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Richard’s Items
2. Europa Water Plumes Appear to Erupt From Jupiter’s Moon in New Photos
3. The Enterprise Mission – Europa
4. An unusual ‘black moon’ is coming Friday, but it’s not the end of the world
5. How to Follow Rosetta’s Grand Finale
6. Musk’s Mars moment: Audacity, madness, brilliance—or maybe all three
7. Neil deGrasse Tyson Comments on Elon Musk’s Mission to Mars
8. Pluto |
Kynthea’s Items
Keith’s Items

1. The Spike

3. Dome Comp

4. The Dome-UCP

6. Crack Rock

7. The Stairs
Andrew’s Items
‘Ambition: Epilogue’ Pays Tribute to Rosetta’s Final Comet Days
Will’s Items
Robert’s Items
Thomas’ Items
Chris’ Items
Kynthea, known in early Mars circles as “Mama Mars” is a San Francisco Bay Area Artist and the Artistic Director for the Mars Project. She sculpted the first ever Face on Mars along with the Cliff behind it that echoes from profile “face features”. This sculpture appeared on the first edition of Monuments of Mars by Richard C Hoagland and was later corroborated by computer analysis of Mark Carlotto. Then came the “Cody Mars Face” , unveiled at the Cody Conference where she conrtibuted to discussions with other Anomalies Researchers including Richard Hoagland, Anthony West and others.When the Mars Global Surveyor (MGS) took provocative a photo of the Face on Mars she set about to sculpt the face once again, including the new data revealed in the NASA photo. That sculpture, the ‘Malta Bronze” and was featured on a later edition of the “Monuments of Mars” book cover designed by her. Kynthea organized the first Mars Exhibit and was a Key organizer of two JPL rallies in protest of NASA’s policies. She sculpted the Face several more times, and created a 3D computer model used in Mars Face animations featured on PAX TV. (ps: a funny note…the publisher of Monuments decided to rename her…using her original middle name (Lynne) as a last name without even consulting her! ). Kynthea dedicated more than 17 years studying and sculpting the Face, along with creating analysis of other anomalous objects.
Keith Laney
Websites:, The Hidden Mission
Keith Laney is a space image processing and anomalies specialist from Charlotte NC. He’s a husband, father, grandfather, artist, copper master, amateur space scientist and avid promoter and supporter of space exploration.
The primary passion of his life after about half the above is space imaging. His work has been featured by NASA, mainstream news organizations and planetary anomaly lovers the world over. Keith hosts a privately unequaled online collection of space imaging, planetary curiosities, his own writings and music which just celebrated its 13th anniversary.
Andrew Currie
Andrew A. Currie began his artistic career as a community public artist, working with neighbourhood groups to create murals in schools and community centres. As a graphic designer and illustrator, he serviced small to large Canadian companies. For the past decade, he has worked as a storyboard artist and concept illustrator in film and television, and in commercial tv advertising. Andrew has a Bachelor of Arts from The University of British Columbia, a diploma in graphic design and illustration, and a Masters in Art Therapy.
Will Farrar
Website:, Will’s images with links to raw image files
Will Farrar grew up in Maryland where he started his career in technology at the young age of 16 and is currently the Information Technology Director for a national healthcare company as well as the man behind the Space Anomaly YouTube Channel WhatsUpInTheSky37 and the website
He attributes his keen eye for spotting anomalies in imagery to his fascination with images returned from various spacecrafts as well as his travels around the United States visiting various national and state parks. Will is also known for applying various technological approaches in his hunt for anomalies in space imagery that has helped make his case of obfuscation in the past. Will is also an accomplished musician and artist.
Robert Harrison
Website: Cydonia Quest
Bob is a keen investor and after achieving his dream of financial independence decided to “retire” from the rat race in 2010. As a “child of the Space Age”, Bob was fascinated by space exploration and speculations about extra-terrestrial life from an early age. These have continued to be interests for him. Dr. Carl Sagan’s early speculations about the possible artificiality of the “Elysium Pyramids” on Mars have had a long term impact on his thinking.
In June 2000 Bob began the Cydonia Quest website as a personal exploration of the evidence for very ancient ET ruins in our Solar System. To date the research has mostly concentrated on Mars, and especially Cydonia. The website was inspired by the work of Richard C. Hoagland and his many collaborators in this field. Cydonia Quest is intended to be an additional resource to Hoagland’s own popular Enterprise Mission (TEM) website. It has also explored some of TEM’s more “out there” theories.
Thomas “Mikey” Jensen was born in Denmark in 1977. He had his first alien sighting when he was 5 years old and his first UFO close encounter when he was 8. Thomas always had an interest in the universe and remembers that as early as 6 years old he would look for UFO´s after dark in his backyard. While Thomas wanted to be a scientist and work with space technology, he soon realized he was born in the wrong country for the pursuit. He became a road supervisor and hauler instead while still searching for life in the universe in his spare time. All the while, he did voracious research – reading, watching, and studying what he could find about UFO´s and anomalies on mars, the moon, in space, etc. The topics of Mars, the Moon, and Space has been bonded to Thomas since childhood, so he named his popular Facebook group, “The Mars Moon Space Photo Zoom Club” – active online since 2014.
Chris Moroney, born and raised in Rhode Island, worked at Texas instruments before becoming a tool setter for the past 15 years. His true passion has always been anything space. After reading and seeing major inconsistencies in many space photos and journals (i.e. for images of Mars, the Moon, etc,) he made it his mission to try and find out what the TPTB (the powers that be) have been going out of their way, extensively, to hide from the world. Chris Moroney is the man behind the youtube channel “marsanomalies” and the Facebook page Mars“. Chris has been living in West Virginia since 2004 and is married and the father of 3 children.
RCH- this is serious stuff- but I love your attitude- its a prototype for what us old folks who have something to “give”/gift -to the newer generations- need to take- a relaxed- “I have the answer, if you want to know it- listen”. YOU are THEIR salvation. Keep up the good work and unfortunately- you can NOT pass the baton on to others- or at least not yet. There is no one there who can take over for you. I love your “boys” – they are AMAZING- but they have nothing to with who you are/what you are doing (giving/gifting). But you DO need to find a protégée.
This sounds like the sounds or voices that the aliens made on the movie Signs…they were listening to those sounds on a baby monitor
YES! I thought I heard those sounds before, you are exactly right! Now tell me where did the producers of that movie get them back when that movie was made!! Anyone who has the movie “Signs” starring Mel Gibson should compare them. That’s amazing you thought of that! Great job guys with the show, really enjoyed it!