Category Archives: Health / Emotional Health

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Every week we intuit, brainstorm, dream-up and select an appropriate title that not only conveys events occurring in the world at large – but also reflects those from our own life experiences… This week we choose the title – Mask Charade Well what does that mean? I honestly believe we have reached the point where many people no longer understand the meaning behind the language they use – and the power and influence these words have upon us – they are like reigns, blinkers, bit and whip – in the hands of the horseman that trained us at school… To come directly to the point there is growing evidence, despite increasing wholesale censorship of the TRUTH, the New REGULATIONS, that accompany the New Normal, are not based on fact but on Pretense, Lies, Fear Mongering, Exploitation and Manipulation of the Truth – Amplified by the Hoar-like Media and Defined by […]

I think the story of the “thousands of blackbirds, ‘coincidentally’ falling out of the skies over Amsterdam — when a 5G experiment was suddenly turned on …” several years ago, was my first major heads-up that “something might be fundamentally wrong with 5G.” But, attempting to find objective scientific information on the long-term health effects of the coming “5G revolution,” is a little like trying to find an honest politician in Washington: You know there must be some …. How, in the maze of blatantly contradictory “information” spread across the Internet, can a layman possibly know who’s telling us the truth about the safety of “5G?” Well … as my grandmother used to say, “If you don’t know your furs … know your furrier.” Meet Dr. Beverley Rubik … our “furrier” tonight — in the “wild and woolly world of 5G ….” Join us … as we uncover a bizarre, […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Wilbur –  Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew Fast links to Bios: Wilbur – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew How often do you wake up to feel you are not quite ready to start your day, many of us may reach for the alarm clock or smartphone to snooze that ‘Siren of Dawn’ in the hope to escape the lure to the ‘rocks of reality’ – and to perpetuate your sleep for another few minutes…  Some people may be sufficiently self-disciplined to wake-up – even – just before the alarm sounds, however many of us may have become ‘Serial Snoozists’, continually snoozing the alarm until we either feel ready to begin our morning routine – or even find sufficient consciousness and dexterity to deactivate the alarm – to allow us to continue sleeping indefinitely…  Some may relate to finding themselves waking-up to making a mental […]

After almost two months of stay-at-home orders, economic lockdown and steady governmental and mass media messages of potential contagion, the world is slowly re-emerging and stepping outside to some kind of normal – sort of. What we are now experiencing is a widening polarization of opinion amongst people about what happened during all these weeks of shutdown and what it all means moving forward. It seems a majority of the world has accepted the official explanation of Covid-19, and yet there are those who remain suspicious of the science, the data and the inevitable surveillance guidelines which are fast approaching in our so-called “new normal”. But what if the interpretation of this crisis is not accurate? If that’s true, then how can public policy be fashioned after faulty or incomplete study? More importantly, why is it that many people worldwide are apparently accepting of emerging human rights infringements with open […]

Spirit driven energy is coming forth to bring great change. Our guest tonight, Irina Maryanchik, reports from New Jersey on the underground Medical Freedom movement of mothers who are Lightworkers turned into Warriors. We will explore the idea of the New World Order – is it a video game or reality? Irina brings to the discussion a vast experience as a practitioner of Human Design and will share with us her Predictions for 2027 and how we can prepare for the future. The Bonus will be an Overview of Bill Gates Human Design Chart. Don’t miss it! Guest Page Fast links to Items:  Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Irina Fast links to Bios: Irina – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew Guest Page Fast links to Items:  Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew – Irina Fast links to Bios: Irina – Kynthea – Timothy – Andrew OOKLA 5G MAP™ The interactive […]