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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Barbara  –  Jonathan  –  Stephan Fast links to Bios:    Stephan  –  Jonathan  –  Barbara   Support The Other Side of Midnight! Psi-Archeology The Key to Disclosure? Psychic archaeology …. “‘Psychic archaeology,’ or ‘intuitive’ archaeology, is the process of using psychic abilities to locate objects of centuries past. This recently charted path may open our possibilities to discovering new and interesting histories in the human race. Whereas conventional archaeology practives can draw objects, buildings, and even people forth, psychic archaeology can bring life and a sense of being to these discoveries and how they play into ancient peoples’ lives ….” Our guest tonight, “psychic archaeologist” Stephan Schwartz, is the modern “founder of the field.” Based for a time at the famed Standford Research Institute (SRI) in Menlo Park, California, Stephan pioneered using the new and highly controversial faculty of “remote viewers” to find valuable archaeological […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Russell  –  Jonathan  –  Lori Fast links to Bios:   Russell  – Jonathan  –  Lori    Support The Other Side of Midnight! GHOST WARRIOR The Art of Remote Viewing Tonight, we consider the vast (and still highly disturbing, to many) phenomenon of– REMOTE VIEWING. Or, as my Special Guest, Russell Targ — co-founder of the famed California Stanford Research Institute’s once clandestine CIA “Remote Viewing Program” — describes it– “[Remote Viewing is the investigation] into the human mind’s capacity for expanded awareness … in which people are able to envision distant places and future events and activities. “For two decades, SRI’s research was supported by the CIA and other [intel] government agencies. I was co-founder of this once secret program, which began in 1972. Our task was to learn to understand psychic abilities, and to use these abilities to gather information about the Soviet […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard  –  Ray Fast links to Bios:   Ray  –     Support The Other Side of Midnight! How to Make a LOT of Money … Using Hyperdimensional Physics In the early 1930’s, at the height of the world-wide Great Economic Depression, American President Herbert Hoover turned to his Chief Economic Analyst at the Department of Commerce, Edward Dewey, and asked him (what turned to be) The Most Important Question: “What the Hell’s gone wrong with the World Economy … and how can we FIX it?!” Dewy’s ensuing decades of unique and world-changing inquiry, trying to answer THAT elemental question — into diverse fields as far away from “economics” as “oceanography” is from the Moon; his subsequent creation of the wide-ranging Foundation for the Study of Cycles; and his hard-won scientific results … after decades of seminal inquiry — led to Dewey’s over-arching conclusion: “There is considerable […]

  Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – David – Thomas – Maria – Dennis Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – Ron – Thomas – Dennis   Support The Other Side of Midnight! “Open Hailing Frequencies ….” Stonehenge ET Transmissions More Continuing Responses …. Over a month ago (Feb 4), we sent an intrepid Enterprise Mission “away team” member — archaeologist and master dowser, Maria Wheatly — into the center of the most famous ancient Neolithic monument in southern England. Using a hand-held 8-watt ham radio, Ms. Wheatley on February 4, 2022 broadcast a specifically “coded” radio message from the geometric center of Stonehenge — and recorded the replies. While simultaneously, a handful of other “away team” members — physically spanning North America, from Florida to British Columbia, more than four thousand miles from the location of Stonehenge — listened for any responses to Maria’s original transmissions, recording their received signals from identical hand-held radios. […]

Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard – Jon – David – Thomas – Maria – Dennis – Ra Fast links to Bios: Maria – Jonathan – David – Ron – Thomas – Dennis – Ra   Support The Other Side of Midnight! “Open Hailing Frequencies ….” Continuing Stonehenge ET Transmissions … New Responses Part II Several weeks ago, we presented radio data from our on-going “Enterprise Mission ‘ET Communications Experiment,’” of an apparent communicated “warning” — recorded by our Enterprise team, two weeks BEFORE the now-infamous “Tonga South Pacific Underwater Event” — the massive, uniquely powerful earthquake/underwater explosion occurring in a remote region of the south Pacific Ocean, January 15th, 2022.   The Tonga explosion, among its several extraordinarily powerful “signatures,” generated audible shockwaves which, uniquely, circled the planet three times … before falling below world-wide instrument detection levels!   Weeks later, the morning of February 4th, 2022, our intrepid Enterprise “archaeologist/explorer,” Maria Wheatley, ventured into the heart of the ancient British stone “observatory” […]