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Paul Davids is from Bethesda, Maryland, the son of a famous Georgetown University professor of American History, Dr. Jules Davids. Dr. Davids worked extensively with John F. Kennedy on the writing of PROFILES IN COURAGE (for which he is credited in the Preface). Jules Davids was a professor to Jacqueline Kennedy and later to Georgetown undergraduate Bill Clinton. Paul Davids is a graduate of Princeton University, where he majored in psychology and won numerous awards in writing. He then attended the American Film Institute Center for Advanced Film Studies in Beverly Hills. He is married to Hollace Davids, who is Senior Vice-President of Special Projects for Universal Pictures and who has produced several of his films. After a few years working as a script analyst for Hollywood agent Paul Kohner (where he read all the submissions for Charles Bronson, John Huston and even William Wyler), his career in film and […]