Tag Archives: J. Gary Sparks

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Richard’s Items 5 facts about Merrick Garland, Supreme Court nominee [News] Bold Euro-Russian expedition blasts free of Earth en route to Mars in search of life’s indicators[News] Ceres’ Mysterious Bright Spots Change Unexpectedly [News] Gary’s Items 1.  2.  3.  4.  5.  6.  7.  8.  9.  Websites: jgsparks.net, jung and pauli J. Gary Sparks was raised among the rolling hills of southeast Pennsylvania within a very practical and grounded environment. While working on a degree in electrical engineering at Bucknell University, Gary took LSD, discovered God, and knew he had to broaden his horizons. After graduating from Bucknell, Gary travelled to South Korea as a Peace Corps volunteer to teach the teachers there certain Western protocols of science. One day as he observed another class, Gary met a beautiful Korean woman and fell in love. Unfortunately, the woman’s husband did not look kindly on their affair, and with a price on his head, Gary left Korea – his […]