show Items
Richard’s Items:
1. Former President Jimmy Carter dies at 100: In memoriam, 1924-2024
The Cover-Up Exposed, 1973-1991|eBook
Richard M. Dolan
2. Pope will receive outgoing US President Biden at Vatican Jan. 10
3. Astronomers say they found a tunnel connecting our solar system to other stars
4. 🚨BREAKING:Unknown Glowing Orb on Camera in the New Jersey Sky “We Have No Idea What It Is.”
Orb FaceCL5 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL6 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL3 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL10 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL9 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL8 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb FaceCL7 Enhanced Dec-14-24
Orb Face28 CL2-CL3-CL4-CL5-CL5a Nov-24 Enhanced CL Composite
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Ruggero’s Items:
Drone FootageScreen Shot. FOX NEWS
NASA TV YOUTUBE SCREEN SHOT. Background Image overlay
Chang’e-6 Notice Background Similarity to NASA Mission overlay
6. Drone Threat: What the Gov’t Isn’t Telling You About Foreign Espionage and UAPs | Andrew Bustamante
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Barbara’s Items:
Fmr. Congressman Curt Weldon Leads Charge for New Independent 9/11 Investigation, Circled the Capitol with Fire Trucks to Force The Truth and Political Action
Letter from the King’s High Court of Justice to WTC 9/11 Victim’s Brother Matt Campbell
3. The King’s High Court in the UK has granted 9/11 WTC Victim Geoff Campbell’s Brother Matt Campbell an Historic Hearing that Could Clear the Way to the High Court Reopening Geoff’s Coroner’s Inquest re the True Cause of the Collapse of WTC1 on Sept. 11th
Interview with Matt Campbell:
4. Video of Dec. 19, 2024 UAP Experts Panel Online Event sponsored by Danny Sheehan’s New Paradigm Institute in collaboration with the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), Humanity Rising, Ubiquity University, Steve Bassett’s Paradigm Research Group, the Hollywood Disclosure Alliance, and ABQ UFOs re the recent mass drone events and the path forward for investigation and action:
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
Robert’s Items:
Item 1
Merry 🌲Christmas
The Morningstar ReportUFO Disclosure & The Drone Invasion:
A Brief History of the First US Navy Initiative for UFO Disclosure
Through The United Nations – 2008-2010
How the US Navy spurred the First Initiative for UFO Disclosure through the United Nations General Assembly between 2008 & 2010
DECEMBER 15, 2024
Item 2
“Moon Ships” Over New Jersey
Drones & Orbs Search for Missing Nuclear Material
in “The Garden State”
Report on Missing Ukrainian Nuclear Warhead & Moon Ship photographed over Princeton. NJ on Winter Solstice, December 20, 2024
Item 3
Orb on Runway-Manchester Airport
November 27th, 2024
Item 4
Moon Ship Orb/UFO Hovering
Over Apollo 17 Landing site
Item 5
Telescopic Photo of Orb/UFO Over New Jersey
Item 6
White Pearl Orb/UFO over Princeton, NJ
Taken at Winter Solstice Early morning,
December 21st, 2024
DECEMBER 15, 2024
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
David’s Items:
1. ‘Alien’ TV News Broadcast Take-Over Message, IBA England, November 26, 1977
UFO hovers over California military base Camp Wilson
Why a dog? Is Nancy Mace on the pet committee or is this code for
Sirius, the Dog Star?
Radio Station 106.9 in Seattle gets jammed by frequencies:
106.9 Megahertz is one octave up from 53.45 x 2 = 106.9 which is as per Planet 53.29 in Crystal Sereda’s model.
It broadcasts at 49,000 watts.
4. Timeline of events in 2024 leading to Drones
1. August 30, 2024NASA Starliner spacecraft receives a strange audio signal, which under frequency analysis in a spectrum analyzer, reveals a base tone of 432 Hz with multiple frequency bands interlaced within it that are planetary orbital period numbers from our solar system!
2. September 21, 2024 David Sereda hears a repeating dial-like tone at 216 Hz while waking up and sees the dashboard of the inside of a spacecraft control panel visually as if being teleported to the inside of this spacecraft. Image created in AI to illustrate. He does not know what it means. The tone lasts for a few seconds and repeats like a dial tone of a phone. 216 Hz is one octave down from 432, which establishes itself as an “A” tone on a piano. He does not know where the tone is coming from.
3. October 18, 2024 NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO gets bumped hard by something in space and it is revealed in the video from SDO. https://www.youtube.com/shorts/F6l4Hd_-xs0
4. October 19, satellite Intelsat 33e explodes for no apparent reason
5. October 19, NASA reports suddenly all contact with Voyager 1 is lost 15 billions miles away.
6. October 19, David Sereda hears the voice of Jesus Christ early AM Pacific time just after midnight telling him to make calculations starting at this day of October 19, 2024 which turned out to be astounding! October 19 plus 432 days = December 25, 2025. October 19 minus 432 days = August 14, 2023 which is within 1 day of the Ascension of the Mother Mary celebrated every year in the Catholic Church. October 19 plus 225 days (the orbital period of Venus) = June 1, 2025, the date for Jesus Ascension Day 2025.
7. November 16, Jimmy B transmits the recording of the NASA Starliner tones towards 2024 pt5 Minimoon while it is temporarily orbiting Earth! He transmits at 432 megahertz!
8. November 18, drone sightings alarm New Jersey, USA residents begins the huge wave of drone sightings.
9. November 19, a loud tone overtakes David Sereda’s TV set while watching the start of the movie “The Signal” on Netflix. He measures the tone with a frequency meter at 755.35 Hz. Image taken on phone of meter.
10. November 25, Minimoon 2024 pt5 leaves earth’s orbit which was with Earth since September 29, 2024.
11. November 26, NASA loses all contact with its Solar Dynamics Observatory SDO Satellite which is out indefinitely! It sends it’s last images of the sun on this date. https://sdo.gsfc.nasa.gov/
12. November 26, Unknown UAP, Drones are everywhere on the East Coast and being reported worldwide.
13. November 26, Andrew Currie and his wife hear a strong audio tone overtake their TV set. They Identify it as a Middle A note around 432 Hz.
14. David Sereda decodes the 2 frequencies are 7 days apart. 755.35 Hz (recorded November 19th) divided by 432 (recorded November 26) = a ratio of 1 to 1.748
15. Our Sun’s Radius being 432,450 miles is a ratio of 1.713 that of Sirius A. In fact, the tone of 755.35 divided by 1.713 (Sirius A) = 440.95 is near the Concert Pitch Standard for Middle “A” on a piano being 440 Hz and the Boston Philharmonic uses a concert pitch of 441, we have a match of the tones being in ratio to the Star Sirius A, which is the brightest star in our night sky here on Earth.
16. 16. Radio Station 106.9 in Seattle gets jammed by frequencies: https://www.reddit.com/r/HighStrangeness/comments/1h8liov/terrifying_radio_signal/
5. Here I map the occurrence of 432 Hz at the Starliner to Andrew Currie’s 432 Hz event being
87 days apart. Mercury makes 1 orbit around the sun in 87.969 days of earth time.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Richard – David – Barbara – Ruggero – Robert
Fast links to Bios: David – Barbara – Greg – Georgia – Ruggero – Robert
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my garage door opened and closed on its on and would not allow me to close it with my remotes last week.
My cell phone has been doing weird stuff for a week now.
Also for a month now I an seeing double numbers every time I pick up my phone. 0101 0202 0303 1111 1010 1212 you name it and I am seeing it for the last 3 weeks on everyday. weird.
You are broadcasting dead air.
Richard had issues with his audio feed to the stream Sorry for the inconvenience. BlogTalk worked for a change. I will fix the problem and it should be fine this weekend
Show isn’t broadcasting on talk stream live or on the show dialup number. It is working on blogtalk radio.com and the 8802 call in number
Richard had technical issues and did not work with me to correct it.
Perfect way to close out the year, NO SHOW!!!!! Just like most of the weekends this past year. I have really liked listening to this show for years, I can said I look forward to it each week, but what’s going on Richard? This past year has been very disappointing, shows postponed endlessly or never air. It seems you are more interested in being on someone else’s show G0, C2C, than your own. Please come back and do your own, these past few weeks have been so good and I thought finally what ever had been going on is resolved and I got my hopes up for this weekend only to be disappointed again. I’m only telling you this to be constructive, and I’m sure many other listers have the same thoughts and I’m afraid your losing many of them. If you can’t be on at least left Keith have the helm.
Guys sorry for the technical problem, but this was on Richards end, nothing I could do because he would not get his act together on correcting it during the show. For once BlogTalk worked or there would be no recording of the show.
the 3rd choice is the only method that works to listen, 1. and 2. are not playing at all.
there is no voice for tonight’s show.
Arlene Rubin
Sorry, Richard had technical problems, but the show was available on BlogTalk.
there’s no audio present on Google chrome web browser, so google. Also the dial in line via land, exhibit, no audio,?
The BlogTalk dial-in was working, but the web based URL stream was not. I will work to fix this for the start of the year. However, BlogTalk will be ending their business on January 25th. So we have to find a new interface to be able to talk callers. We are working on replacing BlagTalk.
ive been trying to hear you for 11 mins now and I can’t
Sorry Don, but Richard somehow was not feeding audio to the stream and he did want to take the time to isolate and fit it. I hope to this resolved by this weekend.