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Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
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Political Activist, Sheila Lewis Ealey’s stamina, faith and courage are an inspiration to parents across the country. She has traveled extensively, advocating for medical freedom and parental rights and was featured in the documentaries Vaxxed and Medical Racism, the New Apartheid. Sheila has helped many understand their Sovereign Rights and create community supportive alliances. Sharing practical ways for parents to support injured children with home schooling, literally, she worked a miracle in her son’s life and is having an wide impact on the care and treatment of these disabled children.
Sheila L. Ealey,
Associated with:
Dr. Sheila Lewis Ealey and her boy/girl twins, Temple and Lucinda, were featured in the documentaries Vaxxed and Medical Racism, the New Apartheid.
She has traveled extensively, advocating for medical freedom and parental rights.
She is an educator for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and was the founder and director of a day school for more than ten years, educating children with severe autism.
Sheila educates disenfranchised parents about their fundamental right to religious and philosophical exemptions. She teaches parents of children newly diagnosed with autism and other learning disabilities how to live sustainably on a limited budget and the importance of nutritional foods and biomedical interventions for optimum health and healing.
Currently, she is an Assistant Content Director for Stand for Health Freedom, a board member with Children's Health Defense, and a Trustee with the Autism Trust USA.
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Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Darlene Ondi has a drive for excellence. Known as the "Go-To" Person, her talents as Executive Coordinator for two global CEOs, supported her in working with women all over the world to yield a revenue of over $1 Million.
Currently, she is working to bring awareness to the world as an Activist. She participates and facilitates Freedom Rallys where Canadians gather to Defend their Sovereign Rights. Darlene is a magnet for high vibration people, one might call her an Intuitive connector. Not only does she have a knack for bringing together collaborators of like-mind, she also is adept in tracking the details of production, to make sure the events achieve their goals.
Darlene is a potent speaker, able to convey the important details with an uplifting vision and she has co-authored several books.
As a trusted colleague and valued liaison, Darlene assists with promoting and providing impactful and insightful collaborations. She recently emceed an historic assembly in Canada, and works closely with exceptional peers such as Ted Kuntz, President of Vaccine Choice Canada, Tanya Gaw of Action4Canada, and David Lindsay of C.L.E.A.R. (Common Law Education and Rights)
She has been an invaluable guest scout and liaison for 'The Other Side of the News.'
Darlene believes in Freedom, Empowerment, and BEing your Highest most Magnificent Self. Working on a project dealing with OBEs, NDEs and other "out of the box" experiences, she reminds others that to come from a place of truth, compassion, and happiness are virtues to strive for.
Darlene radiates health...and so, people seek her out to learn how they too can enjoy health and wellness. Through her own journey, she has come to understand the importance of good nutrition and on a deeper level, one's beliefs, that "as a man/woman thinketh, so he/she is."
Darlene is about helping people and she lives by two mantras...KNOW THYSELF and TREAT OTHERS AS YOU CHOOSE TO BE TREATED!
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Show Items
Sheila’s Items:
1. Sheila Lewis Ealey REVOLUTION FOR TRUTH March 31, 2017 D.C.
2. Sheila Ealey
An Informed Life Radio
5. Sheila Lewis Ealey at VIE Event in Washington DC 11 14 19
6. Oprah – please meet Sheila Lewis Ealey
7. Robert DeNiro Debates Autism’s Link To Vaccines | TODAY
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Kynthea’s Items:
1. Why Hide What Happens in the First Two Weeks After Injection?
2. Investigation: Deaths among Teenagers have increased by 47% in the UK since they started getting the Covid-19 Vaccine according to official ONS data
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Annetta’s Items:
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Kynthea is the Co-Founder of Global Peace Media, Co-Host/Producer of "The Other Side of the News" and previous Producer for "The Other Side of Midnight."
She collaborates with pioneers of the future to create thought-provoking shows that serve as a catalyst for change to bring about a better world for all. Kynthea brings a broad insight to the discussion of the emergence of Universal Consciousness.
Together with Richard C. Hoagland, she studied the first Cydonia photos from Mars and helped organize the early Mars investigation and spear-headed several Mars Rallys at JPL in Pasedena, California. She was the first to sculpt the incredibly controversial Face on Mars...followed by numerous sequential sculptures as new data continued to arrive.
Kynthea continues to support and contribute to the on-going planetary/Mars investigations with the Enterprise Mission Imaging Team, her interest and research of Martian anomalies spans nearly 40 years.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Annetta Driskell
Annetta Driskell, is a renaissance woman with her feet firmly planted both in the real world and in the realm of Spirit.
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Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith
Keith Morgan
The Morgan Curve BLOG: YouTube Channel: |
Co-Producer and Sound Engineer for both 'The Other Side of Midnight' and 'The Other Side of the News.'
Keith Morgan has been an Electronics Technician with ABC News in Washington DC since February 1982 and retired in July 2011. He has a BA in Communications from Howard University with a minor in Computer Science. He helped build Howard University's TV station, WHMM, now WHUT. He worked at WRC Channel 4 in Washington in 1980. Keith is the discoverer of what has been coined the Morgan Curve on Mars. He has researched the Mars anomalies since 1988 after purchasing “The Monuments of Mars”. You can find Keith in Graham Hancock's book "The Mars Mystery", and Dr. Stanley McDaniel's "The McDaniel Report, as well as "The Monuments of Mars" second edition on, and "Dark Mission".
He worked with Nightline with Ted Koppel. Keith was instrumental in getting a face to face between Richard Hoagland and Ted Koppel. While at ABC he saw news casts, going to ABC affiliates, about inventors with technologies that could have got us off fossil fuels decades ago. Those were similar technologies that are just now coming into the mainstream today. He also supplied the Nightline show with information which was used in various shows about Mars and Europa.
Keith thinks he now knows why the face is on Mars, and who is buried within, based on Sumerian writings over 6000 years old.
Guest Page
Fast links to Items: Sheila – Kynthea – Annetta
Fast links to Bios: Sheila – Darlene – Kynthea – Annetta – Keith