The Presidential Briefing – Enterprise Mission video briefing for the President of the United States on “extraterrestrial ruins in the solar system”

Home »  The Presidential Briefing – Enterprise Mission video briefing for the President of the United States on “extraterrestrial ruins in the solar system”

The Presidential Briefing

Enterprise Mission video briefing for the President of the United States on “extraterrestrial ruins in the solar system”

—  Delivered through back channels to the White House on request,
November 14, 2018.

Imagine, if … single-handily … you could change History.

It works like this:

On this page, is located a link for ordering “The Presidential Briefing.”

Order it … watch it ….

Watch it again.

Then … begin Tweeting — to your family … to your friends … to your “friends of friends” … to–

The President of the United States.


Because, what you just ordered — and watched … and watched again — is nothing less than the SAME Briefing that was sent to the President from The Enterprise Mission just a couple weeks ago (per White House request, through a “back channel source”)–

November 14, 2018.

Now it’s your turn ….

For you see, this Briefing is three and a half HOURS of extraordinary, mind-blowing, official NASA imagery of “ancient ET RUINS in the solar system” … long-suppressed by NASA (working on the orders of the Deep State) from the people of the world — beginning, with the Moon and Mars ….

As a builder for over half-a-century, the President KNOWS “ruins” when he sees them — having created a LOT of them … as, in his earliest career, he repeatedly tore down massive New York skyscrapers … and then rebuilt them.

He’ll recognize REAL ruins … even those NOT on this planet, but on the Moon and Mars (!), where — according to NASA — there CANNOT possibly be any such “artificial ruins” ….

There are … and, once he sees them … because of his unique background … the President will KNOW.

But ONLY … if he takes the time to watch his Briefing Video!

That’s where YOU come in ….

Your mission (should you choose to accept it …) is to watch “the Presidential Briefing” video yourself … and … when you feel you’ve become familiar with the extraordinary NASA data that’s presented … you WRITE to the President of the United States, on Twitter … and you DEMAND — as an American citizen whose “extraordinary ancient heritage has literally been stolen by the Deep State” — that, he “take the time to watch HIS copy!”

That’s all you have to do … to change the world.

For, if you can get the President to watch … and then, to call “his” NASA (as Chief of the Executive Branch, under which NASA is directed) — and then, the President DEMANDS that NASA “bring to the Oval office the REAL IMAGES of structures on the Moon and Mars” they have been suppressing from the American people for over 50 years–

You WILL have changed the world.

I dare you ….                  🙂

Richard C. Hoagland


Enterprise Mission Independent Research Team:

Keith Laney, Robert Harrison, Kynthea, Wil Farrar,
Andrew Currie, Tim Saunders, Keith Morgan




There will be no DVD at this time.


You May Purchase The Video Below

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  1. Warren Pierce says:

    ULTIMA THULE looks more like a derelict spacecraft, the more data we get ! The flatter section looks like a saucer separated from its drive engines and now docked for repairs.

  2. Sandy Barham says:

    I have been spending a lot of time reviewing mars images and am convinced there are cultural items and aqauatic species fossils. I would very much like to see the images in this presentation.

  3. i need to watch it now


4 Comments so far:

  1. Warren Pierce says:

    ULTIMA THULE looks more like a derelict spacecraft, the more data we get ! The flatter section looks like a saucer separated from its drive engines and now docked for repairs.

  2. Sandy Barham says:

    I have been spending a lot of time reviewing mars images and am convinced there are cultural items and aqauatic species fossils. I would very much like to see the images in this presentation.

  3. i need to watch it now

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