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Richard’s Items:
Fly over the Great American Eclipse from Michael Zeiler on Vimeo.
1- Explains the Great Eclipse
Rick Merlin Levine combines his visionary understanding of astrology’s role in society with his ability to communicate astrological terms in unique ways. Rick co-authored 8 years of Barnes and Noble’s annual “Your Astrology Guide.” Rick’s daily horoscope column is delivered via the Internet to millions of readers through and are read on Yahoo, Huffington Post, AOL, LA Times, BeliefNet and more. He is the co-founder of He is the subject of a DVD, “Quantum Astrology: Science, Spirit, and Our Place in the Cycles of History” Rick Levine was a Founding Trustee of Kepler College in Seattle, Washington, USA and lectures around the world. His monthly astrology forecasts are seen on YouTube by tens of thousands of people.
~ Rick Levine, Astrologer
YouTube Monthly Astrology Forecasts
~ My NEW Facebook page… sign up!
~ My Daily Horoscope Column
~ Daily Planet Pulse Audio
Website: Lambert’s Lodge
Georgia Lambert has over fifty years of experience in the field of Esoteric Studies, receiving formal training in Eastern and Western disciplines, methods and traditions. She was the first to be licensed by the State of California to teach Meditation and Esoteric Physiology, an experimental course she presented for 3 years at the College of Osteopathic Medicine of the Pacific.
In the past, she has served on the board of directors of United Health Resource, has been on the staff at the Institute for Health Facilitation for 3 years, taught for 2 years for the Institute for Advancement of Human Potential, and served on the Teaching staff of the Philosophical Research Society for 10 years, under Manly Palmer Hall. Her lecture credits include Children’s Hospital of Orange County, California State University of Fullerton, Orange Coast College, and Orange County Correctional Facility at Chino, The William Parker Holistic Health Center, The University of the Seven Rays, The Edgar Casey Foundation (A.R.E.),The Theosophical Society, Arcana Workshop, and the 1985 National Cranial Conference sponsored by the American Osteopathic Association.
In 1989, she became the first woman to address a Scottish Rite Research Group on the higher degrees of Masonry. In 1995, 1996, and 1997 she gave presentations to the Pacific Southwest Regional Conclaves of the Rosicrucian Order A.M.O.R.C., both in the USA and in Canada. In 2001, she was invited to participate in a “Think Tank” under the umbrella of an Aerospace Corporation on the subject of Science and Education, and her artwork was featured at the Education Summit for the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. In England, she has given seminars for the Scientific and Medical network at St. Katherine’s College in Oxford, and for the Wrekin Trust at Regents Park College, London. Her publishing credits include articles in the British Holistic Health Journal, Caduceus, and appearances on both radio and television.