Tag Archives: David Lindsay
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Guest Page Fast links to Items: David – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta Fast links to Bios: David – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta Show Items . David’s Items: 1- David Lindsay speak out at a C.L.E.A.R. rally in Kelowna, Canada 2- The Case Against Masks: Ten Reasons Why Mask Use Should be Limited by Judy Mikovits and Kent Heckenlively 3- The Coronation Oath of the Monarch in the UK/Canada and enshrining the supremacy of God in our Constitution and what this means for gov’ts. William and Mary, 1688: An Act for Establishing the Coronation Oath. 4- The book is called, The Annotated Criminal Charging Procedure in Canada, which is designed to teach people how they can lay their own criminal charges if the police refuse to so do, with a particular emphasis on charging gov’t officials who are breaking the […]