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Over sixty years ago, Australian geologist Samuel Warren Carey formally proposed the controversial planetary theory of “an Expanding Earth.” Building on a century of previous work, by earlier “geological radicals” who had also courageously explored this highly disturbing concept — including Charles Darwin! — Carey was finally able to construct a solid geophysical model in the mid-20th Century, compellingly arguing for a physically expanding planet — as opposed to the so-called “plate tectonic model” that is currently-accepted, where the crust of the Earth repeatedly breaks and “moves laterally … across the surface of a constant-diameter globe ….” My guest tonight, “citizen scientist” Neal Adams, will detail the increasingly exciting scientific evidence now supporting Carey’s “radical idea” — including, NASA’s latest planetary data from all across the solar system … and beyond. Neal will argue that these increasingly baffling geological and astrophysical details are now BEST consolidated and explained by Sam Carey’s prescient ideas — […]