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Trump Administration Suddenly Announces Return of American Astronauts to the Moon … Before End of President Trump’s Second Term! Find Out “Why” Here: Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing Trailer: https://youtu.be/G7rLvWy8Ih0 This show brings together inventors and experts in alternative energy uses of water as energy not only for clean fuel but in medical uses of water and energy beyond the cutting edge. Exciting technologies that are proven to work. And the inventors, You can speak with when calling in. Show Items Aaron Murakami’s Items: 1- EMediaPress.com – Aaron Murakami 2- 2019 ENERGY SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE 3- David Alzofon’s Items 1-David Alzofon’s Father when he went to grad school at Cal Berkeley 2- David Alzofon’s Father two months before he died. 3- Experiment 1994 PDF Paul Babcock’s Items 1- 2- Jim Murray & Paul Babcock on SERPS 3- […]
Trump Administration Suddenly Announces Return of American Astronauts to the Moon … Before End of President Trump’s Second Term! Find Out “Why” Here: Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing Trailer: https://youtu.be/G7rLvWy8Ih0 Tonight on TOSOM we continue to talk about one of the most abundant substances on Earth… Water – with particular focus on ‘Holey’ Water. There is amazing potential to be liberated from water conditioned with Micro Bubbles, Spherical and Toroid (Donut-shaped) Nano Bubbles… Around 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, about 96.5% of which lies in our Oceans, the rest exists in the Atmosphere, in Lakes, Rivers, Ice caps and Glaciers etc. – not to mention Raw water that lies deep underground. But thats not all, while 90% of our body weight comes from water and our human bodies are on average composed of 50% – 65% water, our vital organs contain even higher percentages; […]
Click on Image for The Presidential Briefing Trailer: https://youtu.be/G7rLvWy8Ih0 Tonight on TOSOM we talk about one of the most abundant substances on Earth… Water – with particular focus on ‘Holey’ Water. There is amazing potential to be liberated from water conditioned with Micro Bubbles, Spherical and Toroid (Donut-shaped) Nano Bubbles… Around 71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water, about 96.5% of which lies in our Oceans, the rest exists in the Atmosphere, in Lakes, Rivers, Ice caps and Glaciers etc. – not to mention Raw water that lies deep underground. But thats not all, while 90% of our body weight comes from water and our human bodies are on average composed of 50% – 65% water, our vital organs contain even higher percentages; our Brain and Heart contain 73% and our lungs contain 83% water. It is clear that water has been key to our evolution […]
Show Items Richard’s Items: 1- Hawaii volcano lava flow destroys home in dramatic video 2- NASA will visit an undersea volcano in Hawaii to figure out how to hunt for aliens 3- Arthur C. Clark “2010” 4- 5- The Enterprise Mission – Europa 6- News and Outreach – SUBSEA 7- Massive Genetic Study Reveals 90 Percent Of Earth’s Animals Appeared At The Same Time 8- As Massive Dust Storm Rages on Mars, Opportunity Rover Falls Silent 9- How a Daredevil Raccoon Pulled Off a Terrifying 23-Story Climb We encourage you to submit questions in the blog below before the show:) Moray B. King’s Items: 1- 2018 TESLA TECH Conference Program Moray B. King Moray B King has Bachelors degree in Electrical Engineering, Masters Degree in Systems Engineering, and finished the course work for a Ph.D. in Systems Engineering, all at […]