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Born in Mansfield, Nottinghamshire in November 1943, Leo became a professional musician at the age of 16 and as a founding member of the band Ten Years After, has been an on-stage eyewitness to some of the most pivotal moments in Rock and Roll history. He has produced records for UFO, Magnum, Waysted, Procol Harem, Frankie Miller, Richard and Linda Thompson, Brigitte St John, John Martin, Kevin Coyne, Sassy afras, MotorHead, Hatfield and The North, The Bogie Boys, The Winkies, Chris Farlowe, Chevy and many more. Leo continues to write for his tv and film and performs around the world.

Leo’s interests outside music include the paranormal, alternative medicine, martial arts and all new technology. He is a vegetarian, married with two grown up sons and currently resides in Cardiff, Wales.


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