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477 Comments so far:

  1. Doug Trieber says:

    You wonder how the split between Anthony and Huma could be newsworthy (I agree with you, btw) , when you discuss every conceivable reason the next president is packing arenas (2 a day) and dominating news cycles (most of those, liberal outlets trying to deny the reality), including hyper-dimensional and celestial portents. Maybe it’s as simple as good vs evil. The truth will eventually prevail.

  2. Kay says:

    Lack of comments, says a whole bunch of stuff.

    • MichaelMaher says:

      Not so much. Unlike 10 or 15 years ago, there are no more single point repositories for “comments”. Social media (check the host out on facebook for example) has spread things far & wide IMHO

      • Kay says:

        Huh? Home domicile Comments section not a place to comment, we must check all social media, again Huh.

  3. KarlGuder says:

    STILL waiting for that RSS (iPod) feed. If Coast-to-Coast can do it, why can’t you?

  4. Nancy says:

    Love and support the show and what you are trying to do. But could you please let your guests tell their stories? You repeatedly interrupt the guest, in your enthusiasm to “explain” in your terms, what the guest wants to say. And you often go on and on about your personal experiences while the guest seems to be intimidated by your dominance.
    Perhaps you should set aside one show a week (such as your 8/20 show) for your opinions and observations as you have much to contribute.
    Thank you.

    • I agree with you Nancy.

    • PeterKemmerer says:

      I agree with this, and have brought it up in the past here in the website comments. It’s maddening. I only tolerate it because many of the guests are very, very good, and they usually eventually get to more or less fully express their thoughts.

  5. Deborah cWilkin says:

    Richard- Thank you for leading us into the light. I am grateful for YOU every single day. You are our hope.

  6. Doug Trieber says:

    Looking at your revolvermap, your show is huuuge! USA is almost all red. Maybe you should run for Prez. Seriously, I hope come December, OSOM will pivot toward a more space and science based show. I get stressed all day about politics.

  7. Travis says:

    If you get a chance watch “Zietgiest the Movie”
    Part one explains how most religions are based on ancient astrological mythology.

  8. Darryl Bybee says:

    Might as well be listening to George Noory or Rush Limbaugh as tonight’s hosts. Radio off. Get well soon.

    • MichaelMaher says:

      I know, right.. 1st sentence “I’m not for either party” all succeeding “bash, bash, bash, bash, bash”
      Please don’t have Marrs on ever again, I prefer your show not Rush’s.

    • ThomasMetcalf says:

      Richard, that George Goble reference was priceless for I remember it well. Thanks for being there,Thomas.

  9. Gary says:

    Because the progressives designed it that way.

    That’s why Plain and simple, that’s WHY ONLY A FOOL votes for a Demicrat.

  10. Gary says:

    1 for safety
    2 if your powering your expensive servers and computers, monitors, and other electrical equipment on a overloaded residential wiring circuit your at high risk of causing terminal damage to some of your equipment because of the fluxes in electrical current you never even know are happening with so many amps being drawn. Get an electrican to run you a much thicker gauged commercial grade wiring and add it to your electrical panel so you have a much more stable and safe amount of amperage draw going through a wire circuit designed to handle that amount of draw. It won’t cost you that much money to have an electrican run you a deadicated run of wiring with 16 to 32 plug ins down one or two walls so you have plug ins located in various needed locations for the various equipment your powering

  11. Gary says:

    Your power problem is probably because your Tight Ass, is trying power a radio show/control room out of a residential house. You have more than likely been trying to pull so many Amps of juice that you’ve caused a small section of your inner wall (RESIDENTIAL) electrical wiring to actually cook and your probably very very luck that you haven’t burnt your whole house down from overloading the circuit in that area of your home.
    You need to call a local electrician out to your house and have him run you a Commercial grade wiring on a separate dedicated circuit that has capability to safely handle the much higher draw of amperage your pulling by trying to power all the normal household electrical products you have, plus all the additional loads that your and your producers computer stations are pulling.
    You ain’t got no damn cyber stalker doing stuff like that, you’ve overloaded the electrical wiring so badly that you’ve actually cooked the Cooper wire and turned it into carbon.

  12. CarolCureton says:

    We iPhone people sure could use an RSS feed so we can listen in the podcast app. PLEASE.

    • It is coming soon

    • GregStierley says:

      I second the motion. Thank goodness I’m not the only one, I’ve been going bonkers looking for it after just signing back up again for Club 19.5. I’m a few months behind I’m just now getting to May 1st.

      BTW – Love the show, even the bloopers. 🙂

      PS – I have a guest recommendation: Tracy Torme. Son of Mel Torme, Ufo researcher and TV writer/producer including Star Trek TNG, Sliders, and eventually he will release the film he’s working on with James Fox called “701”. Why is it called “701” you ask? Have him on and find out! 🙂

      • Paul says:

        Please let us know when is soon, I like many are not able to listen live or stream shows through the website. An RSS feed podcast download is our only way.

  13. Doug Trieber says:

    When you talk about religious fanaticism, usually the word Muslim comes up. But remember when Christians were blowing up abortion clinics, a lot of people don’t like science. Whenever I’m asked if I believe in creation or evolution. I say I believe God created evolution.

  14. Debbie Jennings says:

    Richard – it was a pleasure talking with you “on” and “off” the air about the Women Airforce Service Pilots – yesterday. I appreciate any connections you may have who might be able to help get their miniseries done. Finding the “right fit” has been difficult, but I never will give up on the dream. Take care.

  15. Doug Trieber says:

    Bob Lazar demonstrated that gravity does not have a rate of speed, it is instantaneous. He doesn’t know why, but thinks it’s because gravity distorts space. Do you think quantum entanglement has something to do with space/time distortion? Maybe with some kind of mix with electromagnetism and/or hyper dimensional physics? There must be some sort of correlation.

  16. MichaelMaher says:

    Could someone please tell me which show discussed the 1994 movie Roswell?
    I finally just watched it & would love to reflect on it within the scope of this show.
    Thank you!

  17. Gary says:

    Tonight, after watching THE DON toss his big ole Sac of BullNutts up on the podium, and rubbing them Nutts, all in Bill and Hillary Clinton’s face and in the whole Progressive party’s face, then letting them all goggle on them Nutts for a good Hour, I couldn’t decide if, all you’ll Zealot Progressives were either so viscously mad after watching Trumps Thumpen on worldwide Live TV they all went out and bought guns, Or if they have all Sunken so deeply into a Deep Dark irreversible state of Depression when they realized that the progressive WetDream is soon going to be over they just all hung theirselves knowing that it’s soon going to be all over, thanks to Crooked Hillary.

    • Gary says:

      Just think, over the next four years UNDER trump, us Americans will have such rare and lavish Luxuries as,
      Well get to actually touch Money again
      We’ll be able to afford to start Eating food again.
      We will be able to pay for more than a quarter tank of gas
      We’ll be able to afford more than just the leaner cuts of meat, like chicken Lips, and Buffalo feet.
      Liberials will have jobs and actually have to move out of their Mothers Basement
      Gosh, we won’t know how to act getting all those luxuries,

  18. Jess says:

    Laura Ingraham giving a Nazi salute is ludicrous. Several pics of Hillary with her arm extended the same way. Where was your concern then? Liberal bias much?

  19. PungoWookie says:

    Anniversary of the Viking Mission:

    Figure 2 under Bob’s items, the upper left picture bears a striking resemblance to the Master Control Program from the original Tron Movie

  20. PaulHall says:

    Richard Hoaglands appearances on the Kevin Smith Show were classic and priceless.

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