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Richard’s Items:
1. Game On! 2016 Olympics Underway After Bumpy Start
From Greg Ahrens:
Brief analysis of the Opening Ceremonies of the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil:
Keith’s Items:
1. The Phoenix Incident – Official Trailer
Creative Director / President of PCB Productions, Keith Arem brings
over 20 years of interdisciplinary experience to his work in film, music,
interactive and AAA video games.
Arem is the talent director for many of the top grossing game titles in history, including Call of Duty: Black Ops 1 & 2, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 1, 2 & 3. Keith has worked with clients such as Activision, Ubisoft, Sony, Electronic Arts, Microsoft, Fox, and Disney and has recorded and produced over 600 commercial releases, including the Call of Duty series, Saints Row series, Ghost Recon series, Spiderman Series, Tony Hawk Pro Skater Series, Persona series, Rainbow Six series and Titanfall.
Integrating his musical background (Contagion / Capitol Records) with his talents as a director / creator / writer, Keith weaves rich immersive stories across multiple platforms and formats. His feature film directorial debut, The Phoenix Incident, will be released 2016. Arem’s other creator-owned graphic novel properties are in development for feature films, television, games and transmedia experiences.
From Keith:
I want to believe that we’re not alone. I come from an engineering background, I work in entertainment, I love great stories, but I need evidence.
I grew up in Arizona and personally witnessed many unexplained events over the skies. The Phoenix Lights was the largest mass sighting in the U.S. and almost 30,000 civilians witnessed the incredible incident. It was an event that has become extremely controversial over the years, since the military claims the sighting was nothing more than flares dropped from A-10 Thunderbolts. The “lights” travelled from the Nevada border, across Flagstaff, then over Phoenix and disappeared over the Estrella Mountains. It’s difficult to believe flares could fly in formation for several hours over that span of distance. Even the State Governor and Senator John McCain launched investigations into the Lights.
It’s impossible to believe we are alone in the universe. With an infinite universe of galaxies, containing billions of solar systems, it seems unimaginable to think that life couldn’t exist anywhere else but Earth. But if life does exist elsewhere, where are they? How can the thousands of UFO sightings, blurred images, and distorted pictures offer no conclusive evidence, and high ranking officials claim they’re simply weather balloons, swamp gasses, or atmospheric phenomenon. Why hasn’t our government told us the truth about is really happening in our skies above? The Phoenix Incident is a journey into the terrifying reality of what may have happened on the fateful night of March 13, 1997 in Phoenix Arizona – The night of the largest mass UFO sighting in U.S. history “The Phoenix Lights”. Through the course of working on dozens of military productions, I had the opportunity to meet with investigative journalists and military advisors, who provided me with compelling confidential information about the true nature of this incredible sighting. Based on this information, I combined eyewitness testimony and actual events to reconstruct the incident of March 13, 1997, exposing the largest military UFO cover-up in United States history. The truth needs to come out. We need disclosure.
….the hour is later……it may be the ets can save our bacon……merely by demonstrating their presence……who would do the demonstrating…? anyone….the ets….mr hoagland…elmer gantry……anyone with the true grit to take the heat…..
On My the connections do make a very fascinating story. sharing this for sure
Poor guy can’t get a word in edgewise without being interrupted and spoken over.