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Richard’s Items It Took Hours, and Lots of Confusion, Before a Judge Declared Scalia Dead Over the Phone [News] Exact Cause of Scalia’s Death Still Unclear [News] Eric’s Items 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Eric Francis Coppolino Websites: Planet Waves FM, Planet Waves Members Eric Francis Coppolino is the editor of Planet Waves and host of Planet Waves FM, a weekly astrology webcast affiliated with the Pacifica Radio Network. Since beginning as an astrologer in the mid-1990s, Eric has enjoyed a dual career as a widely-published horoscope writer and a personal consultant specializing in business and the arts. He is a pioneer in mapping the psychology of the newly-discovered planets (Chiron, Eris and others). He came to astrology after a long career as an award-winning investigative reporter, specializing in fraud cases related to chlorine based toxins — dioxin, PCBs and pesticides. In addition to serving Marie Claire as its astrologer, Eric also […]