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Comments Off on 2017/11/11 – James Brown, Dr. Carmen Boulter – Pyramid Mystery Solved? / Daniel Sheehan, Leslie Regier – Was the 11/7/17 Election …”the Turning”

  Tonight’s Items – Was the 11/7/17 Election … “the Turning?” : Richard’s Items: 1- History of Veterans Day – Office of Public and Intergovernmental Affairs       2- Democrats send Trump and Trumpism a firm message with election night thrashing     Daniel Sheehan -–In-Depth Bio: https://danielpsheehan.com/about/biography Websites: https://romeroinstitute.org/ https://danielpsheehan.com/ Daniel Sheehan -– Leading lawsuits to expose structural injustice Daniel Sheehan is president and co-founder of the Romero Institute and the former president and co-founder of the Christic Institute.Carrying degrees from Harvard College and Harvard Law School, Daniel has helped lead more than a dozen lawsuits of historic importance, including three Supreme Court cases. Among the lawsuits Mr. Sheehan has joined are as follows: The Pentagon Papers Case (New York Times Co. v United States) Eisenstadt v. Baird In re Pappas: Branzburg v. Hayes The Watergate Burglary Case (United States v. George Gordon Liddy, et al.) The Wounded Knee Trials Morton v. Mancari […]

Richard’s Items 1. Donald Trump defends tweet blasted as anti-Semitic 2. Gretchen Carlson of Fox News Files Harassment Suit Against Roger Ailes 3. Forty-three years after Watergate, Hillary Clinton is the new Richard Nixon 4. Trump gets it right on Saddam James’ Items       www.electricancientegyptians.com James Brown’s journey began in 1977 with an epiphany regarding the nature of pyramids. This epiphany led to a relentless desire to comprehend the true purpose of the Great Pyramid of Giza and how the ancient Egyptians understood and used natural forms of energy such as lightning, static electricity, and telluric currents.  The result is his ground-breaking book, Electric Ancient Egyptians: Penetrating The Atom With Electrified Sperm. This work is a radical re-interpretation of ancient Egyptian art and symbols. Brown’s no-nonsense approach to understanding what is being communicated through pictures presents a fascinating alternate view and sheds light on how much the ancient Egyptians understood and […]