We interview film Director and Producer, Marcelina Cravat regarding the conflicting science in Terrain vs Germ Theory. We are examining why one cannot prove that something doesn’t exist… we can only prove that it does. What is a virus? …And WHY has the covid-19 virus never been isolated? We dig into these questions and more.
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Marcelina Cravat
Marcelina Cravat, trained at Art Center College of Design and the Berkeley Digital Film Institute, is the producer and director of the award winning environmental documentary called Angel Azul.
Making a transition from photography to film came later in life when her love for storytelling motivated her to return to school to pursue a career as a writer/director. Upon graduating she co-founded a small production company specializing in portrait style documentaries on artists and then went on to found Passelande Pictures that serves as an umbrella for all of her projects going forward. Marcelina grew up around Hollywood sets as daughter of character actor Nick Cravat, Burt Lancaster's life long chum, circus partner and co-star.
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Marcy’s Items:
1. The TERRAIN film
2. Marcelina’s Website:
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Timothy’s Items:
1. CrowHouse
2. DollarVigilante
Oh Kanada – Justin Castreau Nearly Destroys Canadian Dollar and Banks In 24 Hours
3. CrowHouse
4. CrowHouse
5. Dollar Vigilante
Oh Kanada – Justin Castreau Nearly Destroys Canadian Dollar and Banks In 24 Hours
8. The Richie Allen Show Wednesday March 2nd 2022
9. Gerald Celente
WW III Has Begun Our Lives are on the Line Celente and the Judge Podcast
Interview 1703 – Riley Waggaman on Russian Myths vs. Russian Reality
FOOD CRISIS: EU expects shortages, S. Korea feed producers to declare Force Majeur
Interview 1705 – New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
13. The Richie Allen Show Thursday March 3rd 2022
14. David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
Why Take Sides, When it’s All The Same Web?
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Kynthea’s Items:
2. Pfizer Doc shows they KNEW in early 2021 about the HIGH CASUALTIES from the Vaccine.
Starting at around pg 30
Pfizer – 5.3.6-postmarketing-experience
3. The Naked Face of New Normal Fascism
4. Triple “Vaccinated” Deaths Skyrocketed 495% in January; 80% of All New Covid Cases Are Fully Jabbed
5. The Real Reason All Eyes are on Ukraine
6. JUST IN: Tulsi Gabbard Warns Of Threat To Freedom And Civil Liberties At CPAC 2022 | Full Speech
7. Dr. Zelenko: “Yes, The Vaccinated Have AIDS”
8. Top 10 Spike Protein Detox Essentials — and the Full Guide
9. Shedding IS REAL, see the proof…………….
10. Graphene Is Being Transmitted from the “Vaccinated” to Vaccine-Free People
11. Ontario Health Data Debunks “Vaccine” Effectiveness
From Ontario Canada’s own official Health website linked below: Both hospital and Intensive Care Unit admissions are higher for the “vaccinated” than for the unvaccinated. One might reasonably conclude that not only is the jab not effective but actually is contributing to more health emergencies. Is this is why the jab has to be force mandated in Canada? Note: India and China have both banned the new, “fast-tracked,” experimental mRNA “vaccines” from their countries. Are they intentionally protecting their 2.8 billion Asian people (36% of the world population) from “vaccine” genocide?
12. Ukraine’s Neo-Nazi, U.S. Financed, Military Summer Youth Camp
13.CA Legislators Propose New COVID-19 Tyranny Laws
Governor Newsom Unveils the Next Phase of California’s Nation-Leading Pandemic Response
An Oakland resident receives a COVID-19 vaccination at the La Clinica de la Raza community vaccination site in Oakland on Jan. 4, 2022. (Martin do Nascimento/CalMatters)
By Elizabeth Aguilera, CalMatters
A group of California legislators has crafted vaccine laws that would be the most aggressive state approach to vaccines in the nation. Gov. Gavin Newsom is easing mask restrictions and declaring that the pandemic is moving into a less critical phase. Yet an aggressive slate of COVID-19-related bills — to mandate vaccines for children and workers, to allow 12 to 17 year-olds to get the vaccine without parental consent and more — remain in play under the Capitol dome.
The vaccine working group of Democratic legislators behind the proposals say their aim is to increase vaccination rates across all age groups, improve the state vaccine registration database and crack down on misinformation about the virus and the vaccine.
Taken together, the adoption of these bills would make California an outlier among states — and give it the country’s strictest COVID-19 regulations. Other states are considering various mandates and legislation related to COVID-19, but none appear to have the coordination of this effort, steered by some of the most powerful legislators in Sacramento.
“These bills all attempt to bring cohesion, consistency and clarity to our overall approach and response to the pandemic,” said Democratic Sen. Josh Newman of Fullerton, a member of the group.
The bills:
SB 871 would require all children 0 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine to attend child care or school;
SB 866 would allow kids 12 to 17 to get the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent;
SB 1749 would require schools to continue testing and to create testing plans;
SB 1018 would require online platforms to be more transparent about how information is pushed out to consumers;
SB 1464 would force law enforcement officials to enforce public health orders;
AB 1993 would require all employees, including independent contractors, to show proof of COVID-19 vaccine to work in California;
AB 1797 would make changes to the California Immunization Record Database;
AB 2098 would reclassify the sharing of COVID-19 “misinformation” by doctors and surgeons as unprofessional conduct that would result in disciplinary action.
Critics said the bills infringe on the health privacy of children, interfere with how doctors work, impose a burden on businesses and workers, and rely on vaccines that do not in many cases prevent the transmission of COVID-19.
“With these types of regulations, it doesn’t matter who you are: If you work or have children in California, you will be affected by these mandates,” said Christina Hildebrand, head of A Voice for Choice, a group focused on informed consent that has fought to keep personal belief exemptions for required vaccines since 2015. “This is going on while the rest of the world is getting rid of mandates and COVID requirements. and the governor is talking about his smarter plan and that we are moving into the endemic phase.”
Recently, Newsom said the state was turning a page and would begin treating COVID-19 as endemic, meaning treating the disease more like a flu. Monday, Newsom said March 11 was the last day schools would be under a state mask mandate, although masking would still be required for public transit and in health care settings.
Also on Monday, Mark Ghaly, the state’s top public health official, said that while the state is moving away from masking, there could be new variants and surges of COVID-19. He referred to Newsom’s “SMARTER” plan’s advocacy of vaccines, which he said “have been a big part of the success in California.”
The legislators behind these bills seem to be pulling out ahead of Newsom on COVID-19 issues. Newsom’s administration did not comment on the pending legislation.The governor is focused on opening up the state and is keenly aware Californians are experiencing pandemic fatigue.
GOP political consultant Mike Madrid said that while it might look like the legislators and Newsom are at odds, it’s actually two sides looking toward the same goal: an answer to the crisis. “They are legitimately trying to find a solution to the situation,” he said about the legislators. “Are they getting ahead of the governor? Yes. Are they going in a different direction? Yes. Are they trying to find a solution? Yes.”
This is part of the political process, Madrid said. Early on in the pandemic, the Legislature deferred to Newsom to set the agenda because there was little information available. Now armed with two years of data and a vaccine, the Legislature is operating with more agency.
It’s typical for the legislature to respond to current events with immediate legislation and it’s their job to push the issues, said Kristina Bas Hamilton, a political consultant at KBH Advocacy.
“The Legislature is an equal branch of government putting forth their priorities and assuming they get the votes to pass they are saying ‘governor, we want you to go farther’ and then that’s when discussions begin,” said Kristina Bas Hamilton, a political consultant at KBH Advocacy. “It’s the dance of state government.”
The ambitious vaccine legislation far outpaces what other states are doing.
For instance, New Hampshire is considering a bill that would mandate a federal Food and Drug Administration-approved vaccine for school children and New York is considering requiring the COVID-19 vaccine for school attendance . Other states are contemplating legislation on the opposite end of the spectrum: In Alabama, legislators are reviewing a bill that would allow employers to be sued for injury or death from the vaccine if it is mandated for workers, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures.
It’s no surprise California’s Democratic-supermajority Legislature would be considering a stricter slate of COVID bills
“We take California’s role in the nation very seriously,” said Bas Hamilton. “It’s a state in which certain policies are able to go further than in other places. The size of the state in and of itself creates an enormous push against the rest of the country to follow.”
Sen. Richard Pan, a Sacramento Democrat and chair of the Senate Health Committee, is carrying several of the bills. Pan, a pediatrician, has been in the spotlight before for ushering controversial vaccine related bills through the Legislature, having previously eliminated personal belief exemptions for children in public schools. He also tightened the rules for physicians issuing vaccine medical exemptions.
“The virus is not going away,” said Pan. “And so, it’s not just about temporary measures but we need ongoing measures to keep this virus under control.”
The legislative working group is made up of Democratic Sens. Pan, Newman and Scott Wiener of San Francisco, and Democratic Assemblymembers Akilah Weber of San Diego, Buffy Wicks of Oakland, Cecilia Aguiar-Curry of Winters and Evan Low, of Cupertino. All of the bills are being sponsored by ProtectUS, a pro-vaccine group created by Crystal Strait, a former member of Pan’s staff.
The most contentious vaccine bills. The proposals expected to receive the most heated debate are the two that would mandate vaccines in schools and for businesses, according to supporters and critics of the bills.
“Each of these bills removes the civil rights of some group,” said Greg Glaser, general counsel for Physicians for Informed Consent, a doctor group based in Newport Beach that opposes all vaccine mandates. “California has really alienated families and this is going to take more people out of the state.”
In previous years, vaccine-related bills have been so hotly contested that police had to remove protestors from the capitol and Pan faced death threats.
“This is a virus that our kids are very resilient to,” said McKeeman, of Let Them Breathe, the San Diego-based parent coalition that opposes masks and vaccine mandates. The group successfully sued to overturn the San Diego Unified School District’s vaccine mandate. “This isn’t even a discussion we should be having. With no long-term studies and with no FDA approval for most ages (of kids) this bill should not have been introduced.”
COVID-19 is mild for children in most cases and vaccinated children still get the virus but Pan points to cases in which children get very sick, are hospitalized or even die from the diseases as a reason for the mandate. So far in California, 55 children have died from COVID-19, according to state data.
“It’s not okay for children to get disabled and die while we are waiting for the final schedule,” Pan said. “Just because we don’t know everything doesn’t mean we don’t try to stop it.”
Hildebrand, of A Voice for Choice, points to the pandemic’s quick evolution with various surges and ever-changing treatments for the disease as reasons to hold off on such a mandate.
“It’s premature and arbitrary,” Hildebrand said. “Adding the vaccine for kids, daycare through 12th grade, is too broad. The vaccine isn’t effective with transmission and there need to be more clinical trials and long-term studies. It should be left up to the parents and their doctors.”
Data reviewed by researchers and the State of New York, released this week, showed that the Pfizer vaccine for 5 to 11 year olds is significantly less effective in preventing the disease among kids than in adolescents. But it does protect from severe illness. Meanwhile, the FDA recently put off approving the vaccine for infants and toddlers under 5 until there is more data about how a three-dose regimen affects them.
“The virus is not going away. So, it’s not just about temporary measures, but we need ongoing measures to keep this virus under control.”
State Senator Richard Pan
The vaccine mandate for workers faces strong opposition from business groups including the California chapter of the National Federation of Independent Businesses. Nationally, the organization successfully challenged the federal workplace mandate that was jettisoned by the Supreme Court.
The chapter’s state director John Kabateck called the bill an “absurdly unnecessary policy” especially at a time when the governor recently said he is ready to start easing restrictions and recognizing the pandemic is becoming endemic.
“Why in the world would we want to advance this kind of policy that further burdens not just small business owners but all Californians and communities?” he said. “This policy is over-reactive and over burdensome for already stretched small business owners trying to keep their doors open and their people employed.”
Wicks said vaccinating all workers in the state helps raise the overall vaccination rate and cited companies such as United Airlines that have implemented their own vaccine requirements with success.
Other bills
Wiener’s bill to allow 12 to 17 year-olds to get the COVID-19 vaccine without parental consent is also garnering a lot of push back.
“A 12-year-old can get an abortion, the HPV vaccine, the Hep B vaccine, mental health services and domestic abuse services,” he said. “We trust them to do that on their own and we should trust them (with the COVID-19 vaccine) as well.”
Critics counter that this kind of bill interferes with parental oversight.
“There are a lot of decisions we guide kids through as they are maturing, especially during this time when we have seen a lot of pressure to get vaccinated,” McKeeman said. “That’s why they can’t drive or drink alcohol or join the military until they get to a certain age. Because there is a level of maturity that goes along with decisions that are unalterable.”
The proposed changes to the state’s immunization registry raise questions for critics about the health privacy of children.
“I don’t understand why schools are being given access to all of this data that doesn’t apply to them and it’s not their role to have,” Hildebrand said. “It’s concerning that all of this data gets to be made public.”
Weber, who proposed the bill, said it would make it easier for schools to check vaccination and let them see what other vaccines their students have in case they choose to require more than the state already does. Adding race and ethnicity to the database, she said, would allow officials to target public health marketing efforts based on the data.
So far, no opposition has emerged to the bills to combat social media misinformation or require law enforcement to uphold public health orders.
14. Forget the Great Reset. Embrace the Great Escape.
15. Ukraine and Russia: What the Media Wants You To Think!
16. BREAKING NEWS BREAKING: Official Biochemical and Statistical Evidence 100% confirms Moderna created Covid-19
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Annetta’s Items:
2. French journalist claims she has made a documentary going back to 2015 of the Ukranian governments Crimes against Humanity.
3. more coming
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Kynthea is the Co-Founder of Global Peace Media, Co-Host/Producer of "The Other Side of the News" and previous Producer for "The Other Side of Midnight."
She collaborates with pioneers of the future to create thought-provoking shows that serve as a catalyst for change to bring about a better world for all. Kynthea brings a broad insight to the discussion of the emergence of Universal Consciousness.
Together with Richard C. Hoagland, she studied the first Cydonia photos from Mars and helped organize the early Mars investigation and spear-headed several Mars Rallys at JPL in Pasedena, California. She was the first to sculpt the incredibly controversial Face on Mars...followed by numerous sequential sculptures as new data continued to arrive.
Kynthea continues to support and contribute to the on-going planetary/Mars investigations with the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team, her interest and research of Martian anomalies spans nearly 40 years.
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Timothy Saunders
Website: www.tsyd.com
Timothy Saunders is a British national who grew-up near to the south coast of the United Kingdom. Positively influenced by the nearby yachting and shipping scene, he chose his ideal career path at the age of ‘ten’ when he decided to become a yacht designer. He studied Industrial Design at the coveted Coventry University and is fortunate to have been chosen by many of the world’s highly revered yacht Design Studios to work on an array of live projects of different sizes, styles and uses, during what he affectionately calls his apprenticeship years. In 1999 Timothy established his independent Design Studio and rapidly became involved in originating a new generation of Super and Megayachts ranging in size from 9-270m (30-886 ft), which gained increasing positive notoriety while exhibiting his work at the Monaco Yacht Show and other prestigious venues. Timothy will see the launch of a 90m Megayacht and a 50m Super Sail yacht later this year and says, “it is very rewarding to breathe life into these innovative projects which are ultimately positive reflections of each satisfied Owner”. Timothy Saunders Yacht Design LTD continues to evolve and develop multiple iconic custom Super and Megayacht projects for local and international clients.
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Annetta Driskell

Annetta Driskell, is a renaissance woman with her feet firmly planted both in the real world and in the realm of Spirit.
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Keith Morgan
The Morgan Curve BLOG: TheMorganCurve.com/wordpress/ YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/kbmorgan721 |
Co-Producer and Sound Engineer for both 'The Other Side of Midnight' and 'The Other Side of the News.'
Keith Morgan has been an Electronics Technician with ABC News in Washington DC since February 1982 and retired in July 2011. He has a BA in Communications from Howard University with a minor in Computer Science. He helped build Howard University's TV station, WHMM, now WHUT. He worked at WRC Channel 4 in Washington in 1980. Keith is the discoverer of what has been coined the Morgan Curve on Mars. He has researched the Mars anomalies since 1988 after purchasing “The Monuments of Mars”. You can find Keith in Graham Hancock's book "The Mars Mystery", and Dr. Stanley McDaniel's "The McDaniel Report, as well as "The Monuments of Mars" second edition on, and "Dark Mission".
He worked with Nightline with Ted Koppel. Keith was instrumental in getting a face to face between Richard Hoagland and Ted Koppel. While at ABC he saw news casts, going to ABC affiliates, about inventors with technologies that could have got us off fossil fuels decades ago. Those were similar technologies that are just now coming into the mainstream today. He also supplied the Nightline show with information which was used in various shows about Mars and Europa.
Keith thinks he now knows why the face is on Mars, and who is buried within, based on Sumerian writings over 6000 years old.
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