Tag Archives: Dave Distler
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NasaSpaceFlight.com EM Drive topic discussion on NASA Spaceflight Forum Dave Distler Dave was born in Germany and came to the US as a naturalized citizen at the age of two. Dave grew up just outside of Indianapolis, Indiana and attended Purdue University in the early 70s, studying to become an airline pilot. He left the university after realizing the airlines had a surplus of pilots to choose from the Vietnam War and worked full time as an electronics technician. Dave advanced in three companies over 35 years through Quality Control, Sales and Marketing and finally Product Line management in the Military/Aerospace marketplace for these manufacturers. Along the way, he obtained his Extra Class Ham License, designed and built his own Repeaters and Controllers, became a Genealogist, wrote three books and even helped produce a Documentary movie in 2013. Dave and his wife, Ellen, reside in Northeast Ohio, have two grown […]