Trump Suddenly Announces He’s “Taking Us to Mars” — as America’s “Manifest Destiny Amid the Stars” Here’s the REAL Reason ….

SUN / MON, JAN. 26th, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET /5 am GMT



SUN. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET
MON. 5 am GMT

Guest Page
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Support The Other Side of Midnight!

Trump Suddenly Announces He’s “Taking Us to Mars” — as America’s “Manifest Destiny Amid the Stars” Here’s the REAL Reason ….

About a year into Donald Trump’s first term as “outsider” President of the United States, in early 2018, the Enterprise Mission sent a 3-hour “Presidential Briefing Video” to Washington DC via a mutual friend; the Briefing — supported by official “off planet NASA photo documentation,” from multiple worlds across the solar system — introduced the President to the “off-the-wall idea” that there exists “out there” extensive arrays of “ancient ET artifacts and ruins,” discovered and extensively researched on NASA data … by the Enterprise Mission over more than ~40 years.

The closest, we pointed out repeatedly within the video (and thus, most accessible to NASA’s follow-on to its legendary Apollo Program, the newly-created “Project Artemis”) being–

On the surface of the Moon!

Two weeks after our contact confirmed that the President had, indeed, received the “Presidential Briefing,” his NASA Administrator at the time, Jim Bridenstine, suddenly announced that “the date of the first human return of American astronauts to the surface of the Moon, in Project Artemis,” had been dramatically ADVANCED — from 2028 to 2024!; the radically revised timetable thus placing American’s return to the Moon in Project Artemis within the last few months of Trumps (intended) “Second Presidential term ….”

Now, after being surprisingly reelected to that Second Term, Trump announced in his Inaugural Speech Monday, his Administration’s plans to “send human’s well beyond the Moon … to the planet Mars” — via his friend, Elon Musk’s, “rapidly advancing Starship system …”

With four years to think about it, did the Enterprise Mission’s 2018 Presidential Briefing on “solar system ET artifacts” play a key role in Trump’s dramatic 2025 decision?

Does the President, with renewed access now to EVERYTHING that NASA has found out (and has managed to keep Secret for more than half a century!) now KNOW what’s waiting for Humanity “out there”…?

Beginning on the Moon, but extending to the Origin and Meaning of “an inexplicable, ancient hybrid Martian Face” … waiting on the planet Mars itself?!

Join us tonight … and find out.

Richard C. Hoagland

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David Sereda


David Sereda was born in Edmonton, Alberta, August 21, 1961. He was born into a family of 5 boys being the 2nd eldest. His father, Dr. Lynn Sereda, Ph.D. in educational psychology from UC Berkeley, CA, was dedicated to his children’s spiritual growth. His influence on David is one of the greatest driving forces behind what he does. His mother Linda Trafford, was a carpenter, artist and family lawyer in California.
Crystal Sereda first met David Sereda in Los Angeles at the House of Blues. Dan Aykroyd introduced us at a world meeting of sorts, wherein, my husband was introduced to me as a UFO researcher and historian. David, among other experts and friends were brought in to analyze some UFO footage in the screening room. At that time I especially enjoyed singing Jazz and blues in Los Angeles. I was professionally trained in opera technique, which I use with my husband’s music to create a new way of recording with the 5151, being the first to ever be recorded in modern history out of our “Scale of Life” new harmonic musical scale.
We have also enjoyed film making together which includes our narrating, acting, filming, and my singing vocals for our documentary films along side my husband’s love for music with scoring. We have produced such documentaries as Quantum Communication, The Voice, From Here to Andromeda, Hope For Humanity and Mona Lisa’s Little Secret.
David decided at a certain stage of his education to self design his learning and consequently has studied world religion, meditation, philosophy, science (Fringe science), physics, photography, screenwriting, art, film, music, consciousness, UFOs, Crop Circles, history, sacred sites, transpersonal psychology, yoga and more.
Since the year 1999, David has appeared on hundreds of radio shows such as Coast to Coast AM with Art Bell and George Noory, Jimmy Church, John B. Wells, Shirley MacLaine, Alan Handelman, Alan Eisenberg, and so many more. He has also appeared on nearly every news station on TV including CNN, Anderson Cooper, Fox News (various affiliates), History Channel "Ancient Aliens", Peter Jennings UFO special, "Seeing is Believing 2005" and more.
He has written self published books such as Evidence, the case for NASA UFOs, Singularity, Differentials, Face to Face with Jesus Christ, and jointly with his wife Mona Lisa’s Little Secret, and God’s Great Pyramid.
He has Co Produced, Directed, Edited and scored documentary films, "Evidence, the Case for NASA UFOs" (2001 on VHS 2003 on DVD), Dan Aykroyd, Unplugged on UFOs (2005), THE VOICE (2006), Quantum Communication (2007), Mona Lisa’s Little Secret (2008), Hope for Humanity (2009), etc. His films have had millions of views from DVDs, TV, and Youtube, etc.
He has produced and scored music for meditation, frequencies for tuning consciousness. He and his wife have a meditation practice and consciousness course series on audio and video called Quantum ReGenesis. David and Crystal Sereda have developed a company with natural technology developed both to imprint frequencies and vibrations into jewelry & crystals. He also designs and makes harmonic field transmitters and wands!



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Andrew Currie

Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.

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Maria Wheatley

The Avebury Experience,
Esoteric College

Maria is a second-generation dowser who was taught by European Master Dowers, her late father and Chinese geomants. She is a leading authority on geodetic earth energies, ley lines and stone circles. Maria is an accomplished author of books on sacred sites and dowsing.

In 2015 Maria made a major discovery. In the Neolithic period there was a royal priesthood of long skulled (elongated) people that made Stonehenge their spiritual capital. Across Europe and the British Isles, this Enigmatic long lost civilization designed elongated shaped monuments to reflect their skull shape. During the Early Bronze Age, the long skulled people were murdered by round skulled people who designed round stone circles and created round barrows for the departed – reflecting the shape of their skulls. Maria tracked down the long elongated skull of the High Queen of Stonehenge and many others to reveal the Secret History of Stonehenge.

Maria has studied Neolithic Britain and Bronze Age prehistory at Bath and Oxford University. Alongside other professionals, Maria combines her knowledge of archaeology, and earth energies with state of the art equipment to detect and interpret the hidden frequencies that the Earth emits. She is an expert on locating and analyzing earth energies at sacred sites across Europe.

Maria has also written holistic diploma courses and runs which offers certificated courses on holistic subjects including past life regression, Druid Soul Star astrology, tarot and dowsing.

Maria teaches advance dowsing techniques which are not taught anywhere else in the world.

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Georgia Lambert

GL face

Website: Lambert’s Lodge 

Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.

In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.

In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.


Guest Page
Fast links to Items: RichardGeorgiaDavidGregMariaRobertBarbaraAndrew
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Greg Ahrens

greg-ahrensGreg Ahrens is an Associate of ENTERPRISE MISSION, having collaborated with Richard C. Hoagland on several papers beginning with an investigation of the Norway Spiral in 2009.

“I became interested in Space at an early age, and watched the early Project Mercury launches on TV in grade school. My youngest brother was born on the same day as John Glenn’s first American orbital flight. My father was a mathematician and systems analyst for a major aerospace corporation and I was an avid reader of my dad’s Aviation Week & Space Technology magazines.”

Ahrens served in the U.S. Air Force during the Vietnam Era. He studied Political Science, and Spanish and Spanish-American Language and Literature at the University of Missouri- St. Louis. After working at a number of varied jobs he finally earned a B.A. in “Individual Studies” at Columbia College in Columbia, MO.

Guest Page
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Robert Morningstar


The Morningstar Report Newsletter
Latest article:
UFOs Over The Great State of Maine: Memories and Recollections of a UFO Hunter

Robert Morningstar is a civilian intelligence analyst, investigative journalist and psychotherapist, living in New York City.

Robert is a specialist in photo interpretation, geometric analysis and computer imaging. Robert Morningstar is a graduate of Power Memorial Academy and was a New York State Regents Scholar (1967-72) at Fordham University where he received a degree in psychology.  While at Fordham University, in 1969, Robert participated as a research fellow in a US Navy-sponsored program to develop Artificial Intelligence.

An expert in Chinese language, history and martial arts, he is acknowledged as a Master of Yang Family Tai Chi Ch’uan by the Hong Kong Tai Chi Masters Association and has taught at Oberlin College, and  Hunter College, the City University of New York. In 1992-93, he worked in the Behavioral Science Department of The International Center for the Disabled.

Robert Morningstar is a FAA-licensed private pilot and Instrument Ground Instructor and has studied the paranormal and UFOs for over 50 years and published many research articles on the Internet, exposing government cover-up and deception applied in the JFK Assassination. His work is cited in major books on the JFK assassination, notably in Paris Flammonde’s “The Assassination of America” and “Conspiracy Science” by Prof. James Fetzer.
In 2004, Robert Morningstar presented "TMA 1: A Sign of Intelligent Life on Mars" before a peer review panel at the Min-Tech conference at Johns Hopkins University sponsored by AIAA (American Institute of Aeronautics & Astronautics) and was a featured speaker at the historic Secret Space Program Conference-Breakaway Civilization Conference held in San Francisco, June 2015 where he exhibited Apollo mission lunar anomalies and related UFO activity that occurred throughout the Apollo Missions. Robert has written extensively to expose NASA’s use of “Disinformation Technology” to suppress evidence of an extraterrestrial presence on the Moon and of life on Mars.
 Robert is currently the Publisher & Editor of The UFO Spotlight & UFODigest, which expose the real nature and menace of the UFO phenomenon its cover-up and threat to our constitutional liberties. Robert ihas been heard regularly on many national and international radio programs, including Coast-to-Coast AM, Far Out Radio, The Other Side of News, The Martian Revelation, Dr. J Radio Live in L.A. and Skywatchers Radio. Robert is currently the host of hs own radio programs on Revolution Radio..
Robert Morningstar has been listed in Who's Who In America, Who's Who In Who in Business & Industry (1992) and In Science & Technology (1993). Robert was the recipient of the Marquis Who's Who 2020 Albert Neill Lifetime Achievement Award for his work and career as a Civilian Intelligence Analyst.

Guest Page
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Barbara Honegger, M.S.

has served in high-level Government positions including
White House Policy Analyst, Special Assistant to the President for Domestic Policy,
Director of the Attorney General’s Law Review at the Department of Justice, and for more
than a decade was the Senior Military Affairs Journalist at the Naval Postgraduate School, the premiere science, technology and national security affairs graduate research university of the Department of Defense.

Barbara is Chairman of the Board and Investigative Researcher with the Lawyers’ Committee for 9/11 Inquiry. Since Sept. 11th she has been a leading author, documentarian, public speaker and major activist on the events of 9/11 with emphasis on the Pentagon Attack and Anthrax Attacks, including presentations and speaking tours in the U.S. Europe and Canada.
Barbara researched, scripted and produced the video documentaries ‘Behind The Smoke Curtain: What Happened at The Pentagon, and What Didn’t, and Why It Matters’ and ‘The 9/11 Museum Virtual Walking Tour’, both with over 250,000 views on YouTube. The Walking Tour uses the actual exhibit items in the 9/11 Museum at Ground Zero itself to prove that the Official Story of Sept. 11th is false. She is also the visionary for and physically executed the iconic ‘Third Beam’ Spotlight shown into the NYC skyline on the 9th Anniversary of the attacks that has become the icon for Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth and the 9/11 Truth Movement worldwide.

Barbara is also a national whistleblower. Her pioneering book October Surprise, the first on the topic subsequently confirmed by formerly classified documents and deathbed confessions of key conspirators, led to an official Congressional re-investigation of the Iran side of the Iran-Contra scandal funded at the level of the 9/11 Commission.

Ms. Honegger earned Bachelor of Arts from Stanford University; a Master of Science in Consciousness Studies from John F. Kennedy University; and Masters level certification in National Security Decision making from the Naval War College. She has twice run as a Candidate for Congress for the central coast district of California, most recently on a 9/11 Truth Platform.

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Why the Fury to Return to Mars?



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Guest Page
Fast links to Items: RichardGeorgiaDavidGregMariaRobertBarbaraAndrew
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Guest Page
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Show Items


Richard’s Items:

1. Opinion | Trump says we’re going to Mars. He may be making it harder to get there.


2. JFK files are being declassified by Trump. When and where can you read them?


Orion Belt Nebula Vert Flip Close Look Composite




Giza Pyramids Photo & Map Orion Stars Composite



5.  Hamas frees 4 female Israeli soldiers in exchange for 200 Palestinian prisoners as ceasefire holds.



Pyramid Plate Tectonic Orientation SCIENCE Magazine March 2nd, 1973








Gale Crater Pyramid Pan Enhanced




Gale Crater Curiosity Pyramid Enhanced






Jezero Crater Color Mars Express Enhanced






ESA Jezero Crater SW Pyramids and Belt Pyramids Wide Enhanced Annotated Small



Jezero Crater Southern-Rim Giza 2-sets Big and Small Pyramids













Perseverance at Jezero Crater & Giza Mirror






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David’s Items:


Triangle of Mars Obelisks are in Pyramid Angle Triangle








Image Close up on Mars Obelisk with shadow








Face on Mars add contracts and side shadow



Guest Page
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Georgia’s Items:


ST George Utah Jan 1 2025















Guest Page
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Greg’s Items:


Sirius crossing the Meridian (Transit)
New Year’s Eve (Dec 31)
at Giza, Egypt, Africa.
Local standard time (UTC +02:00 beginning 1848)
Local Mean Solar Time -LSMT (UTC +2:04 before 1848
Gregorian Calendar instituted in 1582

Year Time
2024 23:58 (11:58 PM)
1999 00:01 (Jan 1, 2000, 12:01 AM)
1899 23:56
1799 23:55
1699 23:50
1599 23:49

1499 23:08
1399 23:07
1299 23:05
1199 23:04
1099 23:03

999 23:01
899 23:00 (11:00 pm)
799 22:58 (10:58 pm)
699 22:57
599 22:56

499 22:54
399 22:53
299 22:52
199 22:50
099 22:49

1BC 22:48
-101 22:46
-201 22:45
-301 22:43
-401 22:42
-501 22:41

By Greg Ahrens, 5 January 2025, via Stellarium




About the New Year’s Day 2025 “terror” incidents:
The New Orleans Truck incident on Bourbon Street was at 3:15 AM CST. (09:15 UTC)
From New Orleans
Mintaka plus 19°57′ above SW (19.5°)
with Alnilam and Alnitak slight above and descending. (All Orion’s belt stars)
Also Sirius plus 23° above SW and descending towards 19.5°

The Cyber Truck at Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas was at 8:39 AM PST (16:39 UTC)
From Las Vegas:
No significant alignments

From Washington DC:
2 belt stars in the minus ~51.5° (side slope of great pyramid) below East of North position.
Aldebaran minus 30° below NNE
Regulus minus 16° below NW descending towards minus 19.5°

From West Palm Beach (Trump HQ):
Regulus minus 19°15′ (19.5°) below WNW

By Greg Ahrens, 5 January 2025, via Stellarium.



3. About Livilsberger’s political “manifestos.”



Guest Page
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Maria’s Items:


Thornborough Henges and Sirius




Long man of Wilmington Orion and Sirius








Long man of Wilmington Orion and Sirius





Newgrange outside spiral





Inside Spiral of Sirius Marker









Hathor’s Temple







West Kennet long barrow’s false horizon line







West kennet stone avenue and Sirius Worship









Timber Stonehenge phase 1 and star worship






Corona Borelais and Stonehenge NOVA Now









Dorset Cursus 7-miles long and Sirius






A Hyper Elongated Long Skull








Trepanned skulls WHY (1)






Trepanned skulls WHY (2)







A healed trepanation Fussell’s Lodge Long Barrow.






T-Shape for Ceremonies









T-Shape wide










Victorian Hair Parting.





Guest Page
Fast links to Items: RichardGeorgiaDavidGregMariaRobertBarbaraAndrew
Fast links to Bios:  David  –  Andrew  –  Maria  –  Georgia  –  Greg  –  Robert  –  Barbara


Barbara’s Items:


The Sirius Point Revelation — Barbara Honegger
The Sirius Point Revelation 1982, and Akhenaten and Scota’s Stone of Destiny




The Coronation Chair of British Monarchs holding a counterfeit of the real Stone of Destiny under the Seat on which every King and Queen has been crowned since 1296, including most recently King Charles.





PPT for TOSM on Sirius Point and Stone of Destiny Jan. 5, 2025




4. Aerial Photo of the Giza Plateau and surrounding area with the Stars of the Orion Constellation (white dots) overlain at scale, with the pink dot overlain at one of the two possible Sirius Points. The other possible Sirius Point is off the Photo to the upper left in alignment with the Orion Belt Stars (the three white dots). 




Hall of The Gods by Nigel Appleby who deduced The Sirius Point by highly complicated and entirely different means.







Location in the outskirts of Cairo that Appleby identified for The Sirius Point.













1997 article re Appleby’s project to try to excavate at The Sirius Point




The Orion Mystery by Robert Bauval. Bauval conceived of the mapping of the Orion Belt Stars onto the three Pyramids at Giza well after Honegger’s revelation but doesn’t mention even the possibility of a Sirius Point, which is what really matters, in the book






High Priestess of Isis Celestine Star who knew about The Sirius Point. 







Richard’s Graphic of Sirius on the Meridian at Midnight going into New Year’s




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Robert’s Items:

1.Trump Adresses WEF @ Davos

NBC News
Watch Trump’s full virtual address to the World Economic Forum News
President Trump delivered a virtual address to the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, criticizing what he viewed as “ruinous policies” of the Biden administration and saying he would help tackle “economic chaos.” The president also talked about his administration’s plans for deregulation and promotion of artificial intelligence and cryptocurrency. › video › watch-trump-s-full-virtual-address-to-the-world-economic-forum-2

Facing Reality: How The New World Order Infiltrated & Suborned “The Company” (CIA) to Form a Global Cabal

Primary Target: 
– Eyewitness on the Grassy Knoll – Part III


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Andrew’s Items:




Jezero A Mirrored Reality









An Elegant Template









Radar Rider









Going Bananas, Deliberately





Guest Page
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3 Comments so far:

  1. Rifts Mean says:

    Hello, again.  Richard said something about Orion in relation to the Bible’s fallen angels and their giant offspring.  Christopher Knowles wrote, “And as if all that were not enough, Orion is also associated with the Nephilim,” in this blog post.
    How much of that blog is true?

  2. Rifts Mean says:

    Hello, Keith.  I know you are busy this weekend, but Robert and Barbara mentioned that fake letter again along with the Majestic Twelve hoax documents again.  Do I need to paste the URL to Jason Colavito’s post again?  Anyway, here it is again.
    I also remember viewing a page about the fake document on Douglas Dean Johnson’s website in 2023, but I could not find it when I searched for it.  Did I dream it, or did Douglas Dean Johnson write about the hoax soon after finding it and delete the page later?  Sorry, apologies for repeating this again, but I feel like the audience may want to be informed about that claim whenever Robert and Barbara bring it up on this show.  Fortunately, it seems like few others have been convinced by the hoax because it remains somewhat obscure.  With that said, I can listen now.  Thanks!  Keep up the good work!  Goodbye.

  3. Jay says:

    tieing together last night and tonight, what if the lost civilization of Mars left archives of the type Nova Spivak is putting on Mars? if so, it is a matter of great national security that we find them first

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