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. Sterling Hill Website MTHFR Support social media page Store Social media platforms The founder of MTHFR Support, Sterling Hill , was a highly successful businesswoman for many years until 16 years ago when she became ill with clotting issues. She went from physician to physician but her condition progressively deteriorated. She lost everything. As traditional medical thinking was failing, she reached out to the alternative medicine community and the world of epigenetics. She learned the basis of her clotting issues resided in the sulfation and methylation cycle. After regaining her life from treatment, Sterling realized that the medical and lay community knew little of epigenetics and nutrigenomics. She realized that these subjects were of vast importance to the health of everyone on the planet, often being the proverbial “stone that was left unturned” in chronic illness of any type. As a result, Sterling […]

TOSN SHOWS COVID-19  •  Masks  •  Vaccines  •  Health  •  Regulatory Agencies  •  Plandemic & the Global Takeover  •  Protests •  Big Brother  •  5G / Telecommunications  •  Mind Control  •  Fake News  •  Sex and Child Trafficking • Why Isn’t This Shown on Mainstream?  Australian Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs / Legislation Committee In ancient times PEDOPHILES ruled because absolute power corrupts absolutely. AND, now people in powerful positions WORLDWIDE are enjoying the forbidden fruit, our children, and lots and lots of them and continue to get away with it because enough good people do nothing and our children are sacrificed. See this short video, this IS HAPPENING worldwide and blackmailing these horrible people is how the CCCIIIAAA controls it ALL.    

. Marc Hartzman The Big Book of Mars: Weird Historian: Hartzman’s Books: According to, Marc Hartzman is “one of America’s leading connoisseurs of the bizarre.” His passion for the unusual began at an early age, influenced by Ripley’s Believe It Or Not and the annual Guinness Books.  In addition to his books about Mars, Oliver Cromwell’s embalmed head, weird things on eBay, sideshow performers, and unorthodox messages from God, Hartzman has written for Mental Floss, the Huffington Post, AOL Weird News, and Bizarre magazine. He’s discussed oddities on CNN, MSNBC, Ripley’s Radio, and the Travel Channel’s Mysteries at the Museum.  When not writing about life’s peculiarities, Hartzman writes about various goods and services in the advertising industry.