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Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
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What’s really going on?
With all the polarized media reports on the Ukrainian crisis, our guest, Dr. Richard Spence, a historian specializing in Russian and Military History, Espionage, Occultism and Anti-Semitism, will help us understand the complex issues that laid the ground for today’s conflict.
Dr. Richard B. Spence
Dr. Richard B. Spence is a retired Professor of History at the University of Idaho. His interests include Russian and military history along with espionage, occultism and anti-semitism. His major published works include Boris Savinkov: Renegade on the Left, Trust No One: The Secret World of Sidney Reilly, Secret Agent 666: Aleister Crowley, British Intelligence and the Occult, and Wall Street and the Russian Revolution, 1905-1925. He is the author of numerous articles in Revolutionary Russia, Intelligence and National Security, Journal for the Study of Anti-Semitism, American Communist History, The Historian, New Dawn and other publications. He has been interviewed on numerous programs and has been a commentator/consultant for the History Channel, the International Spy Museum, Radio Liberty and documentaries produced by the Russian Cultural Foundation.
2012, NROTC Faculty Excellence Award
2011, Recognized for Distinguished Service to the International Studies Program
2010, Fellow, Anti-Terrorism Program, Foundation for the Defense of Democracy, Tel Aviv
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
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Show Items
Rick’s Items:
1. Kievan Rus’
2. Ukraine under Polish-Lithuanian rule
3. Ukrainian Peoples Republic, 1918
4. Ukrainian Peoples Republic, 1918
5. Claimed territory, “Greater Ukraine”
6. Soviet and Polish Ukraine, 1920s-30s.
7. German-occupied Ukraine, 1941-44
8.H. L. Mencken Quotes
10. Ukraine Map
11. Project “Unthinkable” Document.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Timothy’s Items:
1. Dr Vernon Coleman
The Propaganda War
2. Principles for Dealing with the Changing World Order by Ray Dalio
3. Doug Casey’s Take [ep.#179] Gerald Celente: WW3 has ALREADY started
4._olodymyr _elenskyy on Fox
The missing segment… (ASOV)
5. Dollar Vigilante
End the NWO
6. Corbett Report
Interview 1718 – Sean Stone on The Best Kept Secret
7. Hungary’s newly re-elected President made an interesting / targeted victory speech…
8. And 92-96% of Hungarian voters (67% turnout) successfully put a stop to sharing explicit material with Children in way of Sex Education and Sexual Re-assignment…
9. CrowHouse
10. Liberty Report
Bucha Massacre: War Crime Or False Flag?
11. Liberty Report
Top US General: Build More Permanent Bases In Europe!
Freedom gone, World War III, Politicians on Power Trip
13. DavidIcke
World Governments Are Mass Murdering Citizens- Dr. Bhakdi Delivers An Emotional Address With Maria Zeee
14. Corbett Report
New World Next Week with James Evan Pilato
15. Dollar Vigilante
How I Survived the NPC Genocide and Zombie Apocalypse
16. CrowHouse
17. IceAge Farmer
BIRD FLU: the Next Pandemic?
18. David Icke Dot-Connector Videocast
World Events Are Not Pre-Planned?
19. NATO ALLIANCE – 1949 – 2022 – VIDEO
20. Ukraine on Fire
21. Revealing Ukraine
Documentary film by Igor Lopatonok, produced by Oliver Stone. Continuation of “Ukraine On Fire”
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Kynthea’s Items:
1. Ukraine Biolabs – Dr Lee Merritt
EXCELLENT,,,,All good But you can start at 35 minutes………
2. A New Anti-Covid Lockdown Revolt… Absolute Madness in Shanghai
A 4-minute video. China’s “covid” lockdowns were the model for the lockdowns in the rest of the world. China, like other totalitarian regimes, welcomes any opportunity to increase tyrannical control and restrictions on its population.
3. Pfizer Deluged by Vax Injury Reports
Initially Pfizer hired 600 full-time employees to process vax injury reports. That number of employees is being increased to 1800.
4. The people of Germany awoke to food hyperinflation today, with retail grocery prices suddenly spiking 20% – 50% in just one day
Collapse incoming: European nations start RATIONING food and fuel
5. The failure of wind turbines and the cost to wild life.
…Not to mention the failure of wind turbines to pay for themselves over their cradle to grave existence.
A lot of people think you're not allowed to kill bald eagles, but you are. You just have to pay $53,333 for each one. And you have to make sure you kill them with a wind turbine. Because it's necessary to kill eagles to save them from climate change.
— Michael Shellenberger (@ShellenbergerMD) April 6, 2022
6. Very Violent Sacramento Shooter Was Released Early From Prison
In this Sacramento shooting, is the problem “gun violence” as the mayor quickly proclaimed, before any arrests were even made, or is the problem the failure of the justice system to deal with HUMAN violence?
7.A remarkable adventurer David’s podcast
Saving a Seat for You
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Annetta’s Items:
1. Coming
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Kynthea is the Co-Founder of Global Peace Media, Co-Host/Producer of "The Other Side of the News" and previous Producer for "The Other Side of Midnight."
She collaborates with pioneers of the future to create thought-provoking shows that serve as a catalyst for change to bring about a better world for all. Kynthea brings a broad insight to the discussion of the emergence of Universal Consciousness.
Together with Richard C. Hoagland, she studied the first Cydonia photos from Mars and helped organize the early Mars investigation and spear-headed several Mars Rallys at JPL in Pasedena, California. She was the first to sculpt the incredibly controversial Face on Mars...followed by numerous sequential sculptures as new data continued to arrive.
Kynthea continues to support and contribute to the on-going planetary/Mars investigations with the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team, her interest and research of Martian anomalies spans nearly 40 years.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Timothy Saunders
Timothy Saunders is a British national who grew-up near to the south coast of the United Kingdom. Positively influenced by the nearby yachting and shipping scene, he chose his ideal career path at the age of ‘ten’ when he decided to become a yacht designer. He studied Industrial Design at the coveted Coventry University and is fortunate to have been chosen by many of the world’s highly revered yacht Design Studios to work on an array of live projects of different sizes, styles and uses, during what he affectionately calls his apprenticeship years. In 1999 Timothy established his independent Design Studio and rapidly became involved in originating a new generation of Super and Megayachts ranging in size from 9-270m (30-886 ft), which gained increasing positive notoriety while exhibiting his work at the Monaco Yacht Show and other prestigious venues. Timothy will see the launch of a 90m Megayacht and a 50m Super Sail yacht later this year and says, “it is very rewarding to breathe life into these innovative projects which are ultimately positive reflections of each satisfied Owner”. Timothy Saunders Yacht Design LTD continues to evolve and develop multiple iconic custom Super and Megayacht projects for local and international clients.
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Annetta Driskell
Annetta Driskell, is a renaissance woman with her feet firmly planted both in the real world and in the realm of Spirit.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
Keith Morgan
The Morgan Curve BLOG: YouTube Channel: |
Co-Producer and Sound Engineer for both 'The Other Side of Midnight' and 'The Other Side of the News.'
Keith Morgan has been an Electronics Technician with ABC News in Washington DC since February 1982 and retired in July 2011. He has a BA in Communications from Howard University with a minor in Computer Science. He helped build Howard University's TV station, WHMM, now WHUT. He worked at WRC Channel 4 in Washington in 1980. Keith is the discoverer of what has been coined the Morgan Curve on Mars. He has researched the Mars anomalies since 1988 after purchasing “The Monuments of Mars”. You can find Keith in Graham Hancock's book "The Mars Mystery", and Dr. Stanley McDaniel's "The McDaniel Report, as well as "The Monuments of Mars" second edition on, and "Dark Mission".
He worked with Nightline with Ted Koppel. Keith was instrumental in getting a face to face between Richard Hoagland and Ted Koppel. While at ABC he saw news casts, going to ABC affiliates, about inventors with technologies that could have got us off fossil fuels decades ago. Those were similar technologies that are just now coming into the mainstream today. He also supplied the Nightline show with information which was used in various shows about Mars and Europa.
Keith thinks he now knows why the face is on Mars, and who is buried within, based on Sumerian writings over 6000 years old.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Rick – Kynthea – Timothy – Annetta – Keith
I want to thank you all for having Richard Spence on your show. We learned so much about the history of Ukraine and how we got to the current state of affairs. He is such a good teacher and he has a clarity of thought that just is not found in mainstream commentators. Kynthea, in particular I want to complement you on your questions to Dr. Spence, which were respectful and allowed him the time to explain the situation.
Nope. Spence has no credibility any longer. Sadly he Is just a propaganda machine.
Time has shown Dr. Spence to be correct.