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Get ready for Other Side of Midnight-Friday into Saturday. Dr. Robin Falkov is  guesting for Richard C. Hoagland.  You are welcome to call in during the second hour.  Information on how to message me is all available below.

My friend and colleague, Adam Weissman, NYC Activist and Trade Treaty Analyst, with www.TradeJustice.net, will be on.  We’ll discuss the latest pressing concerns about the nightmare trade treaties, TPP and more…

We cannot be complacent… We must take action and call those we put in office. Require written confirmation… Keep this number for the Capitol Switchboard on your phone: 866-220-0044…And please remember – we are paying their salaries…


**If you would like to call in, please message Robin your phone number using Twitter or Facebook, and she will call you to be on air in the second hour.**

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  1. Response to 3/15/16 Peterson Inst. Pro-TPP Paper (Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch)
  2. Updated Factsheet:Job-Killing Trade Deficits Surge under FTAs: U.S. Trade Deficits Grow 418% with FTA Countries, but Decline 6% with Non-FTA Countries (Public Citizen’s Global Trade Watch)
  3. Trans-Pacific Partnership, currency manipulation, trade, and jobs (Economic Policy Institute)
  4. Trading Down: Unemployment, Inequality and Other Risks of the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement
  5. Peterson Institute Study Shows TPP Will Lead to $357 Billion Increase in Annual Imports
  6. Cancer Patient Lays Bare the Danger of TPP and the “Pharma Bro” Problem [News]
  7. tpp-seminar

 Special Guest Host: Dr. Robin Falkov

robinWebsites: Health Freedom Rights, FreedomSlips

Dr. Robin Falkov, Oriental Medical Doctor and Homeopathic Physician. Dr Falkov has additional training in areas of injection therapy, lifestyle optimizing, nutritional planning and more. She consults worldwide on Skype. Learn more about her 10 years of research in medicine for the future – Light Emitting Diode health technologies.

Tune in to “Event Horizons,” Dr. Falkov’s morning news radio MondayFriday, from 10-Noon ET @ www.freedomslips.com Studio A.

Guest: Adam Weissman

adam-weissmanWebsites: Global Justice for Animals and the Environment, TradeJustice

Adam Weissman is an organizer with Global Justice for Animals and the Environment (GJAE), an organization addressing the threat posed by free trade agreements to animals; the environment; safe, ethical, and sustainable food; and the human rights of environmental defenders.

Adam also represents Global Justice for Animals and the Environment in TradeJustice New York Metro, a coalition of organizations from diverse social justice and environmental movements working together to resist the NAFTA free trade model.

TradeJustice NY Metro Info

Email: [email protected]Web: http://tradejustice.net

Twitter: @OWSTradeJustice • FB Page: http://tradejustice.net/fbp • FB Group: http://tradejustice.net/fbg

Donate: http://tradejustice.net/donate • Email List Signup: http://tradejustice.net/elists

Photo Gallery: https://tradejustice.shutterfly.com/ • Youtube Channel: http://tradejustice.net/yt

Causes.com Profile: https://www.causes.com/tradejustice-ny-metro

Causes.com Campaign: https://www.causes.com/stoptpp

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