Tag Archives: Dafna Tachover
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We’re at the crossroads. We stand now with one foot in each world. On the one side is a fearful universe of random chaos and malevolent intention… and on the other, is a Universe of Abundant Life-Giving Possibilities calling on us to bring them forward. Whether you believe in a God or not, or you believe in Science. Something is afoot as we regard our place in the Universe. More and more people are reporting the experience of shifting between universes… and Science is now pointing to the reality of the Multiverse. You see, Matter is not solid in the way we imagine it. It is more of a force field held in place by our attention to it. Perhaps you’ve heard whispers of the Mandela Effect? Perhaps you’ve gone looking for an item where you knew it should be…but was not…Only to have it reappear when you’re not looking […]