Tag Archives: Dr. Carmen Boulter
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Richard’s Items: 1- Hurricane Irma could strike U.S. East Coast by next weekend, or it could curve out to sea 2- 3- 4- 5- Revolutionary Healing Water from a Torsion-Technology Machine by Keith Perry http://awakeningdrops.com http://greengoadditives.com Donate: paypal.me/KPerry366 6- Buzz Aldrin nearly died at the South Pole. Why he insists ‘it was worth it, really.’ AND “We are all in danger! It is pure evil.” https://twitter.com/slone/status/806552107671257090?lang=en 7- Coral Castle Dr. Carmen Boulter’s Items: https://www.gofundme.com/TheNewAtlantis THREE VIDEOS BELOW – CLICK ON IMAGE – THEN CLICK ON VIDEO TAB UPPER RIGHT: 1- SCANPYRAMIDS MISSION TEASER 2- SCANPYRAMIDS Q1 2016 VIDEO REPORT 3- SCANPYRAMIDS Q4 2015 VIDEO REPORT 4- The results of the scans are in this video: 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16- 17- Sunrise in Spain Websites: Interactive U, PyramidCode.com, Pyramid Code Facebook, New Atlantis Movie Facebook Dr Carmen Boulter is Director, Producer, and […]
Richard’s Items Bernie Sanders Meets Pope Francis at Vatican [News] ‘BEAM’ Aboard: Experimental Inflatable Room Attached to Space Station [News] Support The “Superconducting Levitation Thruster” project on Indiegogo Carmen’s Items https://globalpyramidconference.com/ https://www.gofundme.com/TheNewAtlantis 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Websites: Interactive U, PyramidCode.com, Pyramid Code Facebook, New Atlantis Movie Facebook Dr. Carmen Boulter is Director, Producer, and Writer of The Pyramid Code, an epic 5-episode documentary series that has aired on national TV in 38 countries and is on Netflix in 7 countries. Carmen is a retired Professor from the Graduate Division of Educational Research at the University of Calgary. She taught at a Chienkuo Technology University in Taiwan for 4 years. She was Founder and Director of the Women’s Therapy and Research Center in Calgary, Canada. Carmen has been involved in all aspects of the vision and development of Interactive-U.com, an Online Learning and Social Action Network. She has […]
1. www.pyramidcode.com Dr Carmen Boulter is the creative fire behind The Pyramid Code. She is the Director, Producer, and writer of the series. Carmen has had an unshakable passion for Egypt traveling there 25 times. Through embassy support, Carmen did extensive research in the archives of the Egyptain Museum gaining official access to the Rare Books Library of the Faculty of Archaeology, Cairo University where the field notes of excavations done around the pyramids in the early 1900s are held. Carmen is the author of Angels and Archetypes: An Evolutionary Map of Feminine Consciousness. Over the past decade, Carmen has been a university professor developing online curriculum. Her latest achievement is Interactive-U.com, an online learning and social action network.