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Lori Williams’ website: http://IntuitiveSpecialists.com Lori Williams: You know how you sometimes just know something, but you don’t know how you know? There is that feeling… that knowing that you should do a certain thing or go a certain direction or take a certain route. And when you follow that gut instinct, it feels so good when you find out you were right! We are all familiar with those moments — those pangs of regret — when we don’t follow those instincts, and are kicking ourselves afterwards. We have all experienced those moments to some degree. Lori Williams had a lot of “those moments” as a child, a teen and an adult. After a lifetime of unbidden, vivid precognitive and unexplained paranormal experiences, she began seeking a way to control these spontaneous bursts of intuition. We all tend to fear that which we don’t understand, and fear is never a good […]