Tag Archives: Father George V. Coyne S.J.

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Comments Off on Fri/Sat Jan 2 – Joseph Farrell & Father George V. Coyne S.J. (Replay)

1. Pope Francis transcript of address to Joint session of congress and senate 2. Pope Francis’ Financial Reforms Rattle Vatican’s Old Guard 3. The Vatican Bank Hired an Auditor!?!? Joseph P. Farrell Joseph P. Farrell has a doctorate in patristics from the University of Oxford, and pursues research in physics, alternative history and science, and “strange stuff”. Website: The Giza Deathstar     He is the author of the following books in the field of alternative research: and many more. Father George V. Coyne, S.J. Emeritus Director and  President of the Vatican Observatory Foundation Fr. George Coyne SJ was born in 1933, in Baltimore, Maryland, and joined the Jesuits in 1951. He obtained his B.S. in mathematics and his licentiate in philosophy at Fordham University, New York City in 1958; he earned his PhD in astronomy in 1962 from Georgetown University and completed the licentiate in sacred theology at Woodstock College, Maryland in 1965 when he was ordained a Roman Catholic priest. […]