Category Archives: Archeology / Archaeoastronomy
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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Keith Fast links to Bios: Robert – Keith Support The Other Side of Midnight! UAP REPORT ANALYSIS “DC’s UFO Lobbyist Blasts Pentagon Report Claiming No Alien Coverup. “Stephen Bassett calls DoD findings “completely false,” vows to continue pressing the government.” As these headlines from the DC area “Washingtonian Magazine” proclaim, my guest tonight — Steve Bassett — is “highly dissatisfied” with the conclusions of the recently-released Pentagon report on “UAP”; Bassett decries “an obvious Pentagon disinformation agenda ….” Says Bassett: “Social media and the internet [are] going to shred this nonsense ….” So … why is another (!) “deliberately false” Pentagon UAP Report politically important? Bassett went on– “Right now, the world is teetering on the brink [of disaster.] We need ‘something’ to shift the focus and change people’s minds. We are headed towards annihilation; we are closer to nuclear war than […]
Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Holger – Ron – Ruggero – Maria – Greg Fast links to Bios: Holger – Andrew – Ron – Ruggero – Maria – Greg Support The Other Side of Midnight! “Stonehenge on the Moon — Part III” Our Enterprise investigation into this extraordinary possibility is only about three weeks old, following the original Reddit post by amateur-astronomer, Marty McGuire; a few months ago, McGuire tracked down Chandrayyan-2 orbital imaging of the old Apollo 12 landing site … and discovered a “circle-like ring of rocks” that he immediately compared to “Stonehenge” here on Earth, an ancient Neolithic ring of “standing stones” in southern England …. Very quickly in our last two programs on this eerie “lunar Stonehenge,” we established that the Circle was NOT constructed by the Apollo 12 crew (as a traditional “marker” to their Intrepid lunar expedition); the Circle’s presence […]
Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Ralphie Fast links to Bios: Ralphie Support The Other Side of Midnight! The Webb Telescope’s First Year … and ASTONISHING Discoveries The James Webb Space Telescope has just celebrated its incredibly productive “first year,” lazily orbiting in its extended L-2 location … a million miles “behind” the Earth (as seen from the Sun). What has it actually found? Well, here’s a (partial …) list: 1) First Deep Field IR image: Webb’s first official telescopic observation was the most detailed, “deep” (long-range) infrared image of the Universe ever created … leading eventually tro a potentially “mind blowing” conclusion …. 2) Most distant active “supermassive black hole” 3) Webb’s first “exoplanet”: On January 11, 2023, NASA reported finding Webb’s first exoplanet, LHS 475 b, located 41 light-years away from the Earth. Webb’s transmission spectrum revealed it to be (wait for it …) an Earth-sized terrestrial world […]
Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Ron – Jonathan – Robert Fast links to Bios: Stephen – Ron – Jonathan – Robert – Ruggero – Barbara Support The Other Side of Midnight! “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena” NASA Study Group: First Report …. MAJOR Breakthrough!! Well, it’s finally happened …. Earlier this week, at NASA’S 4-hour (!) “UAP Study Group” first public meeting, one of the veteran Panel members, Dr. David Grinspoon, key figure in the NASA and global “astrobiology community,” casually announced– “As part of future UAP [“Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena”] research … NASA finding extraterrestrial artifacts in our own solar system is at least, [now scientifically] plausible ….” As that old “Mikey” commercial used to say– “This changes EVERYTHING!!” The NASA Group’s formal recommendations aren’t due until late July, 2023; but the sudden, striking change in NASA’s previous, totally negative “ET artifacts policy position,” is like the Sun […]