Bio Michael Feeley
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Michael Feeley
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You are the real Da Vinci Code”… Dave Scott – Spaced Out Radio
“Michael Feeley is a former UK police officer and now ancient code breaker who has authored 7 paperback books and several e-books on various esoteric subjects and is also a public/international conference speaker and global radio contributor, magazine article writer, and frequent social media blogger. He is currently adapting his work to cater to a younger audience and will soon have a series of children’s books to teach our next generation many truths that they are not being taught elsewhere. Michael has appeared on Edge Media TV, The Moore Show and has featured on Strawman – The Nature of the Cage, an Elstree Studio’s independent documentary. Michael has also appeared on one of America’s largest radio shows, Coast to Coast with George Noory and ‘Midnight in the Desert Radio’ with Tim Weisberg (Art Bell’s Show) and is also currently filming an independent documentary regarding his numerous supernatural experiences over the last 10 years.
He is a multiple paranormal/UFO experiencer, has experienced consciousness entanglement remote viewing time travel, and has personally witnessed dimensional portals opening up before him emanating unorthodox craft, had numerous UFO sightings day and night, received telepathic invites to attend certain locations and has seen an ET being face to face amongst many other personal close encounters of the third another kind! Michael now uses his 17 years of evidence gathering knowledge and investigative training to break many ancient codes that have previously remained a mystery throughout the world. To Michael they are no longer a mystery. Through meticulous guided research and innate recognition of ancient symbols and codes, the secret metaphorical world has now been deciphered and the face of history can now be corrected as Michael demonstrates to you a ciphered code left for us to find within the famous monuments of the ancient world!
What is that code? You will soon find out!
What Michael is about to reveal is something very different to what has been stated before, very different to what so-called scholars have told us. What you have previously been told can now be re-written…as the true message of our ancestors can now finally be heard”