Tag Archives: Raffaele-Antonio Castaldo
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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Ralphie Fast links to Bios: Ralphie Support The Other Side of Midnight! The Webb Telescope’s First Year … and ASTONISHING Discoveries The James Webb Space Telescope has just celebrated its incredibly productive “first year,” lazily orbiting in its extended L-2 location … a million miles “behind” the Earth (as seen from the Sun). What has it actually found? Well, here’s a (partial …) list: 1) First Deep Field IR image: Webb’s first official telescopic observation was the most detailed, “deep” (long-range) infrared image of the Universe ever created … leading eventually tro a potentially “mind blowing” conclusion …. 2) Most distant active “supermassive black hole” 3) Webb’s first “exoplanet”: On January 11, 2023, NASA reported finding Webb’s first exoplanet, LHS 475 b, located 41 light-years away from the Earth. Webb’s transmission spectrum revealed it to be (wait for it …) an Earth-sized terrestrial world […]