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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Andrew  –  Ron  –  Keith Fast links to Bios:  Andrew  –  Ron  –  Keith Support The Other Side of Midnight! Percy — One Year After  A Few of Its Most AMAZING Martian Confirmations …. NASA’S Perseverance rover landed on Mars exactly one year ago … plus one day … tonight. So tonight, we are presenting “Percy’s” best and most fascinating confirmations of our decades-long Enterprise Mission “Extraterrestrial Intelligence Hypothesis– That — a long, long time ago, a series of “ancient human civilizations” once lived and developed — independent of the Earth — on Mars …. Before … in the face of an ultimately dying, war-torn world … and an inhospitable surrounding solar system … the remaining refugees finally migrated from the Red Planet one last time … to the one place in the entire solar system where “naked” humans could survive– To Earth. […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items:  Richard – Max Fast links to Bios: Max  “Here there be dragons ….” When Renaissance mapmakers [beginning with Swedish cartographer, Olaus Magnus (1490-1557)], despite their severely limited knowledge of the world — particularly, the oceans — began to fulfill the needs of Middle Ages mariners creating the first “global supply chains,” because of the lack of specifics re most parts of the planet, they would often adorn portions of those wonderfully illustrated maps with “warnings”– “Here there be monsters.” It became a fad, of sorts, and now stands as a metaphor for how little we still really know about the vast 80% of our own planet — even as we have very different kinds of “ships,” tonight, exploring the unknown surfaces of other worlds …. My guest, Max Hawthorne, has assembled an amazing range of never-before-seen evidence based on serious scientific investigations of “the mysteries […]

Tonight … we’re “doing” dinosaurs …. Long before “Jurassic Park,” how many kids — in their early visits to the local library — one day, serendipitously discovered their first, startlingly realistic (to a ten-year-old) picture-book on “dinosaurs” — the long-extinct “fearfully-great lizards” (from the word’s Greek roots)?– And … were hooked. My guest tonight, citizen-scientist and author Max Hawthorne, obviously never got over his first “library dinosaur experience” — not only becoming a dedicated amateur paleontologist, but a best-selling author on the “fearfully-great-creatures” as well …. In our own, totally independent “Enterprise” paleontological inquiries, it’s looking more and more like “the dinosaurs” did NOT succumb “in an afternoon” to the now, scientifically-accepted “random asteroid strike.” Rather, from our evidence … “the dinosaurs” were carefully … deliberately … KILLED — by an ancient asteroid impact in the Yucatan … precisely targeted … to “19.5 degrees!” Join us … as we explore, […]

Comments Off on 2017/07/23 – Tom Kaye -Dinosaurs to the D.B. Cooper story – Citizen Scientists- work to Solve Aviation’s Most Mysterious Hijacking Case

    Richard’s Items: “Moralla’s Beautiful Last Three and a Half Hours on Earth ….”   Tom Kaye Items: Website: Tom Kaye, Principal Investigator Director, Foundation for Scientific Advancement Tom Kaye’s main scientific interest is spectroscopy which branches out into the fields of paleontology and astrophysics. In paleontology, he leads yearly expeditions for the Burke Museum to recover dinosaur bones. He is directly involved in the controversy over the detection of preserved blood cells and blood vessels in T. rex bones where his work points to a bacterial source. In astrophysics he leads a team of astronomers that are trying to discover an extrasolar planet using spectroscopy to detect the stars wobble. Recently he has been working on analysis of grave goods from the 8,000-year-old Gobero site in Africa as well as the Chinese Feathered Dinosaurs. Researchgate CV