Tag Archives: Dr. Sandra Rose Michael

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Comments Off on 2016/03/05 – Dr. Sandra Rose Michael – Healing With Frequency

Richard’s Items 1. Hillary Clinton’s Campaign Manager Says ‘Legitimate Questions’ About UFOs Should Be Answered [News] Sandra’s Items 1.  2. 3. 4.   5. Scalar Field Therapy and Mitigation of Seizure Disorder Website: Energy Enhancement System Having taught holistic medicine for more than four decades, Dr. Michael’s research in applied integrative biophysics has earned prestigious recognition, such as the Presidential and International Who’s Who. She has lectured at the United Nations, MIT, the World Summit on Integral Medicine, the Harvard Club, The Royal Society of Medicine, Mount Sinai Medical School, the Scalar Research Experts Conference, anti-aging congresses, as well as numerous medical schools and ministries of health worldwide. Dr. Michael has also been featured in various national newspapers and journal articles, including a recent prominent study on autism and seizure disorder, which was published in the Journal of Neurology Research. The true Bio-Scalar EESystem technology has been publicized by media outlets like CNN, Fox News, The Doctors, the Wall Street Journal and the Beverly Hills Times. Knighted for […]