Author Archives: Other Side of Midnight Production Team
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Show Items Richard’s Items: 1- Hawaii volcano lava flow destroys home in dramatic video 2- NASA will visit an undersea volcano in Hawaii to figure out how to hunt for aliens 3- Arthur C. Clark “2010” 4- 5- The Enterprise Mission – Europa 6- News and Outreach – SUBSEA 7- Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time 8- As Massive Dust Storm Rages on Mars, Opportunity Rover Falls Silent 9- How a Daredevil Raccoon Pulled Off a Terrifying 23-Story Climb We encourage you to submit questions in the blog below before the show:) Moray B. King’s Items: 1- 2018 TESLA TECH Conference Program Moray B. King Moray B King has Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, Masters Degree in Systems Engineering, and finished the course work for a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering, all at […]
My guest tonight, Joseph Gill, can probably best be characterized as “a generalists’ generalist.” Joe has literally “traveled the world” for almost 60 years — first, at a young age with his globe-trotting mother, then for the past 25 years with his wife, Nancy; tonight, he will be speaking to us from Malaysia — the place he and Nancy currently call “home” …. Joe’s geological background — and the fact that he lived for many years on the Big Island — make him the perfect guest to ask about Hawaii … and the increasingly energetic activity occurring beneath Kilauea … at “19.5.” Joe’s other diverse interests, ranging from the extraordinary array of people he has met in his decades of far-flung travels, to his passion for “gemology” (he sold the famous 78-caret “pear-shaped diamond” to Richard Burton, for Elizabeth Taylor in 1979), also extend to “world symbologies” — including, the true […]
Have you ever looked closely at the Great Seal of the United States? Are you aware that several significant physical “celestial connections” of the Nation — and even the symbology of a “long-suppressed Physics” — are represented in the Seal? My guest tonight, Chris Knowles, is going to take us on a journey … back several hundred years … to the unknown “ritual” beginnings of America– And its carefully disguised, deep connections to “the stars.” In particular, we will be examining the totally unknown role of one particular summer constellation, Lyra, in the “hidden history” of the United States — not only in the literal creation of “a new Nation” several hundred years ago … but in recent national events as radically diverse as the “Las Vegas massacre” of last Fall and the Stanley Cup playoffs of this spring! Join us …. Richard C. Hoagland show:) Show Items Richard’s Items: 1- New […]