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John Kanzius from Cancer to Burning Salt Water SAT / SUN AUG 24th, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET /5 am GMT SATURDAY AUGUST 24th 2024 SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET SUN. Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Keith Fast links to Bios: Keith – Support The Other Side of Midnight! John Kanzius from Cancer to Burning Salt Water When we think of cancer and energy, we never think of something that could work both ways. Tonight, Keith Morgan, a technological thinker, will present a technology that most could not imagine. Not only could it be a way to save lives ravaged by cancer, but also prove to be an invaluable source of an ultra-clean, abundant, and completely renewable energy source. This will be the first in a series of what the public lacks knowledge of but needs […]
SUN / MON, SEPT. 8th, 9 pm-Midnight PT / Midnight-3 am ET /5 am GMT TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 8th 2024 SAT. 9 pm – Midnight PT / Midnight – 3 am ET SUN. Guest Page Fast links to Items: Keith – Fast links to Bios: Keith – Support The Other Side of Midnight! John Searl and the Searl Electric Generator (SEG) and Levity Disk Over time, there have been genius inventors, and the creation squashed by mainstream science as perpetual motion, an over unity device, or just impossible. The story is you can’t get more out than what goes in, but not when it comes to the Atomic Bomb. I here to tell you, that we don’t live in a nuclear universe, but an electromagnetic universe. If you take away the Electro Chemical properties of the atom, you would have no universe at all because […]