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  Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard Fast links to Bios:  Stan   Support The Other Side of Midnight! Revealing “HD Secrets” Behind Israeli’s Existence … and its Latest Iran War Tonight is an experiment …. Is it possible, at this “eleventh hour,” to inspire enough folks to lift their sights above the endlessly repeated facile “political explanations” for the Insanity once again occurring in the Middle East … to reach for a truly “outside the box Explanation” … and then … to effect an equally “outside the box” SOLUTION? Which brings me to my guest tonight … long-time friend Stan Tenen. Stan died in 2022, after spending literally decades trying to crack an extraordinary puzzle surrounding (in the beginning …) the origins of the Hebrew Alphabet: his seminal discovery that “deep MATHEMATICAL and GEOMETRIC algorithms” underlie not only the very forms of Hebrew letters … and that these same […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Matthew Fast links to Bio:  Matthew – Georgia – Laura Support The Other Side of Midnight! Why Are Humans Intent on Making “AI” the New God? There has been much public discussion lately of “AI” — “artificial Intelligence” — and its imminent potential for totally transforming life on Earth … if not the Earth itself.  Public congressional hearings on the subject have been held, White House meetings arranged, political and corporate leaders are calling for “early and reasoned regulation” …. But, as all this is going on, my mind cannot help but return to a terrifying, essentially forgotten film dealing with the vast implications of true “AI” — a haunting offering from the early 1970’s called– “Colossus: the Forbin Project.” This is how Colossus — a super-intelligent machine, developed by computer genius Dr. Charles Forbin to prevent humankind’s extinction in a Third World […]

Following our recent controversial show with Bart Sibrel regarding the validity of NASA’s 1969-1972 Moon Landings, ‘Eclipse of the Truth’… We continue in a similar vein to uncover what really happened – by seeing through ‘eyes wide open’ of experienced photo analysts who have kindly volunteered from the Enterprise Imaging Team We examine numerous detailed studies of ‘Lunar Artefacts’ with a view to discuss the very broad back story that remains obscured by mainstream media during / after the Apollo Space Program – and beyond… Join us tonight for our latest edition, ‘Elephant on the M🌙🌝N’ TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW Guest Page / TOSN Home Fast links to Items:  Robert  – TOSN Telegram Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Robert – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith Guest Page / TOSN Home Fast links to Items:  Robert  – TOSN Telegram Fast links to Bios:  Ron  –  Robert – Kynthea – […]

How many times do we still hear references about the giant leap Astronauts allegedly made on the surface of the moon some 54 years ago ? Have you ever wondered how these highly challenging missions were pulled-off at relatively short notice ? Are you even slightly suspicious about why NASA has only ever released poor quality 4th generation video and a relatively small collection of highly edited photos ? How would the world look today if this key event was partially staged ? Like to hear the back story ! Tonight we are delighted to be joined by our controversial guest, Bart Sibrel Join us to learn a great deal more from his unique perspective on the Apollo Space Program and much more… TO LISTEN TO THE SHOW Guest Page / TOSN Home Fast links to Items:  Bart  –  TOSN Telegram Fast links to Bios:  Bart – Kynthea – Timothy […]

Hosted by Kynthea Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Barbara  –  Robert Fast links to Bios:   Barbara  –  Robert  –  Richard   –  Kynthea Support The Other Side of Midnight! 22 Years… “What Have We Learned” This week marks 22 turbulent years … since the tragic and far-reaching Terrorist Attack of September 11, 2001 — on the World Trade Towers, the Pentagon in Washington, and the deliberate downing of a third hijacked airliner over Shanksville, Pa. — took place. In the wake of this almost unimaginable national attack, two major investigations into “what really occurred on 9/11” were launched, and several independent 9/11 research groups formed. One of those, the “Lawyers’ Committee for 911 Inquiry” describes its own independent inquiries into 9/11, thus: “The official explanation of the events on and surrounding 9/11 has not been established in a court of law, or by an objective and thorough investigation […]