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Guest Page Fast links to Items: Richard Fast links to Bios: Stephen Support The Other Side of Midnight! Deadline Hollywood Disclosure Alliance to finish their writing as the steamer was about to depart. Their normally neat hand writing became scribbled as they rushed to avoid missing the boat (According to family lore). The country girls from Iowa and early California would never have dreamed of such wild excitement and adventures could ever be theirs.If the Reality of “ETs and UFOs” is on the verge of being scientifically proven to be True — as a result of the myriad military and governmental investigations suddenly being launched into this previously “taboo” field …. Then– EVERYTHING we have been told — about the millennial-old “human story,” as pieced together by countless generations of anthropologists, ethnologists and archaeologists across the World — will ultimately HAVE to be– Radically retold! And, where do the […]