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The successful detonation of the first “hydrogen bomb,” via a sub-atomic process called “thermonuclear fusion” — the transmutation of lighter elements into heavier ones — marked a major turning point in the modern history of warfare: The moment when a handful of “Humans” could literally “kill civilization” … if not, all human life on Earth! But, there is another kind of “fusion” — so-called “cold fusion” — which, if properly developed, could literally save civilization … if not all the other “increasingly endangered species” on the planet. Investigative science journalist, James Martinez and I will be exploring the “science,” “politics” and “global economics” of a REAL energy revolution, being quietly born even as we talk about it … a technology which can, literally– Usher in a true new “Golden Age” … with NONE of the historical “downsides” usually associated with releasing “a radical new form of energy” on […]