James Martinez Expanded Bio
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James Martinez
James Martinez is a Media Ecologist, radio personality and pioneer in the fields of disruptive technologies and effects on culture and human awareness. Born in San Diego, California he became a pioneer in radio communications and behavior modification. After attending University he began working for a retired Federal Officer and later one retired Navel Intelligence Officer. Years in the investigative field lead to his work with the late Walter Bowart an American leader in the counter culture movement of the 1960s and founder of the first underground newspaper in New York City, The East Village Other and author of “OPERATION MIND CONTROL” Mr. Bowart took him under his wing and furthered his training in media, behavior modification, neuro-linguistics and hypnosis. Prior to Walter’s training Mr. Martinez worked under the guidance of the world’s top female remote viewer Marianne S. and former O.S.S. officer Virgil Armstrong. Because of his unusual skills and training he was then placed on the Board of Advisors of the Freedom of Thought Foundation with such luminaries as the late Walter Bowart author of “OPERATION MIND CONTROL” Col. Fletcher Prouty author of “The Secret Team” and Col. Thomas Bearden author of “The Excalibur Briefing” and a list of anonymous military and non military psychologists and psychiatrists who were in unilateral agreement for the human right of Cognitive Liberty and the repeal of the National Security Act of 1947. After participating in the publication of Volume 2 of “OPERATION MIND CONTROL” the worldwide exposure of MK-ULTRA was global and soon he became aware that the future of Freedom itself was at stake. Because of the current state of affairs behind the National Security Curtain and discoveries in the technological world The Freedom of Thought Foundation and it’s members publicly stated that the 1989 the discovery made by Pons & Fleishman introduced as Cold Fusion would be endorsed and supported as a antidote to heal the planet and mankind’s self destructive path ahead.
In 2007 Mr. Martinez was elected Director of Public Affairs for S.O.M.A. Corporation (Semiotic Off-Screen Media Affairs) The first consulting firm ever designed to use technology for behavior modification and healing the public through various the modalities of print, film, radio, television and computer simulation.
Soon thereafter, a career in Radio Broadcasting began. It was at this time James Martinez Live was born. He first appeared on Republic Broadcasting Network where he became the first broadcaster in history to take down the banking industry in excess of $850 million dollars by creating legal countermeasures to relieve people from bank fraud and debt management companies. After working at a radio broadcasting network he soon decided to take complete creative control and Executive Produce his own broadcast where he went public on the entire banking industry fraud at the Achieve Radio Network. It was at this time that he caught International attention addressing the effects of the electrocution of money. Long before financial experts on this subject matter appeared on other media environments he was liberating the public through education, law and neuro-linguistics. While these strategies are not limited to credit cards Mr. Martinez has successfully fought for the public in foreclosure issues on properties and successfully has empowered clients all over the world.
In response to International Corporate and banking abuse against the human race and the planet, Mr. Martinez began his public campaign for the deployment of man’s greatest invention since the wheel. Cold Fusion. Also referred to as L.E.N.R. or low energy nuclear reactions. Due to overwhelming public demand the launch of ColdFusionNow.org was born. Thanks to the cooperation and assistance of writers and enthusiasts from all over the world. ColdFusionNow.org was the public’s first response and demand for this breakthrough energy. In the fall of 2012 James Martinez appeared in“The Believers”, a documentary movie released with great reviews and Winner of the Gold Hugo Award at the Chicago Film Festival as well as nominated for “Best Contemporary Issue Documentary” by the Doc-Miami International Film Festival. “The Believers” has now been screened all over the world. Mr. Martinez appeared as one of the Keynote speakers in first ever Global Break-Through Energy Movement Conference held in Holland and Colorado discussing Cold Fusion in media.
After much public endorsement and publicity and supporting proof of Marshall McLuhan’s Laws of Media he was asked to be on the Board of Advisors of the Marshall McLuhan Center on Global Communications alongside Presidential Medal of Freedom winner Vint Cerf.
Mr. Martinez has been interviewed on local, National and International radio networks and Dutch TV. His first on camera interviews were done by Regina Meredith of Gaiam TV and later appeared on “BuzzSaw” hosted by Sean Stone. His financial media ecology has been the inspiration of Universities in Canada and the U.S as well as websites such as The Misery Ghost and others. Martinez has appeared in Sovereign Mind Magazine and was published in “The World I Dream Of” by Curt Butz. A collection of essay’s from a hundred people who were changing the world.
Martinez has interviewed experts in their field from all over the world. These include Civil Rights Activists, Lawyers, Authors, Media-Theorists, Intelligence Officers, Film makers and Scientists.
“Cash Flow” will go down in history as one of the greatest broadcasts ever. It was the first sanctioned radio broadcast with a warning and disclaimer because of its influence on human behavior. Because of it’s slight of mouth effect on human behavior it became necessary and apparent that the responsibility of the listener be emphasized first and foremost. Acoustic consensual training combined, pattern interruption and cellular reconstruction with biological impact made this broadcast unlike anything else in the world. For “those that No. Know.” When this broadcast concluded all archives were taken down and stored in private locations for historical purposes.
During his years of broadcasting on radio America’s most famous American Indian Russell Means requested the first donated Cold Fusion device for the world be donated to The Russell Means Library for Standing Rock Lakota Nation and for Russell Means being the first public figure to support Cold Fusion in the history of the world. The Lakota Sioux Council became for the first country in the world to sanction and endorse cold fusion technology to be integrated into a Sovereign Nation. This historical endeavor was arranged by Martinez and MIT Fellow Phyllis Young.
Consequently, year’s later Martinez organized the most public successful peaceful protest in U.S. history. The U.S. Veteran stand off at Standing Rock co opted by MIT Fellow Phyllis Young and Wesley Clark Jr. which concluded with a healing ceremony watched by the world’s press. Though the entire press censored what actually took place in the coming months Martinez will go public in the near future after the release of the upcoming film “End of the Line” Directed by Emmy Award winning Director Shannon Kring.
In January of 2018 Martinez spoke at the first Oceti Sakowin Energy Summit with members of MIT where he spoke about the future of currency and Cold Fusion and the Lakota Sioux effect of public policy and effects world-wide.
Coming in 2018: Media ecological ramifications of the release Nano-Technology to the public in the form of C60. The BuckministerFullerene for human consumption. The resurrection of The Freedom of Thought Foundation 2.0 The Global Currency reset in action. The world’s first Cold Fusion Trade Association. Electric Gold backed currencies. Neurological enhancement. 3D Printing and Robotics. Cold Fusion deployment. Legislation of Thought. Invisibility in an Electric World. Artificial “Emotional” Intelligence and all the media ecological effects thereof.
James Martinez is the Director of Intelligence For TruGold and has had briefings with D.I.T.R.A. (Defense Threat Reduction Agency) and is in current negotiations with multiple countries governments for the world’s first Cryptographic Energy Vault powered by cold fusion.