Tag Archives: Dr. David Nicol
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In 1960, Maharishi Mahesh Yogi predicted that “one percent of a population practicing the Transcendental Meditation® technique would produce measurable improvements in the quality of life for the whole population ….” Subsequent, carefully controlled social research has confirmed the existence — and the universality — of the “Maharishi Effect.” This extraordinary claim was put to serious scientific test under the scrutiny of a distinguished review board in 1993, in Washington, D.C. The maximum decrease in DC violent crimes was 23.3%; the statistical probability that this result could reflect mere “chance variation” in reported crime levels was less than “2 in 1 billion (p < .000000002)!” Can a wider application of such Consciousness Technology literally “save the world?” Join us … and find out. Richard C. Hoagland Show Items Richard’s Items: 1- ‘Paradise’ lost: 9 dead after Northern California wildfire engulfs entire town, officials say 2- Stunning NASA Photos Show California’s Devastating […]